forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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You know
When I first said that I'm basically nocturnal, I genuinely thought that my sleeping patterns could not get any worse and a life of falling asleep at 4 am and sleeping until 12-2pm was as bad as It would get.
I was very wrong. Extremally, stupidly incorrect. I am now falling asleep around Noon and waking up at 5 pm this is rediculous and it is not enough sleep, nor is it normal hours. But I'm to scared to say this is the worst it will ever get because heaven help me if I jinx it and fate decides to shave another hour off my sleeping schedule I will perish instantly. I can't do anything, I can't do anything when I'm awake in the morning because by then I'm so dead exhausted I literally can't see straight . Then I have 5 or less blissful hours of unrestful sleep, and then I'm still tired only it's dark now and I can't do anything because it's night time and I'm supposed to be sleeping.
I don't even want to know what time zone my brain thinks it's in cause it ain't this one and I'm very upset and tied that is all. I'm sorry for bothering you all, thankyou and goodbye


My hands smell like hairspray, and I genuinely have no idea why.
And in other news, one of my roommates didn't even bother to do her chores last week, so the floor has gone unswept for two weeks.

Deleted user

My coping mechanism is suggesting that I lay in the road and my therapist is not very pleased with that


I was entering the freeway, on an on-ramp, as you do. The lady driving in front of me legit stops, where the solid line becomes dotted, with her blinker on waiting for freeway traffic to clear and let her on. It's a short on-off, so you have to be going at speed to get on or risk getting swept in the exiting traffic. Just as I start to go around her, some crazy person stops and lets us in. Just had to vent.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I was entering the freeway, on an on-ramp, as you do. The lady driving in front of me legit stops, where the solid line becomes dotted, with her blinker on waiting for freeway traffic to clear and let her on. It's a short on-off, so you have to be going at speed to get on or risk getting swept in the exiting traffic. Just as I start to go around her, some crazy person stops and lets us in. Just had to vent.

Broooooooo I would have lost my mind. Glad you are okay tho!


I'm working on my Astronomy Class homework (Cause I don't want to do communications) but as it goes for an online class, I rarely have stuff do so I barely look at the course. Well today I have stuff do and I'm looking at the modules. Module 1: How to locate the best Observatory Location. Module 2: Astrophysics and Blackbody Radiation. Like? That's a big jump from good observatory locations

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Help, I keep thinking of aus for Demon's Hunt…This time it's set in the 1800s during slavery. George owns a plantation and has slaves. Cale is one of them. William actually hates slavery and tries to get George to let his slaves free. Of course George refuses. William secretly cares for the slaves and gains Cale's trust a little bit. They grow close. Eventually William starts to plan to take some of the slaves and go on the run, heading north. He and Cale become lovers while they're on the run from George and others.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

dreamed last night i had an enemies to lovers romance set at a magical school. damn

Got an au where Cale and William are in high school. William is a bully/jock type that is also a demon and secretly a serial killer. Cale is more on the meek side, and gets bullied by William at first. Also, William is dating Cale's sister. They eventually break up, and Will realizes that he has romantic feelings for Cale after more stuff happens. They, of course, end up becoming a couple.


Did you take notes? That sounds like an interesting story/comic idea.

I did, yes. It would definitely be interesting, tho i might do it as an RP instead lmao

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Chance: [Busy giving orders to try to control the sails.]

Cale: [Waiting patiently.]

Chance: [Turns and bumps into Cale, tossing them both to the deck.] Oh man, I'm sorry! [Stands and helps Cale back to his feet.] You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!

Cale: I wasn't "sneaking", I was waiting for you to finish talking. [Brushes himself off.]

Chance: [Blinks in surprise.] You were waiting for me?

Cale: Yeah?

Chance: [Checking the ropes to certain sails.] What could I do for you?

Cale: Heard there was a storm. Came to see what I could help with.

Chance: [Thinks for a while whilst also admiring Cale.] Well, there is the cargo. We gotta make sure that that's tied down and secure.

Cale: I can handle that. [Wanders off to the cargo hold.]

Chance: [Puts someone in charge of the upper decks and follows Cale to the cargo hold.] Figured you could use some help.

Cale: [Shrugs. Had pulled off his mostly tattered shirt as he moved stuff around.] Not really. Everything seems to be good down here. I'm just moving these crates.

Chance: [Licks his lips and clears his throat. Lifts some of the smaller crates and stacks them on larger ones.] So, uh, are you another of Asshole's lost ones?

Cale: [Huffs.] I'm not lost, and I don't belong to anyone.

Chance: Ugh, he is so cute! [Scoffs and becomes disheartened as he notices the mark that William left on Cale.] I am so fucking screwed for having romantic feelings for this guy!

Cale: Earth to Chance. Are you there?

Chance: Hmm?

