forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Uh okay first all the oxford comma is a good friend. Second of all, since I am a Communications major and English major with a minor in creative writing, I'm losing my absolute mind. Now it's not horrible, you're just scatterbrained and your periods of speaking are not separated from the action. You need line breaks, grammar rules, and a lot of time and discipline. The standard manuscript is 300 pages before editing. And the average chapter is 5,000 to 8,000 words before editing. So it's like 10 to 18 pages a chapter. And it takes time to grow. So I suggest you take a writing class if you're into writing stories. It'll help a whole lot.
T^T so many things I need to correct, this more than what my teachers tell me…I'm only in 8th grade so my knowledge and skills in story writing are kinda limited, plus this story is just for fun and like a test to see if I'd like to create more story's or just create that one and do something else

@Mojack group

I’ve been standing for almost three hours talking with my dad about different topics and we managed to brainstorm a story/world in which some ice age has happened and people are fleeing to South America/Africa because those are two of the places that have escaped the ice age (it’s not meant to be extremely realistic for the most part although there are some darker/serious parts to the world as well).

it’s also kind of a political satire and I already wrote the first draft for the first mini comic I’ll be doing set in this world

but oof owie ouch my back and legs hurtie

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Uh okay first all the oxford comma is a good friend. Second of all, since I am a Communications major and English major with a minor in creative writing, I'm losing my absolute mind. Now it's not horrible, you're just scatterbrained and your periods of speaking are not separated from the action. You need line breaks, grammar rules, and a lot of time and discipline. The standard manuscript is 300 pages before editing. And the average chapter is 5,000 to 8,000 words before editing. So it's like 10 to 18 pages a chapter. And it takes time to grow. So I suggest you take a writing class if you're into writing stories. It'll help a whole lot.

T^T so many things I need to correct, this more than what my teachers tell me…I'm only in 8th grade so my knowledge and skills in story writing are kinda limited, plus this story is just for fun and like a test to see if I'd like to create more story's or just create that one and do something else

Learn your conjugations that's step number one. Story's should be stories. Learn on your free time. Take every time you can to find something new. Make yourself knowledgeable. Don't always rely on people and things to teach you everything. Things are easily forgotten.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I’ve been standing for almost three hours talking with my dad about different topics and we managed to brainstorm a story/world in which some ice age has happened and people are fleeing to South America/Africa because those are two of the places that have escaped the ice age (it’s not meant to be extremely realistic for the most part although there are some darker/serious parts to the world as well).

it’s also kind of a political satire and I already wrote the first draft for the first mini comic I’ll be doing set in this world

but oof owie ouch my back and legs hurtie

Can u share?

Deleted user

Uh okay first all the oxford comma is a good friend. Second of all, since I am a Communications major and English major with a minor in creative writing, I'm losing my absolute mind. Now it's not horrible, you're just scatterbrained and your periods of speaking are not separated from the action. You need line breaks, grammar rules, and a lot of time and discipline. The standard manuscript is 300 pages before editing. And the average chapter is 5,000 to 8,000 words before editing. So it's like 10 to 18 pages a chapter. And it takes time to grow. So I suggest you take a writing class if you're into writing stories. It'll help a whole lot.

T^T so many things I need to correct, this more than what my teachers tell me…I'm only in 8th grade so my knowledge and skills in story writing are kinda limited, plus this story is just for fun and like a test to see if I'd like to create more story's or just create that one and do something else

Learn your conjugations that's step number one. Story's should be stories. Learn on your free time. Take every time you can to find something new. Make yourself knowledgeable. Don't always rely on people and things to teach you everything. Things are easily forgotten.

I must be very very lucky to make it into the 8th grade cause I forgot what conjugations are ;-;

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh boy
Can not being can't
Shall not being shan't
Has not being hasn't
Have not being haven't
Like those are conjugations
And different noun changes for plural forms
Like storys being stories.
And familys being families.
Like centurys being centuries.

Deleted user

Oh boy
Can not being can't
Shall not being shan't
Has not being hasn't
Have not being haven't
Like those are conjugations
And different noun changes for plural forms
Like storys being stories.
And familys being families.
Like centurys being centuries.

I am a total dumba$$, how could I forget one of the easiest things to learn and master in English Class!

@Mojack group

I’ve been standing for almost three hours talking with my dad about different topics and we managed to brainstorm a story/world in which some ice age has happened and people are fleeing to South America/Africa because those are two of the places that have escaped the ice age (it’s not meant to be extremely realistic for the most part although there are some darker/serious parts to the world as well).

it’s also kind of a political satire and I already wrote the first draft for the first mini comic I’ll be doing set in this world

but oof owie ouch my back and legs hurtie

Can u share?

Oh you wanna see the first draft? here it is
(Credits to my dad for the cousin martha scene and the rich people smiling scene.)

alternate title: the refugees

[wide shot of boat, going across the ocean. the night sky is visible in the background. beyond the boat lies a floating ice cube in the distance, but on further inspection, a person is frozen within it. not much attention is paid to the ice cube.]

