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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I guess I'll start with what I just worked on.
I I've been working on the homeland of one of the races in my world the Senviens. It's a huge marble city carved out of a single chunk of the rock. The whole city is shaped like a single Delphinium flower if you were to look at it from the sky, the palace is at the very center and from the sky it makes up the inner flower shape, (If you look at a Delphinium it has two tears or petals/color) It's also knows as the city twice abandoned. Ok from that rough very very basic description, ask me some questions. I'm bad at just talking I need a question.

Why was the city abandoned twice? And what's the significance of the city being in the shape of a delphinium flower?

@Pizzaz11 group

We made a little grave for him underneath the crabapple tree that's on my mom's farm. I just hope he had a good time while he was still here.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

We made a little grave for him underneath the crabapple tree that's on my mom's farm. I just hope he had a good time while he was still here.

😭 so sad and sweet at the same time


@JustALostM book

Frrrriiiiickkkkk. My sister just got in a car crash and I'm scared for her. My father flew out of bed to go get them and my mom was with her and I call her. I hear a man saying "Ma'am, is she ok?" and my mom reply to me "I need to go…." and it's 12 o'clock so you could imagine…


Why was the city abandoned twice? And what's the significance of the city being in the shape of a delphinium flower?

The city was fist abandoned with the death of the gods, Unable to stand being in the same place his parents built together, and the place where they committed the highest act of betrayal, the remaining deity, Magen, left the city, abandoning it and their role in Denma (Denma is the name of the world as a whole) Magen's last order was for the Senvien's to continue guarding the final resting place of their parents. the first time it was abandoned was by the gods.

The Second time is much more recent, When an invisible plague began to spread throughout Denma the Senvien's suffered the most casualties. See The god's that died, Soen and Eaena gave life to the world the creation story is that Eaena was the first to be cast from the society of the other gods (This is debated amongst scholars, some say she was cast out, some say she left, some think no other deities existed and Eaena willed Soen into existence somehow, Religious studies are real convoluted) , She found refuge on a simple lump of rock and began to create, but all of her creation lacked something, they would wither and die once they left the sculptors hands, It's said that the oceans were made from her lonely tears, Religious scholars say those who feel a strong pull to the sea are responding to that lonely call. Soen (Either willed into existence by her loneliness, or Leaving the society of other deities to join his lost love) Joins Eaena and he brings life to her creations, Eaena creates things and Soen sustains them. So sense Magen didn't continue doing their parents job the gods greatest creations are beginning to suffer, the greatest creations being the humanoid races. They're starting to die off in the form of a plague that travels through water, and sense the City is built in the middle of a lake, the Senvien's all died, those that didn't abandoned the city. So it's the city twice abandoned.

Delphinium's were the first plant that was given life by Soen, the first thing Eaena created that didn't instantly die, so when the gods made their home they made it in the shape of the first thing they created together. The City is also called Delphinia after the flower.

Sorry got a little off topic on that one


Well. I hope all is well with my sister… Turns out a drunk .ady past a red light and slamed into my sister's car…

That's really scary, sending positive vibes your way, I hope everything turn out alright.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Man, right now spelling is honestly the least of your worries. Hopefully all parties involved are alright! Though shame on the lady for drunk driving. She's at fault here.) I'm actually not really what else to say other than spend time with your family right now….

@JustALostM book

Well. There's good news and bad news. Good news is My sister is fine. Bad news is that lady started a dann court case saying she wasn't drunk and my mother hurt her arm (thank God not too bad). Now they separated my sister and taking my mother so where I'm just really confused and yes. I'll update in the morning due to me needing to go to sleep and having camp.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well. There's good news and bad news. Good news is My sister is fine. Bad news is that lady started a dann court case saying she wasn't drunk and my mother hurt her arm (thank God not too bad). Now they separated my sister and taking my mother so where I'm just really confused and yes. I'll update in the morning due to me needing to go to sleep and having camp.

Police tend to separate people to see if they're versions of events match up, it's actually routine. I'm glad that everyone, for the most part, is alright. It sucks that the woman wants to take things to court. Fortunately since she likely failed
the sobriety/breathelizer test authorities
will be more inclined to not believe her. Try to get some sleep.

Deleted user

We made a little grave for him underneath the crabapple tree that's on my mom's farm. I just hope he had a good time while he was still here.

I'M CRYING. Poor little one.