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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Kinda like the several failed attempts to kill me during the French Revolution. My execution? Lol when and where homie I’ll be there.

Alright France
Some city square
Meet me at the guillotine if you can make it

I’ve been here since forever fam. I got until the heat death of the universe. I can wait.


Oh I know who he is. Jim Hawkins was the first man I ever simped for. Oh sweet honey iced tea.

He looks like a Wish-sourced Flynn Rider


Wait treasure planet?

yeah, treasure planet

Who hasn’t heard of Treasure Planet? It's such a great movie. Deserves to be a classic.

Didn’t watch it till I was 20

I watched it for the first time like 4 months ago


Wait treasure planet?

yeah, treasure planet

Who hasn’t heard of Treasure Planet? It's such a great movie. Deserves to be a classic.

Didn’t watch it till I was 20

I watched it for the first time like 4 months ago

I didn't know what it was until today when you people started talking about it

@AloofFloof group

Treasure Planet is so underrated it makes me sad hhh. And never once have I looked at Jim Hawkins and thought "wish Flynn Rider" lmaooo. Jim is his own iconnn


I don't think I've ever simped for anyone except for my boyfriend and the two-sevenths of Richard Hammond's soul that I own. And maybe a little bit for Martin Garrix and Kygo. But apart from that.


My dad insists that I've seen Treasure Planet before, but I remember a single thing about it. But man do I wanna watch it as soon as I physically can.

@Space group

Deleted user

Does anyone take Japanese class or has taken it before, I need help on how to write numbers in kanji

@Space group

Oh btw I started coding a game on Twine and was wondering if anyone would like to be part of the team (only 3 people in it currently, including me) We mostly just need help with plot ideas and characters, you won't have to do coding (If anyone would like to write some scenes that'd be great too)
It's a Dark Fantasy RPG, non-linear text based adventure