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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Does anyone else jus get really creative between the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 in the morning? Or is it just me?

Not sure if it's the sleep deprived deliriousness or just genuine greatness but most of my lyrics are from that time frame


You know when it's like 5 am and you haven't slept yet and you're listening to songs that make you cry in order to feel alive also it's comforting to know that someone else knows what you're feeling well enough to express it in music and I just.
I really like music ok, some lyrics just hit me right in the relatable and like how can one song be so darn sad comforting and relatable all at the same time. Like you can't just write something along the lines of "I don't know how to be there for my self and a lot of you clearly don't either but let's work on that together ok? I know you can do it, so Promise me to never give up on yourself and I'll promise to not give up on myself." Like Bruh, you can't just hit me in the feels like that while your voice is giving me the warmest hug I've had in years, heck nawh. Not cool.


Not sure why hearing someone else sing about their insecurities makes me feel better about my own but here we be. Like yes, please sing about how alone in life you are for I will relate and for some reason that will make me feel better. While I'm at it might as well add that one song about feeling like you're entire existence is a huge lie you've invented that you are now trapped in, and the one about self doubt and watching every one around you and yourself move forward but not really feeling like you're progressing and being stuck in one state of mind. Yeahhhh all that good emotional stuff for my emotional sleep deprived self, Might as well tie the metaphorical ribbon around this mess with a nice song about the impermanence of life and how it's ok if life happens because it's inevitable and you know what, It's ok the impermanence of life is a comforting thing if you think about it from the right perspective. Gotta love music, Yeahh I should sleep… I;ll do that now if I can convince my brain too.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I didn't sleep last night either. However, I do remember a dream that I once had.

I dreamt that I was on an alternate Earth where one of my aunts on my mom's side was Batwoman, but she went by Batgal. I broke into the Cave and had to try to convince her of who I was. It was a weird but entertaining dream though!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh I was in a writing coma until like 5 this morning so I absoultely passed out and never checked notebook but hey I cranked out 16 pages of writing and for having writer's block for a lil over a month that's a huge accomplishment. And yeah Rels. I can relate. Songs just hit different. Lord Huron is my go to rn. Meet Me In The Woods just chef's kiss makes me feel emotions very strongly. Also Achilles Come Down really hits me hard. Dark sad song that is like oh look hey it's how you're feeling right now and I'm like ah yes that's the good stuff


I have this suuuppperrrr cheesy plan if ever I get engaged to give it to my SO but you know I am terrified of commitment and also relationships and will likely be single forever so you know. Especially considering my standard for men is Faramir and Aragorn

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have this suuuppperrrr cheesy plan if ever I get engaged to give it to my SO but you know I am terrified of commitment and also relationships and will likely be single forever so you know. Especially considering my standard for men is Faramir and Aragorn

That's a wonderful standard to have!


So, I'm taking a religions class in college and we were talking about something, I wasn't really paying attention because I was doing English Homework, but all I hear is the story about how these young single women would dance and these men would come and choose their brides and it is still a tradition today and tomorrow is the day they would do that so my teacher, who is a stone faced, no nonsense man, said "Warning to all the single women here the be careful when they go out to clubs tomorrow night" And I thought I was messaging my friend in the same class saying "Well, there go my plans" but I accidently sent it to everyone and my teacher was talking for another 30 seconds before snorting and then laughing for like 10 seconds before looking directly at the camera and said "NO! MQ NO!"


Ya'll I feel so free.
I am out and I am flexing these cramped underused wings, I feel so free right now.
Like I didn't know exactly how much stress would leave after I left home but like the answer is a lot.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Ya'll I feel so free.
I am out and I am flexing these cramped underused wings, I feel so free right now.
Like I didn't know exactly how much stress would leave after I left home but like the answer is a lot.

It feels great doesn't it??? Oh you feel like you could just fly forever and suddenly everything has so much more joy in it. Laughter comes easier. And you feel better about yourself and the stress that held you down is greatly alleviated.