forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I found out that they re-added the lime Skittle??? They changed it back from Green Apple???? Out of nowhere after eight years???????

Whilst I do enjoy the Green Apple flavor I like lime more! I remember that I'd always eat them with the lemon ones before they switched to green apple to get Sprite flavor!!!

ThEY UseD tO HAvE LimE?!?! I Don'T REmEmbEr?!

Lime was replaced with green apple in 2013. Skittles has decided to bring lime back!

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I found out that they re-added the lime Skittle??? They changed it back from Green Apple???? Out of nowhere after eight years???????

Whilst I do enjoy the Green Apple flavor I like lime more! I remember that I'd always eat them with the lemon ones before they switched to green apple to get Sprite flavor!!!

ThEY UseD tO HAvE LimE?!?! I Don'T REmEmbEr?!

Lime was replaced with green apple in 2013. Skittles has decided to bring lime back!

huh! i will have to try :)

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I'm pretty sure all the skittles are the same flavor guys. That sounds like a lot of work to make different flavored skittles when they could just placebo everybody with the colors.

i've actually heard that all skittles are the same flavor, they just smell different? and the colors?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

One way to test this theory. Imma blindfold myself and just eat a bag of skittles to see if it’s cap or fact. Bc ya know I’m gonna be extra.

Please come back to us with your results. :-D Lol

@Space group

So uh- one of my dogs are missing and we live out in the country and get hordes of coyotes and a severe thunderstorm/tornado went through last night so I think he's probably gone for good.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So uh- one of my dogs are missing and we live out in the country and get hordes of coyotes and a severe thunderstorm/tornado went through last night so I think he's probably gone for good.

Dogs are incredibly resilient. If your dog didn’t sustain any major injuries, it will more than likely find its way back home. And during a storm, coyotes are bedded down. They’re staying in dens and not moving very far for at least two to three days. They make sure danger is completely gone before they go do something. Domestic animals however, do not possess that said danger sense unless it’s the core mechanics. Their danger sense isn’t as attuned as coyotes because dogs are around people and are taught that some scary things are okay. Your dog may have very well likely have been running around in a tornado but the innate danger sense of oh no big bad thing that can mess me up is still there. Your dog probs went to higher ground. That’s what any animal does when it rains fairly heavily. And if the winds were blowing, the dog more than likely sheltered where it could be somewhat protected. Your dog right now has a 50/50 shot to be alive. If your dog did die, it was more than likely very quick, to the point of instantaneous. If your dog didn’t die, it’s extremely disoriented and trying to find a way back home. I’d suggest setting the dog’s crate with a familiar object like a toy or a blanket outside for 2-3 days to see if your dog comes back. I wish you the best of luck Space!


I'm already getting excited for pride month. I'm going to get myself some rainbow eyeshadow and a flag and find and participate in every single pride event on campus, and it's going to be June, and it's going to be warm, and I can wear shorts, and eat Otter Pops, and wear T-shirts again and not great big sweaters that itch, and study in the sunshine, and wander around campus playing PoGo without my phone dying in three seconds, and I'm going to have my guinea piggie and I'm going to put him in his carrier and let him get some sunshine and exercise for once, and I'm going to go rock climbing, and it's going to be warm, and summer evenings, and events, and I can do all of the things, and it's going to be great.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

aka the week leading up to a self-imposed writing deadline where I inevitably panic because I am behind and hence the CRUNCH of binge-writing all week lol
(is this technically avoidable? yes. am i gonna avoid it? PROLLY NOT! >:D )


Did I just submit a paper on nonverbal communications where instead of saying ASL, I said ASS multiple times? Yes, yes I did. Can I not resubmit it anywhere so instead I just sent my teacher an extremely vague email saying "I meant ASL not ASS" and called it a day? Also yes. I will not proceed to take a midterm about stars and pray I don't fail it

@Darkblossom group

I'm already getting excited for pride month. I'm going to get myself some rainbow eyeshadow and a flag and find and participate in every single pride event on campus, and it's going to be June, and it's going to be warm, and I can wear shorts, and eat Otter Pops, and wear T-shirts again and not great big sweaters that itch, and study in the sunshine, and wander around campus playing PoGo without my phone dying in three seconds, and I'm going to have my guinea piggie and I'm going to put him in his carrier and let him get some sunshine and exercise for once, and I'm going to go rock climbing, and it's going to be warm, and summer evenings, and events, and I can do all of the things, and it's going to be great.

Oh crap, it feels like pride month just ended. Where has the year gone? I need to make some surreptitious rainbows!

Also, my birthday is in pride month? How did I not realize that until now?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Did I just submit a paper on nonverbal communications where instead of saying ASL, I said ASS multiple times? Yes, yes I did. Can I not resubmit it anywhere so instead I just sent my teacher an extremely vague email saying "I meant ASL not ASS" and called it a day? Also yes. I will not proceed to take a midterm about stars and pray I don't fail it

Lol. Wish I would have told you that I’m pretty fluent in ASL. I could have given you some sources fam.


I thought you were straight

So I am demibiromantic demiheterosexual, so like yeh girls are cute, but the thing is that I'm engaged to an absolutely wonderful guy, so that's probably why you might think I'm straight. 😆


Well, I say absolutely wonderful. He's absolutely wonderful around 75% of the time, and the rest of the time he's a big giant idiot, but I love him anyway.

@Katastrophic group

Forgot spring even existed apparently

i wish. I love the idea of spring, the flowers, sunshine, nice thunderstorms. unfortunately, nature does not like me back so instead spring is full of snow, tornadoes, wasps, and allergies. Now also rowdy kids can be thrown into the mix. I severely underestimated how crazy small children can get when it's somewhat nice outside and they are forced to stay inside