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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

We made a little grave for him underneath the crabapple tree that's on my mom's farm. I just hope he had a good time while he was still here.

I'M CRYING. Poor little one.

So, totally unrelated to this sad event…. I think that Kang the Conqueror is behind the TVA.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Why was the city abandoned twice? And what's the significance of the city being in the shape of a delphinium flower?

The city was fist abandoned with the death of the gods, Unable to stand being in the same place his parents built together, and the place where they committed the highest act of betrayal, the remaining deity, Magen, left the city, abandoning it and their role in Denma (Denma is the name of the world as a whole) Magen's last order was for the Senvien's to continue guarding the final resting place of their parents. the first time it was abandoned was by the gods.

The Second time is much more recent, When an invisible plague began to spread throughout Denma the Senvien's suffered the most casualties. See The god's that died, Soen and Eaena gave life to the world the creation story is that Eaena was the first to be cast from the society of the other gods (This is debated amongst scholars, some say she was cast out, some say she left, some think no other deities existed and Eaena willed Soen into existence somehow, Religious studies are real convoluted) , She found refuge on a simple lump of rock and began to create, but all of her creation lacked something, they would wither and die once they left the sculptors hands, It's said that the oceans were made from her lonely tears, Religious scholars say those who feel a strong pull to the sea are responding to that lonely call. Soen (Either willed into existence by her loneliness, or Leaving the society of other deities to join his lost love) Joins Eaena and he brings life to her creations, Eaena creates things and Soen sustains them. So sense Magen didn't continue doing their parents job the gods greatest creations are beginning to suffer, the greatest creations being the humanoid races. They're starting to die off in the form of a plague that travels through water, and sense the City is built in the middle of a lake, the Senvien's all died, those that didn't abandoned the city. So it's the city twice abandoned.

Delphinium's were the first plant that was given life by Soen, the first thing Eaena created that didn't instantly die, so when the gods made their home they made it in the shape of the first thing they created together. The City is also called Delphinia after the flower.

Sorry got a little off topic on that one

That's pretty cool actually. Have you ever read Strange The Dreamer? It's actually similar with a city being abandoned and rehabited, gods leaving, and children being left behind. The substance they use is called Mesatharium though. You should really look into it!!!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Well. There's good news and bad news. Good news is My sister is fine. Bad news is that lady started a dann court case saying she wasn't drunk and my mother hurt her arm (thank God not too bad). Now they separated my sister and taking my mother so where I'm just really confused and yes. I'll update in the morning due to me needing to go to sleep and having camp.

I'm glad that she is okay, and everyone is going to be alright. Now you need to get some sleep. Okay?


That's pretty cool Rels! So, how did the gods die?

Ah, the Betrayal, Soen and Eaena had a kid Magen, I've mentioned then quite a bit at this point. Well Eaena is the Idea guy, she creates everything, Soen is the, my wife made this cool thing now how do I make it not die, guy, Magen like their name suggests is the Magic guy, If something doesn't make sense it can't really be explained, that's Magen a little ball of chaos. The first time the three created together Dragons were made. I say work together but what happened is Eaena came up with the Idea for a lizard like creature, Soen made it work, and said, you want to add a little something buddy? to Magen, and he went wild adding wings, fire breath making it super big and also it can control the weather to a certain degree isn't that cool! Also it's scales are basically impenetrable, Did I do good Dad? and Soen being the good parent he is couldn't say no and so Dragons happened. Dragons were a bit wild and out there as far as Eaena and Soen were concerned, way to OP, but what they discovered is somehow their working together as a trio had given the creature something they had previously been unable to create, intelligence.
This was a big break through for Eaena and Soen, so they started work making creatures more similar to themselves, almost Identical letting Magen add a bit of spice to them when they finished trying to figure out what Magen had done to give them intelligence, this way the other races were made. Magen was specifically told no more wings so when the first of these creations came to them they thought of a loophole, they didn't give Feana wings, they gave them the ability to enchant and instructions on how to gain wings, in doing so making the creatures much more bird like than Their parents intended. But they had intelligence. Their next creation Wenads Magen spiced up with some water breathing, and some good old manipulation magic, to make their parents happy they gifted them with irresistible beauty it would help with the manipulation aspect any way. Soen and Eaena gave up at this point but with these new creatures with intelligence around the world was less safe so their final creation would be designed to protect themselves, Senviens were made. Magen gave them something more subtle as a special ability, the ability to survive, adaptable and intelligent, strong and fast learners. After all of this creating Magen declared that they were tired of doing it and took a little vacation exploring this new world inhabited by intelligent beings. They even made little gifts to give the leaders of these new creations to help them organize into civilizations.
Now Soen and Eaena had learned the secret to intelligence from watching Magen, This is another disputed point among scholars, some said it was to see if their method of making intelligence would work, some said that the Deities felt the need to be just that, Deities over beings who needed them more than Magen's creations did, for what ever the reason, Soen and Eaena created their last master piece humanity, intelligent with out a single spark of magic.
Now Magen was living his best life traveling Denma being a benevolent force causing a bit of chaos here and there, all in good fun, they were only 2 billion years old at this point a youngster truly. Coming across Humanity on their trip home broke them. Magen became blinded by furry, quiet but powerful fury. They devised a plan in their furry, one that they would grow to regret instantly after it was completed. Magen returned home and was welcomed by their parents with open arms, they murdered the other two gods as they slept, how they were able to kill immoral beings is a mystery, but they did. Instantly regretting his actions as the fury left his body, he gave them a proper burial. He gave the Senviens a final order, to guard their graves better then they had guarded the two in life. Magen is said to wander Denma still as a sorrow filled being not much more than a spirit.