Cale: You're zoned out, staring at me. What? Is there a bug on me or something?

Chance: Oh! [Quickly flushes red, embarrassed.] Uh, um, no.

Cale: [Smirks, crossing his arms.] Then what are you staring at?

Chance: [Gulps and tries to distract himself by lifting a crate that's slightly too heavy for him to lift.] Fu- [Topples backwards and hits head.]

Cale: [Sighs.] What did you do that for? [Easily moves the crate and helps Chance up.]

Chance: [Pushes Cale back as he turns away and vomits.] Damn that demon…. The one thing that he failed to mention is that we occasionally get to relive our deaths.

Cale: [Concerned, tries to reach out to comfort Chance.] Woah, hey. I think you should go lay down.

Chance: [Waves him off. Props himself against a secure crate.] I'll be fine in a few seconds.

Cale: [Huffs.] Just go… I can handle the rest of this myself. [Goes back to double checking and securing items down.]

Chance: [Reluctantly leaves the cargo hold.] I am so, so screwed!

Cale: [Finishes up relatively quickly and goes to head back up. Almost takes his shirt but examines the torn beyond recognition garment and leaves it.]

William: [Up on deck where he's making sure the ship stays on course. Using telekinesis to help with this. Looks a little tired, but is managing.]

Cale: [Goes up to him.] Have you seen Chance?

Cale: He was helping me make sure the cargo hold was secure then started acting all weird.

William: [🤨] Define "weird."

Cale: First he stared at me for a really long time, then he made an ass of himself trying to lift a crate, fell under it and hit his head. I tried to help him up and he pushed me away.

William: [Looks at Cale and has his gaze linger on the other man's exposed torso.] Were you shirtless while he was down there?

Cale: Yeah. It was stuffy down there. Plus there wasn't really enough of it left to call it a shirt.

William: [Tsks and shakes his head.] The dumb fucker's attracted to you! C'mon, let's find you a proper shirt to wear. [Starts to go to his quarters.] You said that he hit his head?

Cale: Yeah, pretty hard. I tried to help him, but he wouldn't let me.

William: [Nods.] That sounds just about right; he died by cracking his skull trying to impress a potential love interest.

Cale: …He what?

William: [Gives Cale a tired look.] I told you before that my crew is composed of some souls that were meant to go to Hell; I got an arrangement with Satan, aka Davy Jones, that allows a select number of damned souls to serve on this vessel. I didn't know that part of the agreement was that they sometimes have to relive their deaths.

Cale: So… is he going to do that any time he's around me? [Disturbed.]

William: [Shrugs his shoulders as he looks for a shirt for Cale to have.] Probably not.

Cale: [Casually sits on Will's bed.] That'd suck if he did.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm going ice skating for the first time tomorrow! Super excited but also kinda scared cause I have CRAAAAAP balance lol

AIGHT I GOTCHU I SKATED ALL THE TIME IN ALASKA. BEST THING TO MAINTAIN BALANCE IS TO THINK OF THE SKATES LIKE AGGRESSIVELY HIGH HEELS. Put pressure on the balls and heels of your feet. Relax the arch. Bend the knees. Use your thighs and not your calves unless you really wanna go fast. Lean forward. If you need too, stick your arms out for balance. Glide. Don’t pick your skate up off the ice. Use the grip at the tip of the skates to push. That’s also the brake. And for the love of all the stars in the sky, do not attempt a hockey stop. You will break your ankle, or at least smack yourself on the ice and see stars. Use your core. That’s your balance. And it’s super easy to catch onto. Bc once you fall, you really don’t wanna fall again. So you fix what ya did wrong so you avoid le pain.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I get awful foot cramp whenever I go ice skating, but roller blading is just fine for some reason

Either you have super high arches, or super low arches. Rollerblades are fitted like a shoe with a squishy sole to cushion the foot and toes. Skates forgo the comfort for the feet for stiff foot and ankle support. Skates have to be tight with no wiggle room. Roller blades can be comfortable and loose a little because it’s more like a shoe. Less ankle damage. In short skates give up comfort for more protection and lowered risk of injury. Bc a broken ankle is never a good thing.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Lol I went rollerskating with my friends once and I'm pretty tall, so lets just say that was the first time I really injured myself

Aight masterclass with Winter time. This is the only time to actually bend like a cashew. If you’re tall, bend a little and find your center of balance. It’s in your core. Or once again if you’re tall, it may rest lower nearer to your hips. Like skating do not lift the wheels off the ground just push with your thighs, add calves if you wanna go zoom zoom. Use your arms for balance. It helps. I still use my arms. And I’ve been skating and roller blading for years. Balance is key.


Any one else feel a weird sense of detachment form the rest of notebook outside of like, this and two other threads? Like I was going through the other threads today and I recognize no one it's so weird.