forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Today is a bad brain day and I don't wanna do nothing, but I got one of my finals due tonight and I got to leave for work in 10 minutes


Today is a bad brain day and I don't wanna do nothing, but I got one of my finals due tonight and I got to leave for work in 10 minutes

@PurplePartyTiger language

Today is a bad brain day and I don't wanna do nothing, but I got one of my finals due tonight and I got to leave for work in 10 minutes

Good luck to ya, you can do this

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Not me fuckign maining Blight and getting dead dawg saloon and trying to play bartender with the survivors by standing behind the bar and looking back at the drinks repeatedly (and occasionally going over to “play” the piano by hitting it) but only one of them stays and hangs out with the goopy lil guy (me) and the rest teabag and flashlight click me for a few seconds before running away :(

@PurplePartyTiger language

Not me fuckign maining Blight and getting dead dawg saloon and trying to play bartender with the survivors by standing behind the bar and looking back at the drinks repeatedly (and occasionally going over to “play” the piano by hitting it) but only one of them stays and hangs out with the goopy lil guy (me) and the rest teabag and flashlight click me for a few seconds before running away :(

L-Lazer tag? Left 4 Dead? Uhhhh…what game is this? 'XD

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Love everybody with their musical talents. Meanwhile, I'm vibing over here with my kazoo

It’s not that hard to learn!

Yeah. I learned to play the kazoo in 90 seconds, but then again, I am a musical prodigy.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Not me fuckign maining Blight and getting dead dawg saloon and trying to play bartender with the survivors by standing behind the bar and looking back at the drinks repeatedly (and occasionally going over to “play” the piano by hitting it) but only one of them stays and hangs out with the goopy lil guy (me) and the rest teabag and flashlight click me for a few seconds before running away :(

L-Lazer tag? Left 4 Dead? Uhhhh…what game is this? 'XD

I think it’s Dead by Daylight homie

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

My curiosity is outweighing my ability to not know

I wish for information

My curiosity is also getting the best of me. I too wish for inside information

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My curiosity is outweighing my ability to not know

I wish for information

My curiosity is also getting the best of me. I too wish for inside information


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My curiosity is outweighing my ability to not know

I wish for information

My curiosity is also getting the best of me. I too wish for inside information

You can’t just leave me hanging with this information Space, do share 😂