forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Pizzaz11 group

So I think my friend is ignoring me. I know I need to have patience and give him time, but it's been a day since he last responded and I'm really worried since the history of our conversations says that silence from him never means anything good

Do you have any other contact with him, like a different website, Xbox or Playstation, or his phone number?

No, sorry for the late response. We met eachother over a social media app, so we don't have actual phone numbers or stuff. But thankfully he eventually responded, he was just having a bad day and wanted to take a break from stuff for a bit. Just sucks that he didn't tell me.

Glad that he's doing okay though.

Yes, of course. I'm glad he's actually doing well :)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

True Crime Don’ts with Ash:
Don’t sleep with your ground floor bedroom window open, especially if it’s facing the street, it doesn’t matter if you don’t live in a crime-ridden area

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

True Crime Don'ts with Seeba:
If you live in New Orleans between May 1918 and October 1919 play jazz music really loud and burn your family axe

@Space group

My Life Goals (Career Edition)

I want to be a popular youtuber
I want to be a game designer (Preferably for Bethesda)
I want to have at least one published book

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i got 2 hours of sleep last night :D

Ouch, hope you get some more soon. Feel free to take a nap if your schedule allows for it <333

thank you, i tried last night, even though my mom kept me up kinda late lecturing me, but i took a nap when i got home then got about 6 hours of sleep last night, so definitely an improvement

@tungsten fastfood

So I went to the doctor and I opened up about my depression. According to my symptoms of constant apathetic feelings and history of

my depression is genetic and not really triggered by anything because I feel symptoms for so long. She also described me as "functioning" under depression which had a hand in genetic depression.

I got prescribed Zoloft. I'm not ecstatic about taking anti-depressants because I've heard a lot of bad things about them. I hope it'll go well.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

So I went to the doctor and I opened up about my depression. According to my symptoms of constant apathetic feelings and history of

my depression is genetic and not really triggered by anything because I feel symptoms for so long. She also described me as "functioning" under depression which had a hand in genetic depression.

I got prescribed Zoloft. I'm not ecstatic about taking anti-depressants because I've heard a lot of bad things about them. I hope it'll go well.

i hope for the best for you. medication can definitely be scary, i refuse to be put on it, but it does help some people. whatever works for you, i wish you luck.

@ClownB*tch eco

So I went to the doctor and I opened up about my depression. According to my symptoms of constant apathetic feelings and history of

my depression is genetic and not really triggered by anything because I feel symptoms for so long. She also described me as "functioning" under depression which had a hand in genetic depression.

I got prescribed Zoloft. I'm not ecstatic about taking anti-depressants because I've heard a lot of bad things about them. I hope it'll go well.

I've never had any troubles with meds per say but most of them never worked for me

@tungsten fastfood

I know several people who it's helped– but the time you're on it also definitely has an impact. How long were you on them if you don't mind me asking?

@Mojack group

I started taking antidepressants (lexapro, specifically) last year I believe
They worked for me, but it might of been because my mental health was just..horrible and I needed something to balance everything out. And I also started on the lowest dosage (half of one pill) so that says something. They started working within a few days of regular use (just remember to take them everyday, there were two days where I forgot and my mental being took a spiral)
I upgraded to a full pill (small pills) because I still do get an off day every now and then. For me they work well.

I originally took them during night but it turns out they actually make me less tired, so I switched to taking them when I wake up. Aside from that, I haven’t had many notable side effects.
I have heard of others having negative experiences with medication, but honestly, I’d recommend just to try going on it for a while.

also on brighter side of things I might be getting Resident Evil 7 & 8 soon!

@tungsten fastfood

great thanks for the input mojamglang. I don't think Zoloft will be bad for me since it works for like everyone they put it on because it's such an old drug, but ofc I'm still worried because I set myself on the path of "i don't want medication" and look at me now woohoo. hypocrite for wanting to fix my mental health? idk lkmfao I'm sick of it and I hate feeling nothing constantly all the time or just being angry. I'm so tired of it. I'm so exhausted by it and I'm sick of trying to fight it by myself. I'm just hoping something helps.

also i have psoriasis so my scalp is gonna be fixed hopefully soon too. things are looking up.

hot vampiric lady [bitelip]

@Mojack group

I set myself on the path of "i don't want medication"

I used to be like that before my diagnosis because I was like “I really don’t want another mental thing I’ve gotta worry about” with correlated to the reason why my mental health just took a nose dive because I essentially denied that I had any form of depression. But once I got over those hurdles, I’ve found my medication really helps regulate things a lot better. And I had a ton of issues beforehand (itchy skin, itched to the point where I still have scars on my lower legs; trouble sleeping at night + irregular periods that gradually got better once I was on more of a schedule. in a way by getting that medicine i solved multiple issues)

hot vampiric lady [bitelip]

tall hot vampiric lady

woah mama.

@Katastrophic group

imo there's no difference between taking vitamins or any type of meds, for mental or physical health. Taking smth to help the chemicals process better in your brain is no different than me taking iron supplements. I hope they work well for you!

Also I just noticed that logo/typography for res evil 8 and it is genius


Ya'll I'm considering starting a you tube channel where I just film me doing the things I would try or attempt to do but can't force my self to do, because if I'm filming it I have no choice I then have to do it. Might post some random vents about history or life in general too we'll see. Anyway that's my thought of the day how are ya'll.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Ya'll I'm considering starting a you tube channel where I just film me doing the things I would try or attempt to do but can't force my self to do, because if I'm filming it I have no choice I then have to do it. Might post some random vents about history or life in general too we'll see. Anyway that's my thought of the day how are ya'll.

drop the channel and I might subby👀

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

also i think this is a good place to share my friend's music. he's made two EPs and I genuinely adore and love his songs, and I think other people should experience this music at LEAST once

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ya'll I'm considering starting a you tube channel where I just film me doing the things I would try or attempt to do but can't force my self to do, because if I'm filming it I have no choice I then have to do it. Might post some random vents about history or life in general too we'll see. Anyway that's my thought of the day how are ya'll.

drop the channel and I might subby👀



Ya'll I'm considering starting a you tube channel where I just film me doing the things I would try or attempt to do but can't force my self to do, because if I'm filming it I have no choice I then have to do it. Might post some random vents about history or life in general too we'll see. Anyway that's my thought of the day how are ya'll.

drop the channel and I might subby👀


me too-

@requiemisback language

Ya'll I'm considering starting a you tube channel where I just film me doing the things I would try or attempt to do but can't force my self to do, because if I'm filming it I have no choice I then have to do it. Might post some random vents about history or life in general too we'll see. Anyway that's my thought of the day how are ya'll.

drop the channel and I might subby👀


me too-

yea same-