forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh my roommate plays ASMR to go to sleep, and I hate it so much. So instead of outright telling her that I hate it, I become passive aggressive. When she finally dozes off I get up and turn the volume down all the way and change the video to something in her recommended. And I’ve slowly started to make her believe she scrolls through YouTube asleep and made her think the volume on her phone is wonky. I love being petty fam.

Wow that’s terrible you should treat your roomie better

Athalosian has a point. You can't convince people to be kinder to you, you can only be kind to them. I know its hard having a roommate. I had a roommate who always stayed up later than me and it was very hard for me. But I know all I can do is express my desire and and communicate and be contented with whatever she decides. To do more than that is to cause both of us unnecessary trouble.

Bruh. 😂 Me and my roommates are besties. We each have our things that we don’t like. She doesn’t like one of my Pandora playlists so she turns the volume down while I’m the shower and we have a good laugh about it. I have a feeling she knows it’s me messing with her, we just laugh about it instead. And blame the ghost that haunts our room. I’ve been here for a long time. And hopefully most everyone know I joke around when it comes to certain people. Like my Viking man, and my roommate, and my irl friends, and the shenanigans we get up too. Idk if I read context clues correctly and I could be completely wrong, but I think Dom was saying it in a joking manner? If not, I apologize. To you and Dom. But there is one thing I disagree with in that statement you made. One person cannot be the complete deciding factor. You want to avoid conflict, but sometimes it’s necessary for growth. Arguing and banter are what make people grow closer. Both friendship and relationship wise. And I’m always kind to people, until they give me a reason not to be kind. You never know what they’re going through. I’m not perfect and my personality comes off the wrong way sometimes. That’s okay. I’m human. Or at least I hope I am 😂. If it comes off as weird or wonky or you feel like it’s off, lemme know and I’ll try to fix what was wrong. I don’t like hurting or upsetting people.

Could be worse. Could be my roommates, who don't do their chores. Who reported me because they made up some story about how I had all the knives in the apartment in my room (which wasn't true). Who will not respect me. There's the one who leaves her dishes in the sink for a week before cleaning them, and another week before putting them away. And despite me telling them multiple times that I go to bed at 10:30 and need quiet to sleep, they WILL NOT respect the fact that I'm TRYING TO GET A GOOD NIGHT'S REST FOR HEAVENS SAKES, so I have to tell them EVERY SINGLE BLOODY NIGHT that they're being too loud.
Three more weeks. Three more weeks and I'm free, free, free from them forever.

Understandable fam

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

@HeyBlueJay Hi! You're a new face, Hello. Winter is the Viking Mom, Dom (Athalosian) Is site Dad, I'm the weird Vodka aunt, slash Older sibling, people are slowly being adopted into the family. It's a good time. We joke, we tease, we get into fights and spats, and you know it's the internet so there's always missing context. We try to have a good time, we try to build a safe space. We try to respect each other. You know It's the Internet so as always sometimes we fail at that. We vent, we tell stories, we stretch stories , we be human. But hey It's Notebook.

And then there's me. We've never actually pinned down what I am in the group. Lol

Idk either the flamboyant uncle or the grumpy grandpa who likes to teach curses to small children for fun 😂

Hmmm. Flamboyant uncle sounds good!

Can I please be the weird traveler who isn't a part of the family but comes and visits the town randomly every once in a blue moon?

lol i love this
what am I, guys?

The tired sister who is making it their sole purpose to help set the world on fire for the crusades



@HeyBlueJay Hi! You're a new face, Hello. Winter is the Viking Mom, Dom (Athalosian) Is site Dad, I'm the weird Vodka aunt, slash Older sibling, people are slowly being adopted into the family. It's a good time. We joke, we tease, we get into fights and spats, and you know it's the internet so there's always missing context. We try to have a good time, we try to build a safe space. We try to respect each other. You know It's the Internet so as always sometimes we fail at that. We vent, we tell stories, we stretch stories , we be human. But hey It's Notebook.

Lol, now I've gotten try to remember if I've already been adopted into the family or not.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Yeah man. And Thor is who I intend to cosplay for Comic-Con 😂 with two more people

I bet it's gonna look great!

I hope so. I’m doing the Ragnarok version, while two more of my friends are doing Loki and Helga.

Who's Helga? I don't remember her in Ragnarok…

@CaseyJ group

Yeah man. And Thor is who I intend to cosplay for Comic-Con 😂 with two more people

I bet it's gonna look great!

I hope so. I’m doing the Ragnarok version, while two more of my friends are doing Loki and Helga.

Who's Helga? I don't remember her in Ragnarok…

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yeah man. And Thor is who I intend to cosplay for Comic-Con 😂 with two more people

I bet it's gonna look great!

I hope so. I’m doing the Ragnarok version, while two more of my friends are doing Loki and Helga.

Who's Helga? I don't remember her in Ragnarok…

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

You’re right. Autocorrect is just trying to kill me. If I have one weakness in this life, it is indeed autocorrect.


Yeah man. And Thor is who I intend to cosplay for Comic-Con 😂 with two more people

I bet it's gonna look great!

