forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Broke down last night and had to be towed; "slept" in the truck. Luckily my dad and I have blankets in the the truck! Temperature dropped into the low 20s!

I had to walk to class in the low 20s today 🥲

Oh no, that sucks! Hopefully you managed to stay somewhat warm.

My dad and I were in the truck for about 7 hours waiting for the the service station to open.

@Space group

Idk why but today I suddenly feel so.. empty? Like I have nothing to hold on to or that I have nothing in my life that makes me happy. Mostly because I don't have any talents maybe? I'm not good at anything that I want to be able to do.
One of my friends stopped talking to me or is extremely harsh and rude when speaking to me after I asked him to stop grabbing me in the hallways (He's very touchy and grabs me and covers my eyes and I hate it)
But now I'm dating this really nice trans guy, which is a plus so idk why I feel so empty I want to be happy.
I don't have any hobbies anymore cause I have no talent. I started crocheting and for the life of me I can only do a chain and can't move onto another row or understand how to make something.
My art teacher got water and red paint all over my project I was entering in a contest and I'm upset because I was proud of it and spent a long time on it, but at the same time, I'm apathetic.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My allergies are killing me homies. It’s horrible. But enough about allergies, and this is serious. If anyone is in Ukraine and needs somewhere to go, if you can, head to Ireland and Scotland. They’ve lifted all travel visas and passports. You can get in. And if any of you people from Ukraine can get to Caithness, the highland clans are willing to take you in, free of charge. I got the information from my family over there this morning. Currently in America, or where I am at, which is the South, we are worried about you guys. And my college is close to an international airport, so we may start opening spare dorm rooms for Ukrainian refugees. If any Ukrainians fly into SC, dm me. If you’re close, I will come get you. No questions asked. Aight? I care about you guys. Don’t hesitate if you get in SC. It only takes about 7 hours to travel the whole state. I’ll come get you if the need arises.

@Space group

My mom just spent about an hour nonstop screaming at me about the "Sacrifices she makes for me"… I'm sorry? That's called being a parent? It's your obligation. Hell, anything less would be child abuse at this point. Anyways, timeskip more harsh words and things I don't even want to repeat I tell her that as soon as I'm done with highschool I'm moving and never coming back.
I'm just so empty inside now I don't even feel like getting up in the mornings, nothing matters.

@Space group

I feel awful for the people in Ukraine, specifically because I'm unable to offer the same help as Winter, I have no home or shelter or transportation to offer you. I genuinely wish I could, you guys deserve a helping hand but I can't offer it and it pains me to just sit anxiously and wait for more news.

@Starfast group

I feel awful for the people in Ukraine, specifically because I'm unable to offer the same help as Winter, I have no home or shelter or transportation to offer you. I genuinely wish I could, you guys deserve a helping hand but I can't offer it and it pains me to just sit anxiously and wait for more news.

I feel like a lot of people feel this way not just with Ukraine specifically, but pretty much any other time some big scary event like this has come up. It doesn't feel like enough just to post about how my thoughts and prayers and go out to the people of wherever (Ukraine, in this instance) but at the same time it also feels like that's the best I can do.
That being said though, my heart does genuinely go out to Ukrainians right now. It sounds like a super scary situation and I hope everyone over there is staying safe.

v Thank you for sharing all of that.

@Mojack group

I’ve been following the Russo-Ukrainian war for a few years now and I’ve been bringing information and putting it into one of my discord servers. Be extremely aware of misinformation at this time, as Russia is also waging a disinformation war right now.

Here’s the gist of what I’ve found so far. I’ve decided to share it here for all who are interested.

  • The invasion began around 5am Kyiv time. This also marks the 3rd time Russia has violated the Olympic truce.
  • Putin calls it a “special military operation” in Ukraine, stating that their goal is not to occupy, but to demilitarize and denazify the country. Do note that Ukraine’s president is of Jewish background, and has had family members who’ve lived through the holocaust. He is also not a nazi.
  • People in subway stations across Ukraine and other underground places are taking shelter, using them as bomb shelters. There were air raid sirens in Kyiv going off.
  • A curfew has been declared.
  • People from Ukraine are fleeing, into neighbouring countries like Moldova.
  • At the same time, there are some Ukrainians heading back to Ukraine to take up arms. There’s probably more refugees, but still.
  • Heavy fighting was reported in the Chornobyl area. The zone has reportedly been seized by Russian forces.
  • Hostomel military airfield was briefly seized by the Russians, but I believe Ukrainians might have reclaimed it. Still, fighting continues in the area.
  • This invasion is the largest state-on-state (not counting Yugoslavia then) invasion in Europe since WW2.
  • Some Russian soldiers were believed to have abandoned their equipment and uniforms after being shot at.
  • There are multiple anti war protests in Russia. People have been arrested there.
  • Ukraine defenders have managed to hold most key positions.
  • It is thought large scale bombings of Kyiv are likely to occur in the next two hours.
  • The Ukrainian president has ordered full military mobilization.
  • 13 border guards were killed on Zmiinyi island, which despite everything they managed to defend it for hours previously. Still, they’ve unfortunately fallen.
  • Men aged 18-60 are not to leave Ukraine.

I’m also going to take this moment here to talk about two spellings - Kiev vs Kyiv; I recommend against using Kiev, as that is the Russian spelling. It doesn’t make much difference but Kyiv seems more correct to use.
Also Chernobyl vs Chornobyl. Chornobyl is the Ukrainian spelling of that.
And - PayPal does not work in Ukraine, with few exceptions. Be careful if anyone is going to donate to Ukrainians; do a bit of research.

Edit: I’ve dedicated a discussion completely to posting about Ukraine: To avoid flooding this one.
The main post also includes information about how people can help.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Apparently my brain wants me to make a serial killer universe. So far I have….
Babydoll Killer:
Dresses their victims to resemble a baby doll and tries to set up scenes for child play.

Bleeding-Heart Killer:
Leaves Bleeding-Heart flowers at each scene, and takes out the victims heart.

Forests' Hangman:
Strings victims up in the woods upside down by their ankles and slits their throats.

Mermaid Killer:
Ties a cinderblock to the ankles of their victims and throws them into the water where they drown. Uses lakes, swimming pools, the ocean, ponds, aquariums. Cuts gills into the victims.


Did I accomplish all that I could have today? No. Could I have been more productive? Yes. But I choose to look at the fact that I finished all of my homework (Late and due today) Today before it was due with very little complaint


I'm sleepy and bored, my left knee hurts and I'm pretty sure I did something to it, I've been having seizures again, it's midterms time, and my period starts soon. Woo-hoo.
The good news is that I get to see my guinea piggie this weekend, and my mother's dog, whom we call the "rat dog" because he's been shaved and looks like a little rat. When he's hairy, he looks like Chewbacca with the face of an Ewok.