forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. And imma leave it at that. However. I would die for these three.

Peep, Chirp, and Quack. Listed in order from left to right. The turtle is a bystander and not important. But I would willingly die for those three. Literally my whole personality when I was little was derived from those three wonderful colored blobs. (In technicality, peep is a chicken, chirp is a Robin, and quack is a duck.) But I would very much die for them.


✨core memory unlocked✨

How about I do it again

I present to thee: Liberty’s Kids

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. And imma leave it at that. However. I would die for these three.

Peep, Chirp, and Quack. Listed in order from left to right. The turtle is a bystander and not important. But I would willingly die for those three. Literally my whole personality when I was little was derived from those three wonderful colored blobs. (In technicality, peep is a chicken, chirp is a Robin, and quack is a duck.) But I would very much die for them.


✨core memory unlocked✨

How about I do it again

I present to thee: Liberty’s Kids

Winter! You are killing me here! I remember that from 6th grade U.S. history

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

My boyfriend and I broke up last week and the reality of it just started to hit me, I feel so overwhelmingly lonely and it hurts so so much and I desperately want some imaginary comfort friend I made up in my dumb little head to hold me but I know that isn’t possible and I feel so fucking lonely to the point where I want to deprive myself of sleep so I hallucinate little fellas to keep me company

First of all, nothing is wrong with finding ways to cope. Secondly sleep is good for you, especially after a breakup. It reduces stress and calm down your nerves. And thirdly you’re never alone. When you’re feeling lonely pop on in here. More than likely I’ll respond really quickly. I’m normally always on, or when I do get on, someone has usually posted right before I logged in. I just have an intuition. I’m the Viking mom of this wonderful space so I’m normally on early and on late. Bc I have this fancy thing called ✨insomnia✨ So yeah I’ll more than likely be here.

It just feels like everyone who says anything nice about me is lying, but I also want reassurance so badly but my thoughts undermine whatever affection I do get and I just wanna yell really loud and throw things and cry and fuckin become one with the forest and disappear from civilization and live in a small stone cottage and feed the crows and invite the crows and frogs into my home and live in mutual respect with the woods
My fuckign trauma won’t allow me to trust, especially after my literal worst fear happening lol but frog and crow and little snail and worm cannot hurt me like people

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh my roommate plays ASMR to go to sleep, and I hate it so much. So instead of outright telling her that I hate it, I become passive aggressive. When she finally dozes off I get up and turn the volume down all the way and change the video to something in her recommended. And I’ve slowly started to make her believe she scrolls through YouTube asleep and made her think the volume on her phone is wonky. I love being petty fam.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. And imma leave it at that. However. I would die for these three.

Peep, Chirp, and Quack. Listed in order from left to right. The turtle is a bystander and not important. But I would willingly die for those three. Literally my whole personality when I was little was derived from those three wonderful colored blobs. (In technicality, peep is a chicken, chirp is a Robin, and quack is a duck.) But I would very much die for them.


✨core memory unlocked✨

How about I do it again

I present to thee: Liberty’s Kids

Winter! You are killing me here! I remember that from 6th grade U.S. history

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My boyfriend and I broke up last week and the reality of it just started to hit me, I feel so overwhelmingly lonely and it hurts so so much and I desperately want some imaginary comfort friend I made up in my dumb little head to hold me but I know that isn’t possible and I feel so fucking lonely to the point where I want to deprive myself of sleep so I hallucinate little fellas to keep me company

First of all, nothing is wrong with finding ways to cope. Secondly sleep is good for you, especially after a breakup. It reduces stress and calm down your nerves. And thirdly you’re never alone. When you’re feeling lonely pop on in here. More than likely I’ll respond really quickly. I’m normally always on, or when I do get on, someone has usually posted right before I logged in. I just have an intuition. I’m the Viking mom of this wonderful space so I’m normally on early and on late. Bc I have this fancy thing called ✨insomnia✨ So yeah I’ll more than likely be here.

It just feels like everyone who says anything nice about me is lying, but I also want reassurance so badly but my thoughts undermine whatever affection I do get and I just wanna yell really loud and throw things and cry and fuckin become one with the forest and disappear from civilization and live in a small stone cottage and feed the crows and invite the crows and frogs into my home and live in mutual respect with the woods
My fuckign trauma won’t allow me to trust, especially after my literal worst fear happening lol but frog and crow and little snail and worm cannot hurt me like people

Alrighty. Positive reassurance. That’s the goal right? You want to believe that what people say that is nice is true. Now you’re probably going to absolutely hate this idea, but you’ve gotta do it. Ready? When someone gives you a compliment, you accept it, and compliment them back. And when they walk off, you say three nice things about yourself to yourself to build positive affirmations. You’re gonna do this multiple times a day. When someone compliments you do it. When your brain makes you feel like garbage you do it. Make yourself believe in you. And if you wanna scream and shout? Do it. Let out all that rage in one big scream. Crows aren’t gonna do much. And neither are frogs. And crows are incredibly violent in May and June. Bc it’s nesting season. Crows are not the friendliest bird. Of all people I would know 😂. And things happen for a reason and I believe that with every fiber of my being. Look at this like it was a good thing. You’re a phoenix rising from the ashes. Act like it, and take on the world. No excuses, just go and scorch a path in your wake. Leave people guessing and absolutely appalled at what you’ve become. You’re you. And no one else is like you. Show that part, and run with it. You’re a one of a kind person. 🙃

