forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My mother and I had a fight last night and she stormed out of this house saying she never wants to come back and a bunch of horrible shit. She isn't home yet but if/when she comes back do I apologize?? If so how. My mother has anger issues so the fight was just her taking out anger and talking shit about my father and I jumped in and tried to defend us.

Kind of up to you. If you think you have to apologize than do. Or if you think you should. But idk you know your situation best

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

When you consider revamping your profile even though nobody's likely to see it but you.

I actually go through and read everyone’s profile I stumble across. For example did you know that The Premiumest Support amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) is a third culture kid? That’s pretty freaking epic my dudes. It actually helped my suite mate talk to me in college.


When you consider revamping your profile even though nobody's likely to see it but you.

Sadness bc I follow u and u don’t follow meeeeee 😂 but it’s cool my guy. I could care less as to who follows me.

Wut? I don't follow you? I could have sworn I did. Let me fix that.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

When you consider revamping your profile even though nobody's likely to see it but you.

Sadness bc I follow u and u don’t follow meeeeee 😂 but it’s cool my guy. I could care less as to who follows me.

Wut? I don't follow you? I could have sworn I did. Let me fix that.

I swore U did too 😂 I looked yesterday and went whoooaaaaaaa that’s odd and just left it at that. I was like oh well fam.


Do you just ever come up with inside jokes with yourself

I have an entire list of those in The Book of Lists.

Inside Jokes I Have With Myself, pg. 115. (I refuse to explain these)

  • Red vest/vanilla
  • Adalinda in a sweater
  • Eli has no butt
  • Orange paper clips
  • Binder clips save lives
  • Ckircles
  • Chkickens
  • Darth Piotrr looks like the love child of my friend and Cameron Boyce
  • Alli's malfunctioning plasma rifle that she won't update

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Also that essay that I wrote last night was epic. Like it is a pinnacle. So today we had peer edits. I got a first place out of 3, a 82, and a 71. And I’m like bro all three are different grades. And each person has literally no marks on my paper. Like the 1 out of 3 one literally edited my title page and was like ah yes. Done. The 82 guy say “you need a conclusion” and I literally have a paragraph that says IN CONCLUSION, and the 71 guy literally just put the word Grammar, and did absolutely nothing besides put one comma in a super awkward place and I was like, well if you’re gonna correct me at least correct me in the right freaking spot. So needless to say I was pissed, bc I wanted good feedback. So uh shoutout to those people who can somewhat English and somewhat grammar I’ll post my essay tomorrow and if you have time, you can have a shot at destroying my will to live. Free of charge. At least your comments and suggestions won’t have an impact on my grade! 🙄😂


Also that essay that I wrote last night was epic. Like it is a pinnacle. So today we had peer edits. I got a first place out of 3, a 82, and a 71. And I’m like bro all three are different grades. And each person has literally no marks on my paper. Like the 1 out of 3 one literally edited my title page and was like ah yes. Done. The 82 guy say “you need a conclusion” and I literally have a paragraph that says IN CONCLUSION, and the 71 guy literally just put the word Grammar, and did absolutely nothing besides put one comma in a super awkward place and I was like, well if you’re gonna correct me at least correct me in the right freaking spot. So needless to say I was pissed, bc I wanted good feedback. So uh shoutout to those people who can somewhat English and somewhat grammar I’ll post my essay tomorrow and if you have time, you can have a shot at destroying my will to live. Free of charge. At least your comments and suggestions won’t have an impact on my grade! 🙄😂

I had to peer review a friend's physics project paper thing, and I was brutally honest (as is my way when it comes to grammar) and I don't think he was very happy XD


I was looking at all the Lists in my Book of Lists and realised that like,,, around a third are things that literally only I get, or "you-had-to-be-there" moments.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Bro I destroyed the three kids I had. The minimum word count was 2,000 words. A girl that I graded came in with a page and a half worth of writing and I’m over here like that’s 300 words or less. And here I am with 8 pages of writing and a works cited pages that rivals the Roman gods. One kid spelled conquer as concur and I’m like BRUH WE’RE IN COLLEGE. IT’S ONLY 7 LETTERS AND YOU MANAGED TO TAKE ONE OUT. Then the last kid had beautiful format, but it was literally a drunken rant about how the Romans conquered Egypt. And they didn’t mention Rome until the last paragraph. It was about the seuclids (or however you spell the ancient Syrian people that decided to have 6 wars with Egypt) and I was like bruh Why?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I was looking at all the Lists in my Book of Lists and realised that like,,, around a third are things that literally only I get, or "you-had-to-be-there" moments.

At least you don’t have one of where you looked at yourself in a mirror and deadpan looked at yourself and pointed, and said you dumb graham cracker and then continued on with life. I also have found out that I like cursing in ice cream flavors, cereal brands, and soft drink brands. For example:
If you don’t shut up imma rocky your road and beat the ever loving strawberry cheesecake outta you.
And my personal favorite


Ooooo lemme guess
I’ll Wait, Kygo and Sasha Alex Sloan

It is not a Koenigsegg, but that's not a bad guess.
And you are correct on the song.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Ooooo lemme guess
I’ll Wait, Kygo and Sasha Alex Sloan

It is not a Koenigsegg, but that's not a bad guess.
And you are correct on the song.

Look at the Alaskan getting cultured bois. Getting to know different genres of music is like giving me the infinity stones. Imma know too much one of these days bois.


. One kid spelled conquer as concur and I’m like BRUH WE’RE IN COLLEGE. IT’S ONLY 7 LETTERS AND YOU MANAGED TO TAKE ONE OUT.

… Ok as someone who has never gotten 100% on a spelling test and had to google how to spell "acknowledge" yesterday, that one hurt a little bit, that is most definitely how I would spell conquer.

But deserved, It hurts just a bit but it's deserved.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

. One kid spelled conquer as concur and I’m like BRUH WE’RE IN COLLEGE. IT’S ONLY 7 LETTERS AND YOU MANAGED TO TAKE ONE OUT.

… Ok as someone who has never gotten 100% on a spelling test and had to google how to spell "acknowledge" yesterday, that one hurt a little bit, that is most definitely how I would spell conquer.

But deserved, It hurts just a bit but it's deserved.

I google how to spell words all the time. I understand. Again, English isn’t my first language 😂. I’ve just been slammed by my mother who teaches people “proper” (as in grammatically correct) English as a Speech Pathologist. This kid acknowledged that it was wrong, and tried to literally convince me that he was right. Concur is a word, it means to agree, he spelled the word right, but meant another one. Also he’s a senior. Not a freshman. I get it for freshmen, but a senior who is graduating in December? Holy smokes dude. Even the teacher was like broooooooooo. But I do apologize if I hurt you in anyway. I did not mean it as such.

@Space group

I have to google words when it's like…. Hmm, this word doesn't look right. I know how to spell it but it just looks weird and I have to double-check