I hope so. I’m doing the Ragnarok version, while two more of my friends are doing Loki and Helga.

Who's Helga? I don't remember her in Ragnarok…

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

You’re right. Autocorrect is just trying to kill me. If I have one weakness in this life, it is indeed autocorrect.

My autocorrect loathes me passionately

@Space group

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

I thought Sigyn was his wife? At least in Norse mythology. And if I'm not mistaken it's also Sigyn in the Marvel comics. Also… wasn't Hela his daughter or something? I know in Marvel it's his sister..
Idk man I'm too tired for this xd

@Space group

I have a band concert tonight but I have an awful stomach bug so I'm not going to make it. My director is gonna kill me- and sadly a third of the band is also out with similar symptoms. When I went in for practice yesterday, a large portion of the music wasn't being played or someone (usually me much to my displeasure) played it as a solo since everyone was missing. The director pulled me aside after class and told me I sounded great though!

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

I thought Sigyn was his wife? At least in Norse mythology. And if I'm not mistaken it's also Sigyn in the Marvel comics. Also… wasn't Hela his daughter or something? I know in Marvel it's his sister..
Idk man I'm too tired for this xd

That would be correct. Sigyn is his wife and Hel is his daughter who rules over Niflheim with her cute dog Garmr (In the original Norse myths. I have no clue about the comic or marvel)

@CaseyJ group

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

I thought Sigyn was his wife? At least in Norse mythology. And if I'm not mistaken it's also Sigyn in the Marvel comics. Also… wasn't Hela his daughter or something? I know in Marvel it's his sister..
Idk man I'm too tired for this xd

That would be correct. Sigyn is his wife and Hel is his daughter who rules over Niflheim with her cute dog Garmr (In the original Norse myths. I have no clue about the comic or marvel)

Ah, small brain, mild dyslexia, and forgetful af. My bad you guys are righter.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

I thought Sigyn was his wife? At least in Norse mythology. And if I'm not mistaken it's also Sigyn in the Marvel comics. Also… wasn't Hela his daughter or something? I know in Marvel it's his sister..
Idk man I'm too tired for this xd

That would be correct. Sigyn is his wife and Hel is his daughter who rules over Niflheim with her cute dog Garmr (In the original Norse myths. I have no clue about the comic or marvel)

Ah, small brain, mild dyslexia, and forgetful af. My bad you guys are righter.

Nah, you're good. Myths get a bit messy after thousands of years through oral story telling and people interpreting them differently. But I shall never forget that Loki canonically (In the myths) has an 8 legged horse as a child called Sleipnir. Sleipnir is terrifying, but kinda cute. And then Odin's like "that's my horse now"

@CaseyJ group

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

I thought Sigyn was his wife? At least in Norse mythology. And if I'm not mistaken it's also Sigyn in the Marvel comics. Also… wasn't Hela his daughter or something? I know in Marvel it's his sister..
Idk man I'm too tired for this xd

That would be correct. Sigyn is his wife and Hel is his daughter who rules over Niflheim with her cute dog Garmr (In the original Norse myths. I have no clue about the comic or marvel)

Ah, small brain, mild dyslexia, and forgetful af. My bad you guys are righter.

Nah, you're good. Myths get a bit messy after thousands of years through oral story telling and people interpreting them differently. But I shall never forget that Loki canonically (In the myths) has an 8 legged horse as a child called Sleipnir. Sleipnir is terrifying, but kinda cute. And then Odin's like "that's my horse now"

Yeah and he also has a snake and wolf child, right?

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Helga, I am pretty sure, is Loki's wife. like 73% sure. But Hela, is the sister.

I thought Sigyn was his wife? At least in Norse mythology. And if I'm not mistaken it's also Sigyn in the Marvel comics. Also… wasn't Hela his daughter or something? I know in Marvel it's his sister..
Idk man I'm too tired for this xd

That would be correct. Sigyn is his wife and Hel is his daughter who rules over Niflheim with her cute dog Garmr (In the original Norse myths. I have no clue about the comic or marvel)

Ah, small brain, mild dyslexia, and forgetful af. My bad you guys are righter.

Nah, you're good. Myths get a bit messy after thousands of years through oral story telling and people interpreting them differently. But I shall never forget that Loki canonically (In the myths) has an 8 legged horse as a child called Sleipnir. Sleipnir is terrifying, but kinda cute. And then Odin's like "that's my horse now"

Yeah and he also has a snake and wolf child, right?

Yep! My all-time favorite Fenrir (Wolf) and Jörmungander (Serpent)

@catnap group

There's this kid that makes me uncomfortable and I want to tell him to leave me alone but I cant cuz I don't wanna sound mean 😭


So I'm doing something I've been putting off for weeks if not months and I'm making a playlist of all the songs I used to listen to/play Minecraft to my freshman year of high school and this is going to be a good time


There's this kid that makes me uncomfortable and I want to tell him to leave me alone but I cant cuz I don't wanna sound mean 😭

OK, here is the deal, you telling him to back off isn't being mean it's having a boundary. Saying, you're making me uncomfortable please give me some space. That's a boundary. Saying, eww you wack be gone, that's rude.