Another really long answer but I think all of the information was needed this time.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

My dad made my family go to a political dinner with him, including my newly widowed grandmother. The whole dinner, she did nothing but comment about the attractiveness of various men there. She's single as a pringle and ready to mingle-
she kept trying to hook me up with these boys I used to be friends with too

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

I build a Minecraft house made out of TNT for creepers only to blow it up with a button after I got finished and when two creepers were inside, So yeah it's fine. Guess you can say it blew up in face 🙃


I am so hecking done with my parents and I'm so hecking ready to not live in this house.
But I am really freaking worried about leaving because I know my little nephew is going to get neglected once I leave. They don't respond when he calls for help, or when he cry's. They don't make sure he eats on time they don't make sure they know where he is. I'm terrified of what's going to happen to him when I leave I'm going to come back at charismas and find a very different very emotionally stunted kid that's learned that asking for help is useless, and I can't do anything about it. His Mom is working full time trying to get out of this house and take him somewhere else, and I'm leaving for collage, I'm just really worried about him and I can't do anything about it.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

It's okay to be worried. Give your nephew a way to contact you so he doesn't feel as alone, or helpless. Email, phone number, social media, just whatever he can do. You've made an impact on him, so he knows when he needs to find you. Give him a way to keep finding you.


He's three so contact isn't really an option unfortunately. His Mom works full time and she's just as worried as I am about me leaving him she's trying to figure out what to do.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Do you have a close sibling that will still be living in the house with him? Tell your nephew that they can go to that sibling and ask to talk to them or call you. 3 year olds in this day and age are super smart. Your nephew probably has a few tricks up his little sleeve.


Do you have a close sibling that will still be living in the house with him? Tell your nephew that they can go to that sibling and ask to talk to them or call you. 3 year olds in this day and age are super smart. Your nephew probably has a few tricks up his little sleeve.

Unfortunately no, the only other sibling with a phone works the same hours as his mom. The best I can do is ask my younger sister to keep an eye on him, She's just 14 and has a lot of her own mental health issues that she hasn't realized yet, I feel bad asking her to look after a kid when she doesn't know how to look after her self. I'd be doing to her what was done to me and I just can't do that you know.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yeah I completely get that. I would say to start tell your nephew to start writing letters or drawing things to you, even though he's 3. Writing and drawing can relieve stress and tension, and drawing would help him to get his feelings out on paper. Encourage him to have an imaginary friend. We had them when we were younger, so why not him? Give him ways to cope without you being there. It's not the healthiest thing, but it's a whole lot better than having him being ignored and feeling forgotten.


So, if y'all know me, you know that I really want a pen pal but never knew how to go about it. I finally went onto one of those websites that do it and I found this person who I kind of want to reach out to, but I'm too nervous cause of people on the internet and all that jazz.

@Pizzaz11 group

So, if y'all know me, you know that I really want a pen pal but never knew how to go about it. I finally went onto one of those websites that do it and I found this person who I kind of want to reach out to, but I'm too nervous cause of people on the internet and all that jazz.

I say do it! If they don't respond they don't respond, but I doubt they won't since they're on a literal website for pen pals. Being pen pals with someone can be very fun, so go for it :D

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Just start a PM and get to know each other. Then give email addresses. Write letters. Send them to Post Office boxes instead of real addresses. Safe for everyone. Then once you guys get comfortable send photos and things in the mail to real addresses! It takes time, but it's worth it.