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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I could be descended from some great and famous viking, I just haven't checked lol.
And you've forgotten our one true weakness winter, THE SUN

Nah the sun can’t hurt me. We’re on great terms. He’s pretty chill. Except for the one time I beat him in Uno. That may or may have not set California and Washington State on fire. This is also why I don’t get burnt lol

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

The person or the season? Both are acceptable lol

Probs just me bc the season of Winter really didn’t do anything to the Vikings. It was more like oooo snow we can’t go out. Ya know what this means? Party and story time inside. Bro some of the scribes and poets could tell absolute bangers.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So What I'm hearing is we have a lot more Vikings on Notebook than originally expected.

But just one Scottish Viking lol. Who can also push and pull a dent out of a car with a solid punch. You saw the picture Rels. If I was not under an oath to keep my power in check, I would probs have taken over Canada by now. But alas. I have to stay in check as to not rip a hole in the fabric of space and time. It’s cool tho. A lot of people think I’m pretty snazzy.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

can I have a capri sun?

I mean there’s 8 left in a pack and theoretically if I take over Canada I have unlimited caprisuns. I’m like 76% certain I can spare like 3 billion without retribution from the South Korean government. So yeah sure. You can have a caprisun or two.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

And don't forget yours, Blue Jay… WINTER


I’m literally the Law and Order theme.
Special Victims Unit
In actuality I think I’m a comedian, except I have no clue if I actually am or not, I think it could be the sleep deprivation tbh.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Aight cool beans. We save arson for the finale. Like it’s the last thing we do before we finish our conquest.

Me: drinking mead and making torches for the arson part.

Me: bounces excitedly, clutching seventeen lighters and drinking that caprisun Winter gave me

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Aight cool beans. We save arson for the finale. Like it’s the last thing we do before we finish our conquest.

Me: drinking mead and making torches for the arson part.

Me: bounces excitedly, clutching seventeen lighters and drinking that caprisun Winter gave me

That’s a lot of lighters. We haven’t even begun the conquest. We don’t need that many lighters unless we have like 30 million fireworks.

@catnap group

i woke up late today and got to school late cuz of it, this is the second time this happened in the past 2 weeks D: i did stay up until like 2 am though and had to wake up at 5:30 so ig its my fault but yeah :(

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Aight cool beans. We save arson for the finale. Like it’s the last thing we do before we finish our conquest.

Me: drinking mead and making torches for the arson part.

Me: bounces excitedly, clutching seventeen lighters and drinking that caprisun Winter gave me

That’s a lot of lighters. We haven’t even begun the conquest. We don’t need that many lighters unless we have like 30 million fireworks.

Me: shows you my firework stash
for the celebration after the conquest :)