Crystal Guardians
The soldiers who protect the Crystal Empire
last updated about 2 years ago
A group out for power
last updated about 3 years ago
The Crystal Keepers
Pureborn Alicorns who are highly revered by all of Alidia. They are in charge of the equally sacred Crystal Trees.
last updated about 2 years ago
The Five Wizards
D) Star Swirl's fellow wizards, who helped him raise and lower the sun and moon, and take care of The Royal Sisters
last updated 8 months ago
The Lost Sisters
The daughters of Andromeda, who were separated soon after their birth
last updated over 2 years ago
The Mantle
A group of six highly adept alicorns, each in charge of different parts of Alidia.
last updated about 2 years ago
The Pillars of Equestria
last updated over 2 years ago
The Royal Sisters
The three daughters of Queen Lauren: Celestia, Andromeda, and Luna
last updated over 2 years ago
The Terminal
Mostly older men and women, infected by the radiation of WW3. Their skin is sickly, and covered in boils and bruises. They wander aimlessly, and when they encounter a normal human they go crazy, doing everything in their power to destroy the human...all while moaning and shrieking in agony.
last updated about 3 years ago
The Village Guard
Protectors of the village surrounding the House of the Wizards
last updated about 3 years ago