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@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Now I understand that pulling an all nighter would be a very stupid Idea. However. I am a very stupid person. So, I mean, I'ma stay up and pack and finish this skirt, no one can stop me.


Hehe, I'm in danger

A+ meme reference tho :)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now I understand that pulling an all nighter would be a very stupid Idea. However. I am a very stupid person. So, I mean, I'ma stay up and pack and finish this skirt, no one can stop me.


Hehe, I'm in danger

🙄😑 Imma watch u Rels u better get some sleep tonight

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Meanwhile Relsey darling got to meet Elias over video and she can confirm he is uncontrollably chaotic but also unironically hilarious. For example. Some quotes.
Angry grumpy old man mode trying to figure out how to make the PlayStation work bc somehow it isn’t and somehow I unplugged the HDMI cord to make him aggravated
Rels:”Why are there crabs in the desert?”
E:“Well ya see, the desert used to be an ocean.”
E:“Well good thing my laser is faster.”
W:“You’re dying!”
E:“Well I was.”
W:”You should go give the crab a hug.”
E:”The crab is dead.”
E:”I don’t have fire aspect!”
E’s fam:”Can we play Minecraft?”
E:Is quite literally singing in flawless Italian. (Dies in the game) friend mode activated “Ahhhhh Noooo” in a voice that could rival Gollum
W:”Elias ya know you’re like a rare shiny Pokémon.”
E:”Eh? Kinda like duggytriage or dugtri or something? Idk I’ve never played Pokémon.(Throws hands in air)
Rels: After watching a video of Elias having a small crisis “It’s the look of confused dread for me.”


Meanwhile Relsey darling got to meet Elias over video and she can confirm he is uncontrollably chaotic but also unironically hilarious. For example. Some quotes.
Angry grumpy old man mode trying to figure out how to make the PlayStation work bc somehow it isn’t and somehow I unplugged the HDMI cord to make him aggravated
Rels:”Why are there crabs in the desert?”
E:“Well ya see, the desert used to be an ocean.”
E:“Well good thing my laser is faster.”
W:“You’re dying!”
E:“Well I was.”
W:”You should go give the crab a hug.”
E:”The crab is dead.”
E:”I don’t have fire aspect!”
E’s fam:”Can we play Minecraft?”
E:Is quite literally singing in flawless Italian. (Dies in the game) friend mode activated “Ahhhhh Noooo” in a voice that could rival Gollum
W:”Elias ya know you’re like a rare shiny Pokémon.”
E:”Eh? Kinda like duggytriage or dugtri or something? Idk I’ve never played Pokémon.(Throws hands in air)
Rels: After watching a video of Elias having a small crisis “It’s the look of confused dread for me.”

This is what trying to exist in the same room with me and my fiancé is like. Good on you for enduring it Relsey. 😂


This is what happened last night when I tried to watch the F1 race with my fiancé:
10:30: he shows up at my dorm, laden with snacks and drinks, very hyped for the race
10:45: I get frustrated because the race suddenly switches two channels in the space of five minutes, meanwhile my fiancé is simultaneously trying to calm me down and hoard all the Cheetos
11:00: the race starts. I watch with eager anticipation. My fiancé is still hoarding the Cheetos
11:20: he gets bored and falls asleep with his head in my lap
11:45: I prod him awake because he's snoring. He discovers what's left of the Cheetos are now on the table next to my side of the couch and to his intense disappointment, he can't reach them. He asks me to hand them to him but I shush him because there is no talking during F1. Eventually he gives up and opens the box of white cheddar Cheez-Its instead
12:10: he falls asleep again. Meanwhile I am absorbed in the race
12:15: I finish the Cheetos
12:30: race ends. I prod him awake again and tell him he can talk now. We cuddle for a minute and he then discovers that the Cheetos are gone. I tell him I'm not sorry. He says my punishment is being attacked by the blanket monster, he then throws a blanket over his head and chases me down the hall, I realise it's quiet hours and that we can't run around. We clean up and then he kisses me goodnight before leaving.


This is what trying to exist in the same room with me and my fiancé is like. Good on you for enduring it Relsey. 😂

I once had to spend a solid 3 hours as the only big person in a room of 7 toddlers, compaired to that, it was nothing

@Space group

My best friend since elementary (and currently boyfriend) just moved away to Texas and I feel so alone and heartbroken right now

@CaseyJ group

Yall ever eat out of boredom? I mean, I have trouble eating, I really hate it, but when I am at that level… I just eat ALL DAY

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I swear if I have to listen to Raisin Toast by some obscure Waffle House band one more time I will snap and go on a whole Viking conquest

i have no idea what you're talking about but I will join you on that Viking conquest :)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I swear if I have to listen to Raisin Toast by some obscure Waffle House band one more time I will snap and go on a whole Viking conquest

i have no idea what you're talking about but I will join you on that Viking conquest :)

The more the merrier, Viking families were either by blood or adoption through conquest. I’ll adopt ya. Relsey was however the first adopted one. She gets elder sibling rights lol

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I swear if I have to listen to Raisin Toast by some obscure Waffle House band one more time I will snap and go on a whole Viking conquest

i have no idea what you're talking about but I will join you on that Viking conquest :)

The more the merrier, Viking families were either by blood or adoption through conquest. I’ll adopt ya. Relsey was however the first adopted one. She gets elder sibling rights lol

Our enemies shall tremble and whimper in fear.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I swear if I have to listen to Raisin Toast by some obscure Waffle House band one more time I will snap and go on a whole Viking conquest

i have no idea what you're talking about but I will join you on that Viking conquest :)

The more the merrier, Viking families were either by blood or adoption through conquest. I’ll adopt ya. Relsey was however the first adopted one. She gets elder sibling rights lol

Our enemies shall tremble and whimper in fear.

They will not have the chance to whimper. Their fear shall keep them silent because they know if they cry out in agony or from fear their lives can be extinguished. A la Viking style


I swear if I have to listen to Raisin Toast by some obscure Waffle House band one more time I will snap and go on a whole Viking conquest

i have no idea what you're talking about but I will join you on that Viking conquest :)

The more the merrier, Viking families were either by blood or adoption through conquest. I’ll adopt ya. Relsey was however the first adopted one. She gets elder sibling rights lol

Our enemies shall tremble and whimper in fear.

They will not have the chance to whimper. Their fear shall keep them silent because they know if they cry out in agony or from fear their lives can be extinguished. A la Viking style

Tis true, All should fear. Except the Children, they're safe.