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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Y'all ever heard of sleep paralysis?

yeah, idk much about it but i find it kinda fascinating

Someone: Trying to sleep
Brain: “Wanna see you worst nightmares in reality”
Someone: “No”
Brain: “Well now you can’t move or say anything”

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Y'all ever heard of sleep paralysis?

yeah, idk much about it but i find it kinda fascinating

Someone: Trying to sleep
Brain: “Wanna see you worst nightmares in reality”
Someone: “No”
Brain: “Well now you can’t move or say anything”

oh yikes

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Y'all ever heard of sleep paralysis?

yeah, idk much about it but i find it kinda fascinating

Someone: Trying to sleep
Brain: “Wanna see you worst nightmares in reality”
Someone: “No”
Brain: “Well now you can’t move or say anything”

I’ve had something like that, except I sat up in my bed and felt something looking at me and I got out of my bed pointed at its general location and said no and went to the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom there was no spooky thing waiting to jump me. It left. Whatever it was, was okay enough. The spooky thing a ma bob knew what consent was, and left when I told it no.


Y'all ever heard of sleep paralysis?

yeah, idk much about it but i find it kinda fascinating

Someone: Trying to sleep
Brain: “Wanna see you worst nightmares in reality”
Someone: “No”
Brain: “Well now you can’t move or say anything”

I’ve had something like that, except I sat up in my bed and felt something looking at me and I got out of my bed pointed at its general location and said no and went to the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom there was no spooky thing waiting to jump me. It left. Whatever it was, was okay enough. The spooky thing a ma bob knew what consent was, and left when I told it no.

Creepy thing: “I fear no man, but that thing”
Winter: not even batting an eye and pointing “no”
Creepy thing: “it scares me”


I'm doing my final project for my Stats class comparing serial killers from 1900-1949 and 1950-1999 and what I've noticed is that those from 1900-1949 have more women, more serial killers who killed in larger groups, and they had cooler names

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I'm doing my final project for my Stats class comparing serial killers from 1900-1949 and 1950-1999 and what I've noticed is that those from 1900-1949 have more women, more serial killers who killed in larger groups, and they had cooler names


@PurplePartyTiger language

Closest I've gotten to this sleep paralysis stuff was when, with my eyes shut, I heard hangars scraping over the bar in my closet. I opened my eyes a tad and saw someone standing there. Assuming it was my S.O., I sat up, but the figure just disappeared. And S.O. was asleep right next to me.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Most of the creepy stuff happens in my dreams, as opposed to irl when I'm trying to sleep. I can't say I have nightmares tho, cuz I just beat the crap out of them. >:)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Y'all ever heard of sleep paralysis?

yeah, idk much about it but i find it kinda fascinating

Someone: Trying to sleep
Brain: “Wanna see you worst nightmares in reality”
Someone: “No”
Brain: “Well now you can’t move or say anything”

I’ve had something like that, except I sat up in my bed and felt something looking at me and I got out of my bed pointed at its general location and said no and went to the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom there was no spooky thing waiting to jump me. It left. Whatever it was, was okay enough. The spooky thing a ma bob knew what consent was, and left when I told it no.

Creepy thing: “I fear no man, but that thing”
Winter: not even batting an eye and pointing “no”
Creepy thing: “it scares me”

When ur people could probably be descended from the fae, the cryptids are scared of you. I’m the ooga booga to the cryptids, mwahahaha

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Most of the creepy stuff happens in my dreams, as opposed to irl when I'm trying to sleep. I can't say I have nightmares tho, cuz I just beat the crap out of them. >:)

Shoot I’ve had dreams where I’ve fought some dark and jacked up stuff and woken up with bruises and bleeding from scratches on my body and I was like, oh. Okay. Note to self, the dream baddies do leave marks. So now, I’ve got to figure out how to dream some sort of protection and a better weapon, bc all I’ve been doing is aggressively taunting and fist fighting shadowy figures. So ya know there’s that.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Most of the creepy stuff happens in my dreams, as opposed to irl when I'm trying to sleep. I can't say I have nightmares tho, cuz I just beat the crap out of them. >:)

Shoot I’ve had dreams where I’ve fought some dark and jacked up stuff and woken up with bruises and bleeding from scratches on my body and I was like, oh. Okay. Note to self, the dream baddies do leave marks. So now, I’ve got to figure out how to dream some sort of protection and a better weapon, bc all I’ve been doing is aggressively taunting and fist fighting shadowy figures. So ya know there’s that.

Yeah all I can say is, just be real careful with it. Don't go in too deep.


yeah. Winter, you miiight want to look into some sigils/circles/talismans/etc for protection, bc dreams should not be leaving physical marks, and if they are then that could be a sign of something truly malevolent

or alternatively it's some weird medical condition? or (idr if you live with a partner or not) maybe your partner has sharp nails and is hurting you by mistake in their sleep?

@PurplePartyTiger language

I mean I don’t try it just kinda happens. Kinda like that blue talking squid who told me not to swim in the water in a dream and I was like I like ur funny words magic man.

I woke up one morning absolutely CONVINCED – that I had to give my older brother a cookie.
What cookie from where, no idea.

@PurplePartyTiger language

yeah. Winter, you miiight want to look into some sigils/circles/talismans/etc for protection, bc dreams should not be leaving physical marks, and if they are then that could be a sign of something truly malevolent

or alternatively it's some weird medical condition? or (idr if you live with a partner or not) maybe your partner has sharp nails and is hurting you by mistake in their sleep?

Something along the lines of what I was thinking. Except perhaps its unintentionally self-inflicted. I know I flail around a bit in my sleep, I've accidentally whacked my partner a few times lol.


yeah. Winter, you miiight want to look into some sigils/circles/talismans/etc for protection, bc dreams should not be leaving physical marks, and if they are then that could be a sign of something truly malevolent

or alternatively it's some weird medical condition? or (idr if you live with a partner or not) maybe your partner has sharp nails and is hurting you by mistake in their sleep?

Something along the lines of what I was thinking. Except perhaps its unintentionally self-inflicted. I know I flail around a bit in my sleep, I've accidentally whacked my partner a few times lol.

yeah, which in that case might be worth setting up a camera for a night or two to see if that's it

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

yeah. Winter, you miiight want to look into some sigils/circles/talismans/etc for protection, bc dreams should not be leaving physical marks, and if they are then that could be a sign of something truly malevolent

or alternatively it's some weird medical condition? or (idr if you live with a partner or not) maybe your partner has sharp nails and is hurting you by mistake in their sleep?

Pffftttttt I have the blue jays homie. They’re doing a good job. However, I do have a recurring problem with a cardinal hitting my window every morning. Like clockwork. And my dog takes cares of that. She’ll go bark at it and it’ll leave for a little bit.