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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I was raised in christianity, I am well aware of how it works for them :)

Broski I’m sorry if I came off as rude fam. It was not my intent homie. I was trying to explain how my religion and culture mix but it’s hard. Really really hard. I probably should have used better structure and not have used the wide band of Christianity itself. My apologies.

nah it didn't come off as rude! my apologies if I did lol

Bro look at us being humans to each other 😂 you’re good fam! I was just worried that I had upset you or something and I was like oh gee no… But we’re all Gucci.


I was raised in christianity, I am well aware of how it works for them :)

Broski I’m sorry if I came off as rude fam. It was not my intent homie. I was trying to explain how my religion and culture mix but it’s hard. Really really hard. I probably should have used better structure and not have used the wide band of Christianity itself. My apologies.

nah it didn't come off as rude! my apologies if I did lol

Bro look at us being humans to each other 😂 you’re good fam! I was just worried that I had upset you or something and I was like oh gee no… But we’re all Gucci.

lol yeah

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Let’s all terrribly describe our handwriting

I’ll go first:

  • A mixture of cursive and the signature you get from your doctor for a prescription

Either the letters of a 2nd grader or doctors cursive, depending on the class

Very illegible, very beautiful cursive. Or fancy lettering.

Either Scottish looking cursive or chicken scratch. You’ll see what I mean by Scottish cursive if you look it up. It has like it’s own little font type.

Fluctuating letters with varying levels of legibility

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Is summoning demons real?

Not with that aditude it ain’t
I dunno, possibly depending on what you believe

yeah this is exactly it. it depends on what you believe though you absolutely should not be summoning them "for fun" or anything of the sort. demon-work requires a lot of protection and caution


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Have you ever thought that pants and skirts should be reversed like the “male” wear skirts and the “female” wear the pants? Like if you look at anatomy it’s all wrong. Pants are better suited for beings without (for humor terms please bear with me here), a gear shift and skirts are better suited for beings with a gear shift. The Scots had it right all along. They had it right. Society just changed it. With that knowledge, I suggest we should bring it back. Bring back the Gaelic era but with modern supplies. Kilts and pants for everyone.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas is better in my opinion

Yes! Though both are good songs.

Mmmhmmmmm and Kansas being better has nothing to do with a certain show about some spooky stuff going on 😂


@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas is better in my opinion

Yes! Though both are good songs.

Mmmhmmmmm and Kansas being better has nothing to do with a certain show about some spooky stuff going on 😂


You were going hmm I wonder if I can summon Sy with this. It worked. 🤣

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Have you ever thought that pants and skirts should be reversed like the “male” wear skirts and the “female” wear the pants? Like if you look at anatomy it’s all wrong. Pants are better suited for beings without (for humor terms please bear with me here), a gear shift and skirts are better suited for beings with a gear shift. The Scots had it right all along. They had it right. Society just changed it. With that knowledge, I suggest we should bring it back. Bring back the Gaelic era but with modern supplies. Kilts and pants for everyone.

Ah yes. To feel a breeze blow by my "gear shift!" 🤣


Is summoning demons real?

Not with that aditude it ain’t
I dunno, possibly depending on what you believe

yeah this is exactly it. it depends on what you believe though you absolutely should not be summoning them "for fun" or anything of the sort. demon-work requires a lot of protection and caution


It works off of belief. I'm not going into it bc I know I can't explain it well enough to satisfy your curiousity lol

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Is summoning demons real?

Not with that aditude it ain’t
I dunno, possibly depending on what you believe

yeah this is exactly it. it depends on what you believe though you absolutely should not be summoning them "for fun" or anything of the sort. demon-work requires a lot of protection and caution


It works off of belief. I'm not going into it bc I know I can't explain it well enough to satisfy your curiousity lol

Say if you believe that a barrier of salt can protect you. A line of salt in doorways and at windows would keep spirits out.

If you believe that the Holy Cross will keep demons at bay, it will.

