forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I have made the unpleasant discovery that my new favourite study spot is negative forty billion degrees if you sit underneath an air vent.

Terrible life advice: Cover up the air vent by duct taping a box over it

Deleted user

Ok so I know I said I was leaving but I changed my mind, it's so hard leaving this place knowing I've made so many friends. I think I'll just pop in and out from time to time

@CaseyJ group

Ok so I know I said I was leaving but I changed my mind, it's so hard leaving this place knowing I've made so many friends. I think I'll just pop in and out from time to time

You said you were leaving?

Deleted user

Ok so I know I said I was leaving but I changed my mind, it's so hard leaving this place knowing I've made so many friends. I think I'll just pop in and out from time to time

You said you were leaving?

Like in the middle of last month

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I'm fucking dying…. One of the schools in my area is supposedly putting litter boxes in restrooms for furries. I'm sorry, but no. Use the damn toilet/urinal like a human!

Some students have even allegedly been suspended for making animal noises directed at said furries, which I find stupid.



it's fine. It's just i've been hearing these rumors for a while (including about one of my local schools) and it's just such stupid shit because it's just transphobia being reframed to be more "acceptable"

@CaseyJ group

I have MPD/DID, as one of my many other mental disorders. Its fun, I have sooo many great conversation with us. Myself? the guys? whatever. We also argue A LOT. like, dam. And don't none of yall say "you don't have it" or "you're to young" I CALL BULL. I have a phyciatrist, therapist, and a normal doctor. I know what im talking about.

@CaseyJ group

No one is gonna say that you don’t have it, bc we all have our own problems. I would roast your grammar but I am far too nice of a person to do that right now. So moving on from that, how has your day been so far?

Bro, my grammar is so shitty its not even funny. i blame my mild dyslexia for the spelling. My day has been BORING, my bf is ignoring me.


On a much better note, I made mint oreo brownies to take into work tomorrow!

If said brownies suddenly mysteriously disappear, I had nothing to do with it. wipes crumbs off face I know nothing.

@CaseyJ group

So, my boyfriend has mpd/did also…makes life interesting..and um…yeah not all of them like all of me so he said to me..well one of me
"You selfish, unloving, heartless, uncaring, ignorant prick."
and when i asked why
"Just that yOu KeEp making things woRse."
when I am just trying to make it better.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

On a much better note, I made mint oreo brownies to take into work tomorrow!

If said brownies suddenly mysteriously disappear, I had nothing to do with it. wipes crumbs off face I know nothing.


On a much better note, I made mint oreo brownies to take into work tomorrow!

If said brownies suddenly mysteriously disappear, I had nothing to do with it. wipes crumbs off face I know nothing.

Right I'm going to force uhhh I mean suggest to my fiancé that we make these
(He loves to cook)


You know what Pokémon I irrationally hate?
Freaking Granbull.
It looks so big. And mean. And why is it pink? Do these things not have hair? Why are they not brown or black? And why are they a Fairy type??? Shouldn't they be a Dark type???
And why are they so common in PoGo? And actually have good IV's most of the time?? And why do they spawn in the wild??? Why can't I just turn off their spawns?? Sod off, you freaking mutant bulldogs, I hate you.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My whole class somehow convinced my French teacher to watch Ratatouille

I convinced my film teacher to watch Howl’s Moving Castle in class. 😂 and I recommended that he watch Attack On Titan on his own personal time. And I know he’ll watch it, bc he went and binged The Witcher when I told him that I thought it was good. Now all I’m waiting for is a “Win. What the heck. This is carnage…” email from him. And Imma be so happy when I get it.


Welcome back to me being completely crushed because my brother has a pet turtle and we've had him for 5 years. Except we finally agreed to surrender him because he's getting married and I'm moving out and neither of our places accept pets and my parents don't want him. And I know it's so much better for him, but I'm still heartbroken cause I love this turtle so freaking much.