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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

F, I was sailing the other day and tried to do a drywalk, then slipped and hit the inside of my legs really hard on the centerboard and it didn’t bruise because I don’t really bruise but it still hurts to walk and this happened Thursday morning

Oof I know how that feels. What conditions were you sailing in? My personal favorite is just after it rains and it's still foggy, or early morning fog and all is quiet. It feels magical.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

When I was ten, I jumped off my stepdads truck with a umbrella because I thought I would float. Long story short, I sprained my leg for 2 days

I've done that before! Except it was off of a roof and there was snow I really thought I was gonna fly. There was also the time where I made a hang glider out of old plastic siding I found and used t shirts as the cover and jumped off the roof a second time. Believe it or not it worked for about 3 seconds. Until I realized I couldn't steer and hang gliders don't fly they float.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Oh jeez, lets see…. I once hit my lip on a table causing a wound that was an inch in length; lips bleed a lot btw. I've also fallen off my bike multiple times. One time I hit my chin on the road; the pain from that was so intense that I didn't know that I chipped a tooth! Another time I fractured my wrist. Got a sprained ankle from practicing long jump. Hit my head on a brick.

There's a run-off ditch from the creek where I live that people put bricks in. A friend and I were "rock climbing" by using the vines that grew there as climbing ropes. Mine broke.

@Pizzaz11 group

Oh oh, it's injury time? Welll:

One time I fell off a pony that had reared up, I hit my knee and left over an inch long scar. One time I was on a swing, accidentally let go and went flying. Got a face full of pebbles, but thankfully I didn't break anything. Just recently I cut my fingers on broken glass by pulling really hard on glued together glass, breaking the damn glass instead of getting the glue apart. 6 stitches on one fingertip and 2 on the other

@Tidermelon group

This conversation makes me feel a little better about my broken finger.

But for real, big F in the chat, all of those sound exceedingly painful and I am very sorry for what happened to you guys.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

F, I was sailing the other day and tried to do a drywalk, then slipped and hit the inside of my legs really hard on the centerboard and it didn’t bruise because I don’t really bruise but it still hurts to walk and this happened Thursday morning

Oof I know how that feels. What conditions were you sailing in? My personal favorite is just after it rains and it's still foggy, or early morning fog and all is quiet. It feels magical.

It was super windy, and the fact that it was my first time skippering and I had a small crew didn’t help

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

F, I was sailing the other day and tried to do a drywalk, then slipped and hit the inside of my legs really hard on the centerboard and it didn’t bruise because I don’t really bruise but it still hurts to walk and this happened Thursday morning

Oof I know how that feels. What conditions were you sailing in? My personal favorite is just after it rains and it's still foggy, or early morning fog and all is quiet. It feels magical.

It was super windy, and the fact that it was my first time skippering and I had a small crew didn’t help

Oh my- I remember my first time skippering. It was super cold and we had to break the ice to get to the bay. It was me and 2 other people and we were miserable. The spray would freeze before it would hit the water. Meaning that whatever it landed on was going to be cold and wet and frozen. We did come back with a net full of fish however. That was the plus. And it was the only plus.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book
This is what I know how to sail. This is the 5 to 6 person crew one.
This Is the single person umiak. Also called a monkey boat. This is what I would take out by myself, or with a single passenger.
(It's an old picture, but it's still what they look like today.)
And if you look up information on the umiak, it'll say "sail cannot be used for tacking, bc of the lack of a keel." I call bs bc I've seen those sucker rigged up. I saw a man put a whole outboard motor for a sports yacht and added several sails, and then he lashed a whole log under the boat and made his own keel and it worked fine. I guarantee it was the fastest thing out in the water.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Here's the wiki article. I checked it over and it's as right as it can be.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yo that’s dope, at camp we just have (technically 4-person but we can fit 7) training boats, and some racing boats that are half-broken

I've never really gotten in a racing sailboat. Are we talking about the hydrofoils? The kind that when catches a good breeze rises out of the water and zooms at the speed of light?

@Tidermelon group

So, I just made this really cool character, but I don’t know what to name it. He’s actually an American satellite - one of NASA’s, you know, the ones that orbit the planet. He completely inanimate until he was hit by a strange piece of alien debris, which granted him sentience so he could pull out of orbit to do good things around the universe.

Okay, now it sounds totally stupid now that it’s written out like this. But that’s okay, because it sounds good in my head, and that’s what counts :) Any name ideas for him?


Welcome back to me getting a sensory overload, but my english assignments are due in 2.5 hours so my lights are off, I'm wearing sunglasses and headphones, with my t-shirt quilt on (its the closest thing I have to a weighted blanket) and trying to get it done, but I can't focus for long periods of time on it


Get yourself something to drink, that feels like something, like something hot or something cold, if you start falling into the brain numb state take a sip and it should work. I use cold Grape juice or Orange juice usually.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Get yourself something to drink, that feels like something, like something hot or something cold, if you start falling into the brain numb state take a sip and it should work. I use cold Grape juice or Orange juice usually.

Bruh that's an epic tip that I never thought of using. Holy smokes that could help me focus more on schoolwork and prevent me from daydreaming for hours. You are a genius.

@Space group

omg my new highschool just gave me my chromebook (ugh) and everything is blocked. Literally everything except google classroom