forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Tidermelon group

I'm getting surgery later today for my broken finger. I hope all goes well. In the meantime, I'm not allowed to eat until after my appointment, which is a little after noon… and I can't drink within 3 hours of getting it. I pray that my stomach won't be growling during the procedure.

@Katastrophic group

I have a new curse, "I hope you sunburn your toes" cause while it doesn't hurt, it is the most uncomfortable thing and makes stubbing your toes 10x worse.

I mean I'm usually much more burnt than this but I think I prefer wet socks

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I kinda want to write a prequel to A Nightmare on Elm Street that focuses on the original murders committed by Freddy, the investigation, the trial, and then the parents murdering Freddy; I'd just call it Elm Street. Then I would probably write my own version of A Nightmare on Elm Street afterwards.

I also have numerous other works that I should focus on, but writing.

@Tidermelon group


Hey glad ur back! How ya feeling?

Pretty good! A little sleepy, and both my arms are feeling weird (the one that was worked on is numb, the one that got the IV is hurting) but I’m okay and I can’t wait for whatever time I can get this cast off. My friends at church will be excited to sign it, though :)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


Hey glad ur back! How ya feeling?

Pretty good! A little sleepy, and both my arms are feeling weird (the one that was worked on is numb, the one that got the IV is hurting) but I’m okay and I can’t wait for whatever time I can get this cast off. My friends at church will be excited to sign it, though :)

One-handed typing sucks. I had to that a few years ago when I fractured my wrist.


So there is this dude on my online english class and I always forget his first name, so I call him Tobin (his last name) and my dude seems to be so well put together, like in a group it's me, him, and a 16 year old's mom (That's how she introduced herself) but like, me and the mom don't turn our stuff in until late at night but Tobin man, he turns his stuff in between 10-12 in the morning the day it's due. Like, I get having a schedule and being all organized, but imagine actually turning stuff in to an online class before 7 pm

@Pizzaz11 group

I have,, a story idea thingy, I want to talk about it but idk who'd listen to me rant about shit that probably doesn't even make sense-

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So there is this dude on my online english class and I always forget his first name, so I call him Tobin (his last name) and my dude seems to be so well put together, like in a group it's me, him, and a 16 year old's mom (That's how she introduced herself) but like, me and the mom don't turn our stuff in until late at night but Tobin man, he turns his stuff in between 10-12 in the morning the day it's due. Like, I get having a schedule and being all organized, but imagine actually turning stuff in to an online class before 7 pm

Pfft. I’ve turned stuff in two seconds before. Kinda stressful ngl.

@Tidermelon group

I have,, a story idea thingy, I want to talk about it but idk who'd listen to me rant about shit that probably doesn't even make sense-

Share away, bucko. I’ll listen!

… Also, it may or may not be close to 5 AM for me, and I may or may not have woken up because my hand was hurting like heck. I took some medicine for it, but it’s still throbbing, maybe a little less, but it’s still painful. Hopefully I can get back to sleep soon.

@Pizzaz11 group

Ty ty both of you-

So basically there's this world where there's a whole system of gods. There's basically a god for everything. Well the gods of the sun and moon are both very important in this world, mostly because of their history together. (Basically they were part of two godly families that were rivals, and they both fell in love and caused the two families to eventually come to somewhat peace) well, the higher ranking gods, like the sun and moon gods, have apprentices that they train if they ever have to be away. But, keep in note, the apprentices are never meant to fully replace the gods. The gods are immortal and will never need to be replaced (or so they thought). Well, one day, one of the sun gods apprentices (let's just call the god Solas, and the apprentice Kanak) Kanak, got a bit jealous of Solas. Just a bit. He wanted to know what it would feel like with all that power. But he never intended on acting on it. Well, at least until Jealonvy came around. (Jealonvy is basically the pure manifestation of jealousy, she came about long before Kanak or even Solas was around). Jealonvy basically latched onto that small piece of jealousy and corrupted Kanaks heart, making him resent Solas. She offered Kanak a deal: If she let him posses his body and helped her take down Solas, she would let him assume the throne. Since Kanaks mind wasn't in the right place, he said yes. But see, Jealonvy was obviously lying. For years after she came into existence nobody paid attention to her. Nobody, not even her own mother, knew she existed. She wasn't even thought of as a god by the people on earth. And she was sick of it. So she possessed Kanak, using his appearance to catch Solas off guard. An epic battle ensued, and Solas ultimately got thrown down from the heavens, falling to earth. Jealonvy then basically threw away Kanak like an old used toy and assumed Solas's throne, much to the other gods horror. The heavens went into chaos, but Jealonvy kept gaining more ground and slowly picking off more gods. Kanak, feeling horrible for what he'd done, went to the god of the moon (Lune, Solas's lover) and cried to him, telling him that it was his fault. Lune forgave Kanak and told him that if he helped find Solas, then he would be doing his part in setting things right. So they both went down to earth and spent about one earth year looking for Solas. When they did it was..shocking to say the least. You see, in the battle he had lost an arm, two fingers on his right hand, and was struck blind in one eye. When he came to on earth he didn't remember his time in the heavens at all. Someone found him in an alley and rushed him to the hospital. Of course, he didn't have any documentation or history in that city, or anywhere on earth. Noone realized that this was their god. Leila, the person who found him, let him stay in a spare room at her house while he got back onto his feet. So, by the time Kanak and Lune found him, he was working a bunch of part time jobs trying to save up for an apartment. He didn't remember either of them at all.

So now the two are trying to convince Solas (Who mixed up his name and is now going by Silas) that he's actually a god, and has to return to the heavens immediately. Then there's whole thing with Solas not remembering his and Lunes relationship, Solas feeling betrayed by Kanak when he finally remembers, all that good sideplot stuff.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I'm tired….

Me last night: [Lays down.]
Insomnia: 🖕😁🖕

Me: [Sees that a movie is on tv.] Huh, I haven't seen this movie in a while. I'm gonna watch it!

Also me: [Hardly pays attention to the movie.]

@Tidermelon group

Wow! That’s quite the concept. But there’s one thing I’m having trouble grasping: Why did they just leave behind all the other gods to fend off Jealonvy themselves to look for Solas down on Earth? Maybe they had a good friend they could trust, and who had promised to take care of the situation while they were gone? The god of Earth, maybe? Also, how did they know that he had turned into a human and was now on Earth? Did Kanak see it, and Lune just took his word for it? How did they find him down there? Is there a “god of the people” that could have helped them? And finally, did they turn into humans themselves to find him?