forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Let's normalize some things. Is that okay?
I've been seeing a lot of body insecurity on the forums recently. And I'm gonna say some facts. Note: I am by no means a doctor and I'm not your doctor. I do not know your body like you do. If you are concerned about yourself and your habits, please consult a licensed physician. This is just to raise awareness, and to give facts about the human body that are often misconstrewed due to the influence of social media and family and peer pressure. Thanks you.
Let's continue.
The average male is 197.9 pounds. And a size 40.2. And. this. Is. The. Average.
The average female is 170.6 pounds. And a size 14-16 (38.6 inches) And. This. Is. Average.
Guess what? Clothes are made to fit the sterotypes on social media! Like size 30 to 34 to men, and size 0 to 2 for women! And it varies from store to store. For example a size 12 in women's could be either a size 10 or a size 14 depending on the store. It's jacked up. Just don't look at size. Find things that fit you and that you feel comfortable in.
(Note only had 2 gender norms. They are in the process of adding more. This is Cis Male and Female, but based on the margins of error, all genders fall in between 160 to 200 pounds and 38 to 42 inches)
Social media has influenced children, teens, young adults, and adults into thinking they aren't healthy, and that they are obese, when in actuality, they are perfectly healthy. Males thing they have to have washboard abs, and a perfect body. Females think they have to be curvy and thin. That is not the case. Being skinny and thin and being sickly skinny and thin are two different things. It all depends on the metabolism of the person. Some people are just naturally thin. They have the metabolism of a jackrabbit. While other have the metabolism of a bear. Please don't starve yourself to get an image of a model or an influencer off the internet. That does you more harm than good. Their photos are retouched and edited to make them look flawless. Eat when your body says to eat. Listen to your body. It's trying to keep you breathing and it's doing a great job at it. Reward it with love, and don't abuse it with starvation and deprivation. Now onto the people who are average. I'm female. 5' 1" I'm a size 14. I weight 185 pounds. That is normal. (I'm actually a little bit over average, but that's okay!) I've played sports all my life and I have muscle buildup. Guess what? All of you people do too. And muscle weighs more than fat. It's okay to be average. It's okay to realize that you aren't edited and that you're a real person. And guess what bodies are bodies. They are made to protect your internal organs. They are made to bend and roll and fold. Back rolls and tummy rolls are normal everyone has them. And Females, that little pooch right under your stomach? That's your reproductive organs. You can't get rid of it. It's not going anywhere. And now for people who are a little above average. Guess what? You're normal too! You're a human. Your body is doing what it needs. Listen to it. Don't try to starve yourself or try diets or things you found on the internet in order to get instant results. If you're concerned about it, do not turn to the Internet. Talk to a nutritionist, or a professional physician. But do not let other people tell you what you should and shouldn't look like, feel like, wear, act, or eat. You're your own person, and you knos your body better than anyone.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, and feel free to add more facts, and gender norms! Everything is appreciated. I just want people who are struggling know they aren't alone. Because I've been there. I still am. But you know what? That's okay.

@tungsten fastfood

Yeah lmao I was told I'm overweight by my doctor even though I'm 5'7, 180 something and exercise a lot.
It comes from doctors too because they all use the same measurements, so be careful

@Space group

There's this girl beside me in the office screaming, crying, and throwing stuff while I'm just sitting here innocently playing cool math games like the inner child I am.


Ooh I should play cool math games during open lab.
I definitely wont do that I'm a responsible collage student, I don't know what you're talking about.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hot enough to make you sweat just by sitting outside. Gonna go swimming. I have two choices:

  • Turtle Ponds (waist deep water on me.)
  • My aunt and uncle's pool, which is deeper.

Going with the latter option.

@Pizzaz11 group

Tell me why it's so hard to write ideas I have for a plot down on paper. Like, I have everything in my head, but when it comes to writing it out my mind just goes blank like I didn't spend forever coming up with stuff for a plot. It's the same with typing it out on a document.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Well you see in your mind you feel like you have creative freedom. But when it comes to real life and writing on paper with a pen or pencil, your brain decides to say, hey I have boundaries now. That paper is a constraint. We only have to put what's necessary. We have a limit. You can thank the school system for that. We've been taught to hit limits with paper and pen. With word counts, page limits, not meeting a goal, and subconsciously, your brain is freaking out bc you're supposed to have a limit with paper. All our brain knows is limits, but in your mind there are none because they aren't there. No one has tried to constrain your own ideas in your own head. That's all you.

@Pizzaz11 group

Well you see in your mind you feel like you have creative freedom. But when it comes to real life and writing on paper with a pen or pencil, your brain decides to say, hey I have boundaries now. That paper is a constraint. We only have to put what's necessary. We have a limit. You can thank the school system for that. We've been taught to hit limits with paper and pen. With word counts, page limits, not meeting a goal, and subconsciously, your brain is freaking out bc you're supposed to have a limit with paper. All our brain knows is limits, but in your mind there are none because they aren't there. No one has tried to constrain your own ideas in your own head. That's all you.

….well I never thought of that, but it makes sense


Well you see in your mind you feel like you have creative freedom. But when it comes to real life and writing on paper with a pen or pencil, your brain decides to say, hey I have boundaries now. That paper is a constraint. We only have to put what's necessary. We have a limit. You can thank the school system for that. We've been taught to hit limits with paper and pen. With word counts, page limits, not meeting a goal, and subconsciously, your brain is freaking out bc you're supposed to have a limit with paper. All our brain knows is limits, but in your mind there are none because they aren't there. No one has tried to constrain your own ideas in your own head. That's all you.

Ahhhh, that makes sense, It also makes sense why I don't have that problem as I don't like it when people tell me what to do, to hell with the school system honestly.