forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

There's this kid that makes me uncomfortable and I want to tell him to leave me alone but I cant cuz I don't wanna sound mean 😭

OK, here is the deal, you telling him to back off isn't being mean it's having a boundary. Saying, you're making me uncomfortable please give me some space. That's a boundary. Saying, eww you wack be gone, that's rude.

Speaking from experience, it may take multiple times of you saying that you're uncomfortable and asking for space to set a boundary for him to understand, especially if he's autistic. If being nice about it doesn't work out, then get a mean. Yeah, it'll likely hurt his feelings, but boundaries are important to set.

Since I'm high functioning, social cues are hit-and-miss for me. I was unknowingly making a friend uncomfortable by sitting really close to her. Sadly, instead of conveying that with me, I found out from her then boyfriend that I was making her uncomfortable. I later told both of them that it's better to tell me that I'm making (someone) uncomfortable than leaving me to try to figure that out on my own.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I'm not looking forward to how busy I'm gonna be tomorrow.


Yeah. Let dogs out, do orientation for another job from noon to 4, take care of a small issue, then work 6-9. Doesn't sound like a whole lot in those regards. However, considering that there's just going to be me and one other person cleaning a bank that has the lobby floor, two upper floors and a basement tomorrow night in a 3 hour span can give y'all an understanding of why I say I'm going to have a long day.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I'm not looking forward to how busy I'm gonna be tomorrow.


Yeah. Let dogs out, do orientation for another job from noon to 4, take care of a small issue, then work 6-9. Doesn't sound like a whole lot in those regards. However, considering that there's just going to be me and one other person cleaning a bank that has the lobby floor, two upper floors and a basement tomorrow night in a 3 hour span can give y'all an understanding of why I say I'm going to have a long day.

oof that sounds like a lot. Best of luck! you got this :)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

For King & Country- they're AMAZING
my pfp is their logo :)

Cool beans! My sister saw their Burn The Ships tour, and somehow managed to get access to a question panel with them. Idk how she did it. From what she told me, she ran into the sound guy and he was short on change and she spotted him like a dollar, and he was like yo you wanna go backstage and she was like lol yeah sure thinking it was a joke, but it wasn’t 😂. Needless to say I thought she was gonna die from excitement when she got home. So just look for the sound guy. 😂

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

My creative writing teacher called all of us concerning and one of my classmates responded with "That's why we're in creative writing! How many of us have written about murder?" This class sometimes concerns me as a writer


My creative writing teacher called all of us concerning and one of my classmates responded with "That's why we're in creative writing! How many of us have written about murder?" This class sometimes concerns me as a writer

I mean
Nobody's wrong here

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

For King & Country- they're AMAZING
my pfp is their logo :)

Cool beans! My sister saw their Burn The Ships tour, and somehow managed to get access to a question panel with them. Idk how she did it. From what she told me, she ran into the sound guy and he was short on change and she spotted him like a dollar, and he was like yo you wanna go backstage and she was like lol yeah sure thinking it was a joke, but it wasn’t 😂. Needless to say I thought she was gonna die from excitement when she got home. So just look for the sound guy. 😂

omg if I got to meet them i may actually die of embarrassment lol
that sounds so cool!!!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

For King & Country- they're AMAZING
my pfp is their logo :)

Cool beans! My sister saw their Burn The Ships tour, and somehow managed to get access to a question panel with them. Idk how she did it. From what she told me, she ran into the sound guy and he was short on change and she spotted him like a dollar, and he was like yo you wanna go backstage and she was like lol yeah sure thinking it was a joke, but it wasn’t 😂. Needless to say I thought she was gonna die from excitement when she got home. So just look for the sound guy. 😂

omg if I got to meet them i may actually die of embarrassment lol
that sounds so cool!!!

From what she told me, they’re super cool and super humble. They do ask that you treat them like people and not like a God bc that’s not the message they wanna send. Which is respectable. I understand it.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

For King & Country- they're AMAZING
my pfp is their logo :)

Cool beans! My sister saw their Burn The Ships tour, and somehow managed to get access to a question panel with them. Idk how she did it. From what she told me, she ran into the sound guy and he was short on change and she spotted him like a dollar, and he was like yo you wanna go backstage and she was like lol yeah sure thinking it was a joke, but it wasn’t 😂. Needless to say I thought she was gonna die from excitement when she got home. So just look for the sound guy. 😂

omg if I got to meet them i may actually die of embarrassment lol
that sounds so cool!!!

From what she told me, they’re super cool and super humble. They do ask that you treat them like people and not like a God bc that’s not the message they wanna send. Which is respectable. I understand it.

oh for sure! I saw them in concert a few years ago and they both seem really cool/down to earth and funny. and their music is AMAZING

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

For King & Country- they're AMAZING
my pfp is their logo :)

Cool beans! My sister saw their Burn The Ships tour, and somehow managed to get access to a question panel with them. Idk how she did it. From what she told me, she ran into the sound guy and he was short on change and she spotted him like a dollar, and he was like yo you wanna go backstage and she was like lol yeah sure thinking it was a joke, but it wasn’t 😂. Needless to say I thought she was gonna die from excitement when she got home. So just look for the sound guy. 😂

omg if I got to meet them i may actually die of embarrassment lol
that sounds so cool!!!

From what she told me, they’re super cool and super humble. They do ask that you treat them like people and not like a God bc that’s not the message they wanna send. Which is respectable. I understand it.

oh for sure! I saw them in concert a few years ago and they both seem really cool/down to earth and funny. and their music is AMAZING