forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

One: That's not my name
Two: I'm 100% not okay with some stranger I don't even know asking my real name, especially spamming the message

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I have stumbled into sheer chaos and I will shuffle back out


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I just tell people that my name is Mango which is just a name I preferred to be called instead of my real name cause I hate my real name

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My name has an Irish origin but since it's an 1850's common name, it's not really common now and days, so when I go to the store and I see those tag with your name on them, I can't find mine because they never include it

@tungsten fastfood

it's emi

also can I just share the fact that I'm having a crisis over my best friend telling me (over a week ago now) that I'd look really good with the super short Butch Lesbian (tm) haircut and my other friends really got me to thinking about asking my mom for my next haircut

i'm having a CRISIS and it's NOT okay

but like undershaving and cutting one side super fuckin short with my curls and volume OUJin bussin. you can see pics of me somewhere on rudeness. that's all I'm not panicking you are

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

it's emi

also can I just share the fact that I'm having a crisis over my best friend telling me (over a week ago now) that I'd look really good with the super short Butch Lesbian (tm) haircut and my other friends really got me to thinking about asking my mom for my next haircut

i'm having a CRISIS and it's NOT okay

but like undershaving and cutting one side super fuckin short with my curls and volume OUJin bussin. you can see pics of me somewhere on rudeness. that's all I'm not panicking you are

SAMEEEE i wanted an undercut and my mom wouldn't let me >:( but she did let me cut a lot of it off, and when i tell you that made my nb self SO happy- aughhhhhh yes. anyways, the curl and volume thing- YES. the shorter my hair is, the more curly and bouncy it is.

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I used to have super long hair, but my mom for some reason wanted to get it all cut off so my first hair cut was like an afro mohawk but 3 months later she wanted to get cut again and I got a fade on the top, and the side. I want to grow my hair again a little but then get a flat-top like people use to have back in the 80's :D

@tungsten fastfood

okay but my hair would be like that immediate sign like OOh she's FRUITZY you LKNOW like I want that so bad

it'd also be really good for my scalp I think– and like ijfffffffnm stop just stop stop stop so I'm gonna do it hopefully before summer so I pull up looking smhnazzy in AVIATORS and that's the look it'ss the look :3 I'm just convincing myself and I'm considering talking to my dad about it too lmfao

but since my age is my age I'm sure my mom would be like 👀 but not stop me

I've never gotten it that short

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╾━╤デ╦︻(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

everybody put their hands up now! This is a robbery, just hand over the money and don't try anything stupid and you'll be fine.

Deleted user

lol, today me and 3 of my friends spammed our AVID 8 google meet chat with Lenny face's XD, the teacher was so confused and everybody that was in the classroom was snickering the whole time


One: That's not my name
Two: I'm 100% not okay with some stranger I don't even know asking my real name, especially spamming the message

one: ur bitmoji looks like someone ik
two: like i said i put the message onece and it gliched my schools wifi sucks

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

╾━╤デ╦︻(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

everybody put their hands up now! This is a robbery, just hand over the money and don't try anything stupid and you'll be fine.

Try me. Only the real ones know the power of my trench helmet and bayonet. I.e. Murphy. Plus I'm broke. And death does not scare me. Honestly tho if someone held a gun to my head and said I had 30 seconds to recite the alphabet backwards I'd tell them to pull the trigger. I couldn't do it fast enough. But that's enough for me. Imma go do some dangerous things. Catch ya all in the morning

Deleted user

╾━╤デ╦︻(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

everybody put their hands up now! This is a robbery, just hand over the money and don't try anything stupid and you'll be fine.

Try me. Only the real ones know the power of my trench helmet and bayonet. I.e. Murphy. Plus I'm broke. And death does not scare me. Honestly tho if someone held a gun to my head and said I had 30 seconds to recite the alphabet backwards I'd tell them to pull the trigger. I couldn't do it fast enough. But that's enough for me. Imma go do some dangerous things. Catch ya all in the morning

XD lmao