Typically it ties into your own spiritual beliefs/religion.

@PurplePartyTiger language

typewriter noises
Day one of befriending the crows.

I sat in the backyard with three crackers on the grass in front of me, and a sheet of tinfoil wrapped around my arm. However, this method of attracting the birds was unsuccessful, largely due to the various lawnmowers going about their duties in the vicinity. No crows in sight, understandably so.

So I waited indoors until the mechanical bovines had been put away. Since the crows were still in hiding, I placed a single cracker on the grass for them, hoping to lure them out, and went back inside.

The cracker disappeared. When I investigated the area the cracker once inhabited, there was a single crow in a nearby tree. Growing excited, I placed the last two crackers on the ground and hurried back inside, watching through the window with my binoculars.

And there was the crow, happily pecking away at the food laid out for him.

Day one successful.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Is summoning demons real?

Not with that aditude it ain’t
I dunno, possibly depending on what you believe

yeah this is exactly it. it depends on what you believe though you absolutely should not be summoning them "for fun" or anything of the sort. demon-work requires a lot of protection and caution


It works off of belief. I'm not going into it bc I know I can't explain it well enough to satisfy your curiousity lol

Say if you believe that a barrier of salt can protect you. A line of salt in doorways and at windows would keep spirits out.

If you believe that the Holy Cross will keep demons at bay, it will.

Typically it ties into your own spiritual beliefs/religion.

That sounds like the belief that our minds can control the laws of the universe

@CaseyJ group

Is summoning demons real?

Not with that aditude it ain’t
I dunno, possibly depending on what you believe

yeah this is exactly it. it depends on what you believe though you absolutely should not be summoning them "for fun" or anything of the sort. demon-work requires a lot of protection and caution


It works off of belief. I'm not going into it bc I know I can't explain it well enough to satisfy your curiousity lol

Say if you believe that a barrier of salt can protect you. A line of salt in doorways and at windows would keep spirits out.

If you believe that the Holy Cross will keep demons at bay, it will.

Typically it ties into your own spiritual beliefs/religion.

And if you don't have spiritual beliefs/religion?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Is summoning demons real?

Not with that aditude it ain’t
I dunno, possibly depending on what you believe

yeah this is exactly it. it depends on what you believe though you absolutely should not be summoning them "for fun" or anything of the sort. demon-work requires a lot of protection and caution


It works off of belief. I'm not going into it bc I know I can't explain it well enough to satisfy your curiousity lol

Say if you believe that a barrier of salt can protect you. A line of salt in doorways and at windows would keep spirits out.

If you believe that the Holy Cross will keep demons at bay, it will.

Typically it ties into your own spiritual beliefs/religion.

And if you don't have spiritual beliefs/religion?


@PurplePartyTiger language

You keep doing that, they’ll learn quick that you are a place for food and safety. The challenge that I am getting ready to do is befriend the deer trying to eat the very not ripe grapes. Day one was very not successful.

I won't be able to befriend the deer unfortunately, we plan to go bow hunting in the future 'X)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

You keep doing that, they’ll learn quick that you are a place for food and safety. The challenge that I am getting ready to do is befriend the deer trying to eat the very not ripe grapes. Day one was very not successful.

I won't be able to befriend the deer unfortunately, we plan to go bow hunting in the future 'X)

I mean you could. But that wouldn’t be too ethical to hunt an animal that you befriended.

@Space group

Have you ever thought that pants and skirts should be reversed like the “male” wear skirts and the “female” wear the pants? Like if you look at anatomy it’s all wrong. Pants are better suited for beings without (for humor terms please bear with me here), a gear shift and skirts are better suited for beings with a gear shift. The Scots had it right all along. They had it right. Society just changed it. With that knowledge, I suggest we should bring it back. Bring back the Gaelic era but with modern supplies. Kilts and pants for everyone.

Ah yes. To feel a breeze blow by my "gear shift!" 🤣

Thank you for that, Sy. I'm wheezing XD