forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

IDK if this is weird, but I've just discovered 8D music (Like 4 hours ago, whilst getting my second COVID shot and going through that fiasco) But I've been dissociating with this playing in my sound-proof headphones on and I just realized it's 10:30

Oh ho ho if 8D blew your mind, 16D will absolutely destroy it.

@Pizzaz11 group

Ok big deal, there are officially 10 pages in one of my universes

It's been at 9 for so long, but now I've got it to ten :D

@Pizzaz11 group

Ok big deal, there are officially 10 pages in one of my universes

It's been at 9 for so long, but now I've got it to ten :D


Ty ty


IDK if this is weird, but I've just discovered 8D music (Like 4 hours ago, whilst getting my second COVID shot and going through that fiasco) But I've been dissociating with this playing in my sound-proof headphones on and I just realized it's 10:30

Oh ho ho if 8D blew your mind, 16D will absolutely destroy it.

That was one of the best nights insomnia ever put me though. The night I discovered 8D ect. music was a real good night. Still the best way to pull me out of an anxiety attack, grab some headphones put on a playlist and just vanish into music. Not the healthiest, but definitely the quickest.
The bad thing is I then cease to exist for several hours until my headphones die, That could also be a good thing depending on the day.
Oh also I'm moving out in like a week so that's fun.


…. That felt, real good
I just confronted a friend about breaking promises and just overall not being a good friend and they have yet to respond but like, I needed that, I needed to get that off of my chest.
I confronted today, that was hard I'm crying because that was very difficult but I'm proud of me.

@LiteralCyborg group

…. That felt, real good
I just confronted a friend about breaking promises and just overall not being a good friend and they have yet to respond but like, I needed that, I needed to get that off of my chest.
I confronted today, that was hard I'm crying because that was very difficult but I'm proud of me.

I've had to cut a toxic "friend" out of my life too, and nothing feels better than finally being able to let go, my guy. It takes guts, tho! You did real good!


…. That felt, real good
I just confronted a friend about breaking promises and just overall not being a good friend and they have yet to respond but like, I needed that, I needed to get that off of my chest.
I confronted today, that was hard I'm crying because that was very difficult but I'm proud of me.

I've had to cut a toxic "friend" out of my life too, and nothing feels better than finally being able to let go, my guy. It takes guts, tho! You did real good!

Thank you, I was up literally all night figuring out exactly how to word things, I have not slept yet and it is 6:30 am, but I did it.