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My boyfriend and I broke up last week and the reality of it just started to hit me, I feel so overwhelmingly lonely and it hurts so so much and I desperately want some imaginary comfort friend I made up in my dumb little head to hold me but I know that isn’t possible and I feel so fucking lonely to the point where I want to deprive myself of sleep so I hallucinate little fellas to keep me company

First of all, nothing is wrong with finding ways to cope. Secondly sleep is good for you, especially after a breakup. It reduces stress and calm down your nerves. And thirdly you’re never alone. When you’re feeling lonely pop on in here. More than likely I’ll respond really quickly. I’m normally always on, or when I do get on, someone has usually posted right before I logged in. I just have an intuition. I’m the Viking mom of this wonderful space so I’m normally on early and on late. Bc I have this fancy thing called ✨insomnia✨ So yeah I’ll more than likely be here.

It just feels like everyone who says anything nice about me is lying, but I also want reassurance so badly but my thoughts undermine whatever affection I do get and I just wanna yell really loud and throw things and cry and fuckin become one with the forest and disappear from civilization and live in a small stone cottage and feed the crows and invite the crows and frogs into my home and live in mutual respect with the woods
My fuckign trauma won’t allow me to trust, especially after my literal worst fear happening lol but frog and crow and little snail and worm cannot hurt me like people

Alrighty. Positive reassurance. That’s the goal right? You want to believe that what people say that is nice is true. Now you’re probably going to absolutely hate this idea, but you’ve gotta do it. Ready? When someone gives you a compliment, you accept it, and compliment them back. And when they walk off, you say three nice things about yourself to yourself to build positive affirmations. You’re gonna do this multiple times a day. When someone compliments you do it. When your brain makes you feel like garbage you do it. Make yourself believe in you. And if you wanna scream and shout? Do it. Let out all that rage in one big scream. Crows aren’t gonna do much. And neither are frogs. And crows are incredibly violent in May and June. Bc it’s nesting season. Crows are not the friendliest bird. Of all people I would know 😂. And things happen for a reason and I believe that with every fiber of my being. Look at this like it was a good thing. You’re a phoenix rising from the ashes. Act like it, and take on the world. No excuses, just go and scorch a path in your wake. Leave people guessing and absolutely appalled at what you’ve become. You’re you. And no one else is like you. Show that part, and run with it. You’re a one of a kind person. 🙃

Winter is absolutely right. I was gonna say something. However, I knew that Win would cover it!

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. And imma leave it at that. However. I would die for these three.

Peep, Chirp, and Quack. Listed in order from left to right. The turtle is a bystander and not important. But I would willingly die for those three. Literally my whole personality when I was little was derived from those three wonderful colored blobs. (In technicality, peep is a chicken, chirp is a Robin, and quack is a duck.) But I would very much die for them.

anyone else remember that one episode where Quack was obsessively keeping his hat clean and got frustrated abt mud becaue "I don't know if I told you this but I JUST CLEANED MY HAT"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. And imma leave it at that. However. I would die for these three.

Peep, Chirp, and Quack. Listed in order from left to right. The turtle is a bystander and not important. But I would willingly die for those three. Literally my whole personality when I was little was derived from those three wonderful colored blobs. (In technicality, peep is a chicken, chirp is a Robin, and quack is a duck.) But I would very much die for them.

anyone else remember that one episode where Quack was obsessively keeping his hat clean and got frustrated abt mud becaue "I don't know if I told you this but I JUST CLEANED MY HAT"


@JustALostM book

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. And imma leave it at that. However. I would die for these three.

Peep, Chirp, and Quack. Listed in order from left to right. The turtle is a bystander and not important. But I would willingly die for those three. Literally my whole personality when I was little was derived from those three wonderful colored blobs. (In technicality, peep is a chicken, chirp is a Robin, and quack is a duck.) But I would very much die for them.


✨core memory unlocked✨

How about I do it again

I present to thee: Liberty’s Kids

Winter! You are killing me here! I remember that from 6th grade U.S. history

I Loved this show! (Only because we just watched this for a good chunk of class)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Liberty’s Kids were literally thriving on Borderline danger 😂 the family aspect of the show was great. Tired blonde dad and tired ginger mom with their ADHD filled black haired son and Ben and Moses were just there for the ride 😂 Moses’ expression 99% of the time was 🙄 lord it’s me again…


Good stars what have I missed all I remember are the PBS Kids shows. I think I still remember the whole Fetch with Ruff Ruffman theme song…


Liberty's Kids was legit my favorite TV show for like a solid year or so. We owned a DVD of the series and we had watched it on Netflix originally

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Good stars what have I missed all I remember are the PBS Kids shows. I think I still remember the whole Fetch with Ruff Ruffman theme song…

I know the Dinosaur Train theme song by heart lol.



Good stars what have I missed all I remember are the PBS Kids shows. I think I still remember the whole Fetch with Ruff Ruffman theme song…

I know the Dinosaur Train theme song by heart lol.


Dinosaur TRAIN (Dinosaur train)
Dinosaur TRAIN (Dinosaur train)
Gonna riide
The Dinosaur Train