forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Aight cool beans. We save arson for the finale. Like it’s the last thing we do before we finish our conquest.

Me: drinking mead and making torches for the arson part.

Me: bounces excitedly, clutching seventeen lighters and drinking that caprisun Winter gave me

That’s a lot of lighters. We haven’t even begun the conquest. We don’t need that many lighters unless we have like 30 million fireworks.

Me: shows you my firework stash
for the celebration after the conquest :)

Alright fair enough.


Abie the fluffy shep is very ready for the conquest. She says that the shep is very excited to commit arson, and that she wants all of the sugar in the world.
My fiancé just wants Cheetos, fancy cookware equipment, and a few other things. Simple comforts.
I want control of Italy (Modena at the very least) and Britain.

@CaseyJ group

My boyfriend and I were sort of fighting (not really) he was feeling down and felt bad that "I am better than him" and we ended up saying some deep meaningful stuff with both of us crying and saying how much we love eachother. I found it quite holesome.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Abie the fluffy shep is very ready for the conquest. She says that the shep is very excited to commit arson, and that she wants all of the sugar in the world.
My fiancé just wants Cheetos, fancy cookware equipment, and a few other things. Simple comforts.
I want control of Italy (Modena at the very least) and Britain.

Britain will more than like be annexed by Scotland and the United Kingdom’s of Norway and Ireland. You can have Italy. But the first order of business is to gain control of Russia or China. You have to take away the biggest players first.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My boyfriend and I were sort of fighting (not really) he was feeling down and felt bad that "I am better than him" and we ended up saying some deep meaningful stuff with both of us crying and saying how much we love eachother. I found it quite holesome.

Nice homie

@JustALostM book

My fiancé just wants Cheetos, fancy cookware equipment, and a few other things. Simple comforts.
I want control of Italy (Modena at the very least) and Britain.

Both of the requests are obtainable. Just put ur mind into it.


I drank half a bottle of salsa. There are no regrets. However it was very spicy. Relsey can confirm. She wished she could stop me. But no one can. Mwahahahaha…

Can confirm, regrettably, I did not sign up for this when I was adopted. I'm just here to work on our branding and to manage the treasury, with a bit of HR work for obvious reasons. Basically Winter does the bloody conquest I make sure the empire doesn't fall apart, it's a good system.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I drank half a bottle of salsa. There are no regrets. However it was very spicy. Relsey can confirm. She wished she could stop me. But no one can. Mwahahahaha…

Can confirm, regrettably, I did not sign up for this when I was adopted. I'm just here to work on our branding and to manage the treasury, with a bit of HR work for obvious reasons. Basically Winter does the bloody conquest I make sure the empire doesn't fall apart, it's a good system.

Nepal is the next to fall. Just make sure that the caprisuns are stored up and prepared for the celebration currently.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Aight cool beans. We save arson for the finale. Like it’s the last thing we do before we finish our conquest.

Me: drinking mead and making torches for the arson part.

Me: bounces excitedly, clutching seventeen lighters and drinking that caprisun Winter gave me

That’s a lot of lighters. We haven’t even begun the conquest. We don’t need that many lighters unless we have like 30 million fireworks.

Plus I have like 12 already

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I drank half a bottle of salsa. There are no regrets. However it was very spicy. Relsey can confirm. She wished she could stop me. But no one can. Mwahahahaha…

Can confirm, regrettably, I did not sign up for this when I was adopted. I'm just here to work on our branding and to manage the treasury, with a bit of HR work for obvious reasons. Basically Winter does the bloody conquest I make sure the empire doesn't fall apart, it's a good system.

Nepal is the next to fall. Just make sure that the caprisuns are stored up and prepared for the celebration currently.

me: quickly buys out Walmart of all the caprisuns and piles all my lighters and fireworks into my car
OOH i can bring Lunchables so our conquesters don't get hungry.
dumps out like six grocery bags onto a table

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now I’m looking at this and realizing that there are a lot of pyros and we don’t need everyone to be a pyro bc you’ll leave mass destruction everywhere. I’m here for balance. Not just slash and burn tactics 😂 we want somethings left. Do you know how much it costs to rebuild historic sites and skyscrapers? We don’t have enough caprisuns to fix that.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Now I’m looking at this and realizing that there are a lot of pyros and we don’t need everyone to be a pyro bc you’ll leave mass destruction everywhere. I’m here for balance. Not just slash and burn tactics 😂 we want somethings left. Do you know how much it costs to rebuild historic sites and skyscrapers? We don’t have enough caprisuns to fix that.

lol true true. I'll let Sy handle the pyro- what can I do? I wanna help the CONQUEST!