forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm sleepy and bored, my left knee hurts and I'm pretty sure I did something to it, I've been having seizures again, it's midterms time, and my period starts soon. Woo-hoo.
The good news is that I get to see my guinea piggie this weekend, and my mother's dog, whom we call the "rat dog" because he's been shaved and looks like a little rat. When he's hairy, he looks like Chewbacca with the face of an Ewok.


@Space group

I decided I want to get my heart surgery done

Nice, what procedure?

Cardiac ablation to burn out some extra pathways in my heart

@Space group

When I went to the ER I was in SVT and going into heart failure at 214ish beats per minute. My heart has extra pathways that sometimes trigger and start looping the signals like crazy

@Space group

Life update✨
Marked as a spoiler because it's depressing and most people don't care

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

replying to your spoiler

@catnap group

i (currently) really want to go to ringling college of art and design but im afraid i may not be good enough :( of course right now im only a freshman in highschool and have plenty of time to improve but i cant help thinking that i may never get there
well besides feeling doubtful (which i admittedly often feel lmao) i actually feel pretty inspired and motivated to improve my art as much as i can, i really would love to one day get into that school

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

@Bunny you got this! You'll be surprised at how much improvement you can see in four years if you practice. I am also often doubtful about my own dream (publishing a novel) but sometimes spite is the best motivator. prove yourself wrong!
I believe in you and I'm rooting for you!


I found out that apparently I'm over halfway done with my degree, and I can graduate in three semesters if I work real hard. YEET

@catnap group

@Bunny you got this! You'll be surprised at how much improvement you can see in four years if you practice. I am also often doubtful about my own dream (publishing a novel) but sometimes spite is the best motivator. prove yourself wrong!
I believe in you and I'm rooting for you!

thank you so much, ill definitely work hard to reach my dream!! rooting for you too, youve got this!! when you publish your novel, just remember to drop the title here hehe >:D

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

@Bunny you got this! You'll be surprised at how much improvement you can see in four years if you practice. I am also often doubtful about my own dream (publishing a novel) but sometimes spite is the best motivator. prove yourself wrong!
I believe in you and I'm rooting for you!

thank you so much, ill definitely work hard to reach my dream!! rooting for you too, youve got this!! when you publish your novel, just remember to drop the title here hehe >:D

YAS! get it! YOU GO!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!! >:D (this is my new fav emoticon lol)
haha will do, thanks :) hoping to be published by the end of the year :P

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright Space. It’s 1 am and I was asleep and that never happens. I woke up in a cold sweat and something said check Notebook. And by Jove it’s you. Imma say this once so you better listen. You know what I look like homie. See me in your mind’s eye. I’m not joking with ya. Here goes.


And just one more thing, not just for Space but anyone.

The most important person in your life, is you, the opinion that matters the most in your life, is your own. That's not to say you shouldn't also take other people into consideration, because you should. It's saying out of all the people in the world it's the most important that you care about you. Figure out how to do that and life get's just a tad easier.


On a less serious note, I was productive today and I'm quite proud of my self, the short but still important, list of achievements is as follows

  • Signed up for all of my classes for next semester, right when registration opened so I have a really good schedule set up.
  • Made my bed
  • put away all three baskets of laundry that have piled up over the weeks of depressive nope energy
  • made a smoothy


Thank you! On every day but Monday I don't start classes until 10am. As for Monday I got a seat at the 9 am class, which is the only class that happened after 8 am, and It's a mandatory course for my major. All the other sessions are at 7:45 am, so yeah, I'm pretty proud of that actually.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

On a less serious note, I was productive today and I'm quite proud of my self, the short but still important, list of achievements is as follows

  • Signed up for all of my classes for next semester, right when registration opened so I have a really good schedule set up.
  • Made my bed
  • put away all three baskets of laundry that have piled up over the weeks of depressive nope energy
  • made a smoothy

Win is big proud. What classes are you taking?