forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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You know sometimes I think, having great acting skills in fantastic. And then I'm siting outside my dorm room crying at 11:40pm all alone and everyone thinks I'm doing great because of said top notch acting skills.

Any way how are ya'll doing

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group


If it helps any, I can relate to that, Winter. One time, my dad actually corrected the pastor of the Church I was volunteering at after the service and my dad doesn't even go to that church regularly. He just stopped by a couple of times to see the family. I was so annoyed and embarrassed. That man just cannot keep his opinion to himself and constantly feels like he has to correct everybody! Thank God the pastor was so chill about it.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My god my dad was like but you're wrong. And this is why you're wrong and this is why I'm right. And I was across the road with toddlers, and luckily for my I didn't see it, but my sister was there and she started crying and my mom was like oh great now everyone knows he's crazy. And I'm like it's the final countdown da da da daaa da da da da da

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Yep, that's worse… but it does seem like a good thing that you weren't actually there for all that. My dad did that not even a foot away from where I was standing.

I’m starting to think that dads in general are crazy. I know there's some good ones out there but it seems like you and me got the short end of that stick.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My dad is awesome. He helped raise my sisters and my brother, who aren't even biologically his, before I even came along. They actually view him as more of their dad than their actual dad. He also drops everything and helps out anytime any of us needs anything.


I hear people talking about casually leaving for a bit by themselves or with their friends and I always thought "That's so cool" but I'm doing it for the first time and am casually freaking out. Is this normal?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

good morning here’s a fun fact: if you accidentally leave a kazoo next to an Alexa and set an alarm it’s sure to start the day off right with a heart attack after jolting you out of your nightmare about 7-11

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

nightmare about 7-11

I was fumbling with my wallet and the total just kept going up and I had to scan my own ice cream, ramen and Tootsie pops which didn’t help with the anxiety and eventually the total was over 200 dollars and I couldn’t pay so I just left but I broke the orange tootsie pop

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

alarm went off and it was like

well an alarm put through a kazoo

Niceeeeeee probably sounded like a demonic goose or something

that’s exactly what it was like

A new Pokemon has been discovered
Attack: Releases A Honk that summons the legions of the dead and brings nightmare and horror to all those who dare oppose it.

@Space group

If anyone could just drop a few dark fantasy plot ideas that would be the best thing I'll experience all day. I'm driving myself insane trying to think of something for my new book