forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

I'm currently at my classes, and after I have work so I may not get to it for a bit.
On a sadder note… I had a breakdown this morning because I'm scared to die young (and just dying in general) I'm scared I won't accomplish anything and I'm terrified there's no afterlife.

I sometime feel the same thing, I'm here for you, Space

@Space group

Like immediately after I sent that I accidentally swallowed my Jolly Rancher whole and proceeded to choke on it. I sat there for like 2 minutes with my hand on my throat, then burst into embarrassed laughter. So…. I guess that cheered me up a little (Even though I nearly died)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Like immediately after I sent that I accidentally swallowed my Jolly Rancher whole and proceeded to choke on it. I sat there for like 2 minutes with my hand on my throat, then burst into embarrassed laughter. So…. I guess that cheered me up a little (Even though I nearly died)

I'm glad you're okay. 🙂
I had the same thing happen to me with life savors.

@Katastrophic group

I'm probably going to delete my account soon. I haven't decided…

Deleting is pretty permanent, you could always just sign out and take a permanent break, that way if you change your mind it's all still here.

@Space group

I want something permanent so I'm not tempted to come back. I just want to go… not from here specifically… but everything

Deleted user

My foot just fell asleep (not really, meaning the circulation of blood flow was cut off for a short period of time) and now it feels like a pack of raw steak and bee's stinging the bottom of the foot T^T, why must I have to go through this every single day

@Pizzaz11 group

Tfw you're so excited to start a project that the giddyness overwhelms you and you zone out and can't do anything for a few minutes

@Space group

I feel bad about leaving without an explanation but just know, I'm going through hell right now, and those of you who walk in this stage with me; I give you every last drop of strength I have, I apologize it isn't much but I pray it helps you. It never did anything for me.
I may pop in every now and then but I won't be myself. I still will check DMs.
Goodbye, my friends. I hope we'll meet again in the light.


I just realized that I’ve been projecting onto my OCs, by having them have bad relationships with their moms, and having alternative lol figures.

And when they do have good moms, it’s the stereotypical perfect mother

Deleted user

Has anybody here played Minecraft before, because if you have then I think you know how crazy the mods are, I was listening to Robot Rock by Daft Punk and I saw this in my recommendations-

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I think I'm ready for that bike ride Saturday! I can try to get scenery pictures for y'all to enjoy if you'd like me to.

Bike ride today! I got everything that I need. Today's forecast seems good with nice warm temperatures and sun. Possibly windy conditions though. 😁 I can try to get scenery pictures for y'all.

Deleted user

Last night I was sitting at the dining table alone working on some school work I needed to get done, and I fell asleep but quickly fell out of my chair when I was asleep and hit my head really hard on the floor (which is solid wood) and I started bleeding really bad and I had knocked myself out. My mom came downstairs to come to check on me and saw that I was lying there on the floor so she called an ambulance and I was transported to the hospital. I think they put stitches or staples in my head, idk which one cause I haven't touched where the wound is so I don't get any dirt in it.

@Tidermelon group

Alrighty, time to share what makes me angry. Rant incoming.
I HATE it when people say that the main game of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is better than Sun and Moon. Like, WHAT THE HECK? They completely destroyed the plot. The Mother Beast scene wrapped up Lillie’s character arc, was the climax of Lusamine’s, gave Gladion redemption, set up the end of the game, fit as both a surprising plot twist and a natural continuation of past events, fulfilled the need for a compelling trainer (jellyfish?) fight in the climax of the game, gave previous dialogue hidden meaning, gave all of the characters REASON for their actions, shed light on some of the most daring and dark plot elements Pokémon has done yet (which were previously hidden, because nobody had the context this scene gave to realize them), and, most importantly, worked SMOOTHLY and NATURALLY with the flow of the game and its storyline. Ultra Necrozma, on the other hand, was completely unexpected, completely unreferenced to, was random, sudden, and grabbing, INVALIDATED everything that came before it and made Lusamine’s, Gladion’s and Lillie’s storyline a complete false climax, in return for an excruciating boss fight that added absolutely nothing to the game except for pretty lights and a cool new form and role for a Pokémon barely anyone got around to catching in the originals. Granted, the rest of USUM’s features were cool, and the postgame had a lot more material, but the plot and main storyline of SM was FAR superior.
deep inhale
Okay, I’m good now. I just feel very passionately towards this.