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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So, It's like 8:00 at night, I'm doing some art, the whole apartment is watching Bluey, we're chilling. In walks our friends, "My sister's bringing all of her DnD books over and we're going to play" They say. "Who's DMing " I ask
Me, It was me, they didn't realize that I have to you know prep before a game so we spend the next three ish hours rolling and setting up everyone's characters and then I have approximately ten minutes to prepare before I'm running a 7 player game. So that just happened. Um, yeah it wasn't a complete train wreck I was very surprised because half of them hadn't played before. It went ok, and apparently this is a thing now, so I need to plan a Campaign.

I've never played dnd (I want to but nobody nearby plays it) so the entire time my brain went "I like your words magic man" but I wish you the absolute most best of luck

I know very little, but I can send you some ideas.


So, It's like 8:00 at night, I'm doing some art, the whole apartment is watching Bluey, we're chilling. In walks our friends, "My sister's bringing all of her DnD books over and we're going to play" They say. "Who's DMing " I ask
Me, It was me, they didn't realize that I have to you know prep before a game so we spend the next three ish hours rolling and setting up everyone's characters and then I have approximately ten minutes to prepare before I'm running a 7 player game. So that just happened. Um, yeah it wasn't a complete train wreck I was very surprised because half of them hadn't played before. It went ok, and apparently this is a thing now, so I need to plan a Campaign.

I've never played dnd (I want to but nobody nearby plays it) so the entire time my brain went "I like your words magic man" but I wish you the absolute most best of luck

I know very little, but I can send you some ideas.

I've had one bouncing around in my brain for a while so It's not like I'm entirely unprepared. But I would love any Idea's

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Let’s all terrribly describe our handwriting

I’ll go first:

  • A mixture of cursive and the signature you get from your doctor for a prescription

Either the letters of a 2nd grader or doctors cursive, depending on the class

Very illegible, very beautiful cursive. Or fancy lettering.

The quick scrawl of an eight year old genius

@CaseyJ group

Just me, sitting in my room, with my bird, silently vibing.

Bruh if I had a bird, I would teach it curses in Gaelic.

My bird only ever calls the dog "comere dobi" over and over again, and he laughs at me ;-;

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Just me, sitting in my room, with my bird, silently vibing.

Bruh if I had a bird, I would teach it curses in Gaelic.

My bird only ever calls the dog "comere dobi" over and over again, and he laughs at me ;-;

We once had a miniature Hans Macaw that would swear! 🤣

@CaseyJ group

Just me, sitting in my room, with my bird, silently vibing.

Bruh if I had a bird, I would teach it curses in Gaelic.

My bird only ever calls the dog "comere dobi" over and over again, and he laughs at me ;-;

We once had a miniature Hans Macaw that would swear! 🤣

My dad has been trying to get Dee-Dee to say "Shit" for months.


Ok so I'm reading the epic of Gilgamesh for a class and I just. How come no one told me how gay this is. Like I was not prepared. like, hello?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

It’s Gilgamesh what do you expect? I mean Beowulf could be argued both ways. It’s really up to the reader. I mean shoot we have Achilles and Patroclus. Technically they were cousins, because according to their lineage, Achilles and Patroclus were related to each other through a nymph called Aegina. But that is debated. A lot of medieval and Greco-Roman literature had a lot of themes of homosexuality bc it was common.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

okay i just made myself sad cause i forgot that my co-author and i are going to have a character die.
like i literally just forgot and i found our notes and now im like "oh"

I feel this.

rip this one dude