[closer shot, this time the front of the boat. boat is covered with some lights, but can’t see any people, even through windows. some mumbling escapes the boat.]

[wide shot. a patrol boat speeds up towards the boat.]

[cut to the action, African authorities (exact country of origin TBD) stop and board the boat, lifting the curtains up to reveal the patterns. their expressions are one of seriousness at first, and they’re shouting.]


[their expressions quickly change to a stare, an awkward one. still holding their weapons though.]

[next panel is of several white rich people. they are dressed in their best clothing, most expensive clothing and a guy in the back is saluting, wearing a comically large top hat and smoking a cigar. they’re all smiling, their teeth are completely white and even have sparkle effects to show for it.]

“AREN’T YOU GLAD TO SEE US?” [at the bottom, same page as above.]

[cut to African authorities. they look at the rich people, then at each other.]

[cut to some of the rich people getting handcuffed and their expressions dampened. the ones not yet handcuffed are still sitting in the boat.]

“Did i not smile enough?” [a shot of the women on the boat. they are brainstorming ways to throw the men under the bus. or boat in this case]

“Why are they arresting us? We just want in!” [shot of the men, brainstorming ways to throw the men under the bus.]

“My son is a very good worker! I’ll sell him to you if you let us in!” [shot of a man and presumably his wife, talking to one of the authorities. the son, younger than ten, is behind the parents.]

[cut to the face of the authority. a look of disgust and disappointment is visible on their face.]

[cut to three cages, one of the woman, one of the man and one for the child. their clothes are dirtied up and no dialogue is present. the child is sitting on the ground.]

[cut to the woman.] “You know, I haven’t seen cousin Martha since we left America. Even before that, I wonder where she is…”

[cut to cousin Martha, who is frozen (in a comedic way) in a giant icecube in a snowy area.]

very stereotypical mock-ups of rich people
made a typo, the men are thinking of ways to throw women under the bus, not the other men

Deleted user

Winter thank you so much for giving me some advanced advice, I'll definitely use that information when I'm doing my essays! And thanks for the mini English lesson about conjugations😂

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Well with School, Paintball, Basketball practice, Math Tutoring, and going everywhere with my mom, I try to use my time wisely whenever I get the chance to

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Well I'm tired and have had a very long stressful day, so Imma go to bed, goodnight!

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@Gentle-Giant It may not seem like it, but even reading can help. Pay attention to descriptive language, grammar, sentence structure, etc.

Thanks for the advice, I'll use it more often as I continue the story


@Gentle-Giant It may not seem like it, but even reading can help. Pay attention to descriptive language, grammar, sentence structure, etc.

i've learned alot from just observing how other people write

Deleted user

I added two new chapters to my story :D even tho my eye's hurt because I forgot to wear my glasses so my eyes won't strain so much T^T

@requiemisback language

i've just gotten the 5th chapter of my story done-
i seriously gotta put these chapters in a document sometime. maybe when i'm not feeling too lazy, i'll put it up- for now, i'm stickin with google docs.

@requiemisback language

it's basically a weird fantasy slice-of-life about these 5 peeps hanging out and going on adventures. some people die, some people get eaten by monsters, uh…. there's a lot of death. ouch.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So uh I wet over to a friend's house today right? I get home like an hour ago. I walk in the door and my mom absolutely tears me apart. Saying that I'm late when I was given no time limit, and then she said that if I didn't have my room cleaned to her liking, she was going to sell my things to who ever wanted them. Then she goes guess what? Since I can't trust where you go I'm taking the car, so I'm going to drive you everywhere. And I'm like listen here. I'm 18. You literally have no say over what I can and can't do first of all, and secondly, you have no room to tell me that I'm slacking and not doing my job, when you literally quit yours weeks ago. I'm done with her and all her garbage.

Deleted user

So uh I wet over to a friend's house today right? I get home like an hour ago. I walk in the door and my mom absolutely tears me apart. Saying that I'm late when I was given no time limit, and then she said that if I didn't have my room cleaned to her liking, she was going to sell my things to who ever wanted them. Then she goes guess what? Since I can't trust where you go I'm taking the car, so I'm going to drive you everywhere. And I'm like listen here. I'm 18. You literally have no say over what I can and can't do first of all, and secondly, you have no room to tell me that I'm slacking and not doing my job, when you literally quit yours weeks ago. I'm done with her and all her garbage.

oof, you do make a good point, you're not her responsibility anymore since you're 18

Deleted user

it's basically a weird fantasy slice-of-life about these 5 peeps hanging out and going on adventures. some people die, some people get eaten by monsters, uh…. there's a lot of death. ouch.

ngl that's sounds pretty good

@requiemisback language

it's basically a weird fantasy slice-of-life about these 5 peeps hanging out and going on adventures. some people die, some people get eaten by monsters, uh…. there's a lot of death. ouch.

ngl that's sounds pretty good

i could send you the prologue in DMs if you're interested! :o