forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@CaseyJ group

My boyfriend just broke up with me.

a-are you okay?


aw, im really sorry, we can talk, and message about it, if you want?


@requiemisback language

i hate sleeping
that's why i literally don't sleep until my body can't take it anymore
then i sleep and restart the cycle

Sal…that isnt healthy- like at all

haha body shutdown go brrr /j
but fr, i know it isn't healthy, but at this point it's become like??? compulsive????? like, i literally have to run the cycle or i basically become unable to function properly


I developed an ED because of my parents constantly commenting on my weight so, you can probably already tell how I feel about my parents-

@requiemisback language

i think i'm a kinda good weight for my age but my dads LOVE making it seem like i'm unhealthily chubby
now i kinda embrace having some extra meat on my bones, given that i'm cold and clammy to the touch so having some extra body fat seems to kinda stabilize my temperature at times

@Space group

I prefer not to really talk about my parents if anyone wonders why I always kinda peace out when this topic comes up. If anyone needs to talk about theirs though I'm down to listen

@requiemisback language

i'm 17 and like in the 120-130 range- and it turns out the average weight for 17 year old girls is 115-120 so i'm pretty okay in that regard

my dads think gender is part of the issue (since i'm trans, mtf) but it's not, since 130-150 is the average for 17 year old males so if i hadn't transitioned i'd still be perfectly fine


TW: Eating Disorder mentioned

@redwood eco

You should spoiler stuff like this. It can trigger people.

@tungsten fastfood

You should spoiler stuff like this. It can trigger people.

^^^^^^^^^ thank you for pointing this out.


You should spoiler stuff like this. It can trigger people.

^^^^^^^^^ thank you for pointing this out.

sorry I'll edit it now-

@Tidermelon group

My boyfriend just broke up with me.

a-are you okay?


… do you need a hug? Because we can certainly provide those, free of charge ^^

@Mojack group

(resident evil village spoilers) (even though I haven’t played the game yet) (alright not really spoilers since it does tend to happen in every game but)