forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Ok well, All of the dead bodies on Mount Everest were once Highly motivated people who didn't quit and look where they ended up.
There are also the trail guides that were forced into the profession but every one likes to ignore that little tidbit of information.

But you right, My Mom raised a quitter and I intend on proving her and her efforts wrong

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Well you certainly got the motivation part down pat! (With the proving wrong part of course.) You're gonna do great things Rels.

And the people on Everest never really quit. They fell victim to a situation that they couldn't control. They made the choice to go up, and the situations that happened weren't in their control. And now knowing that guides were forced to be guides it raises awareness to me. I am now informed about it. So thank you. It makes me feel more informed about something that I didn't know about, and I think I'm going to look into it. I would like to learn more about them. Read some of their stories.

Please don't be like she's being overly positive what's wrong with her? If you would like me to lay back say no more I will. I'm just doing my own coping thingy I guess


Well you certainly got the motivation part down pat! (With the proving wrong part of course.) You're gonna do great things Rels.

And the people on Everest never really quit. They fell victim to a situation that they couldn't control. They made the choice to go up, and the situations that happened weren't in their control. And now knowing that guides were forced to be guides it raises awareness to me. I am now informed about it. So thank you. It makes me feel more informed about something that I didn't know about, and I think I'm going to look into it. I would like to learn more about them. Read some of their stories.

Please don't be like she's being overly positive what's wrong with her? If you would like me to lay back say no more I will. I'm just doing my own coping thingy I guess

you're good you're not overbearing with your positivity your more, like hey there's still some hope in the world my dude, life may suck but at least there's an avocado on your counter. So we good


Also in my first class of the day I can literally just do what I want for an hour and the teacher doesn't care. So I've just been working on my book in class, I wish I had this class in the fall, I don't but I wish I did for NaNoWriMo

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Also in my first class of the day I can literally just do what I want for an hour and the teacher doesn't care. So I've just been working on my book in class, I wish I had this class in the fall, I don't but I wish I did for NaNoWriMo

Oh my that is wonderful


Also in my first class of the day I can literally just do what I want for an hour and the teacher doesn't care. So I've just been working on my book in class, I wish I had this class in the fall, I don't but I wish I did for NaNoWriMo

Oh my that is wonderful

That sounds so nice. I wish I could do that


There's like a full hour left before I can take a nap and I don't know If my brain is gong to last that long. Like you know the level of drowsy when your fingers feel sluggish and a little bit numb, that's the point I'm at. It's not good.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Please ask me questions about them!

  • The Flame (Future secret identity of Jason Flayme [from Rising Flame]): He has pyrokinetic abilities, can throw flames outward from his body, control/warp/shape fire into how he wants it. Born with his abilities, which didn’t activate until he was 6. Got his alias from media outlets, but will change it to Brimstone.

  • Vortex (Oliver Jackson): He acts like a black hole, sucking anything and everything that gets in his way into his body. "I once worked on a secret government operation that was testing the effects of dark matter on inanimate objects. It was my job to place the objects in the chamber. The door sealed behind me as I was putting a toy car in, locking me inside. The people in charge lied; they were actually testing the results of dark matter on living flesh…. They then tested my abilities."

  • Serpent (Eric Whitestone): Has the ability to paralyze people with a single touch. By biting his opponent(s), he can deliver a neurotoxin that will slowly kill. By piercing skin with his nails, he delivers an acidic venom. He can move his body at ease like a serpent, hence the name. Like Selena, he was part of “Project Apex.” Went to college with Oliver and even dated him.

  • Detox (Selena Levine): She wants to be good, but evil is all that she knows. She can take the natural poisons from a person's body, and turn them against the owner. Was a chemist working at Lighte Pharmaceuticals. A fire broke out after a chemical spill, giving her the appearance of death. Chemicals leached into her system giving her her powers. Lighte Pharm took her ‘corpse’ away to run tests on her in “Project Apex.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have hurt myself pretty good. And you may wonder hmmm Win how'd you do that? I being the wonderful genius I am, decided that playing waterball (water kickball with pools for bases and tarps slicked down with soap as baselines) was an epic idea. My accident happened running from second to third and I lost my footing as soon as I stepped .01 inches onto that tarp. I landed on my elbow and wrist and heard a nice crack. Spicy. It's not broken just sprained but ouchie. I then got up and fell again and felt a muscle go goodbye cruel world and that's the story of how I ripped my lat dorsi muscle. It hurts to breathe my dudes.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

F, I was sailing the other day and tried to do a drywalk, then slipped and hit the inside of my legs really hard on the centerboard and it didn’t bruise because I don’t really bruise but it still hurts to walk and this happened Thursday morning