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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

When you do a few good drawings but then can't seem to draw something else that looks good so you proceed to have a mental breakdown

@Katastrophic group

When you do a few good drawings but then can't seem to draw something else that looks good so you proceed to have a mental breakdown

I've been an art major for 4 years now and work with "proffessional artist" teachers, it happens. heck, my ceramics prof was in a phase like that last month, but I couldn't see the difference in her work. It's part of being a good artist that you can look at your own work and know you can do better. Don't worry about failure, just use it as an opportunity to push yourself further or try different styles or ways of doing things. The first step to improving is knowing that you can.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

When you do a few good drawings but then can't seem to draw something else that looks good so you proceed to have a mental breakdown

Mood, One I feel like I can draw anything and the next week, All my drawings look like trash and are clonky

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

When you do a few good drawings but then can't seem to draw something else that looks good so you proceed to have a mental breakdown

I've been an art major for 4 years now and work with "proffessional artist" teachers, it happens. heck, my ceramics prof was in a phase like that last month, but I couldn't see the difference in her work. It's part of being a good artist that you can look at your own work and know you can do better. Don't worry about failure, just use it as an opportunity to push yourself further or try different styles or ways of doing things. The first step to improving is knowing that you can.


I wholeheartedly agree! Space, we all believe in you!

@Space group

Today just isn't my week lol
I had to stay in a testing room for 3 hours while bleeding out without a pad. (We aren't allowed to leave until we finish)

@Space group

AND THEN The assistant principal that tried to get me arrested earlier yelled at me and sent me to the office because I HAD MY ARMS CROSSED AND MY BODY LANGUAGE WAS VIOLENT. Like bruh I'm sorry I was cold?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

when ur friends tell a certain friend things you didnt do and now you lost 6 friends check :):

Talk to your friend and tell them the truth. If they don't believe you, then maybe they shouldn't be a part of your life as much. (Note that I'm not actually saying to completely cut them out. I know from experience that people more often than not eventually come around.)

Now, in regards to the "friends" that lied…. Firstly, let them know that they crossed a line and how upset it made you. After that ditch their butts! It's a sad part of life, but friends come and go. You'll learn who you can and can't trust along the way, and make new friendships. Friendships that are hopefully stronger and healthier than the ones you had. Some of these people might even come back into your life at some point. When and if that happens, give them a chance; people learn and grow and change throughout the years. Trust your instincts. Get a bad vibe? Say no and go. Make your own judgment calls. Take care.

@Space group

The moment when you spend the most important class of ur highschool career taking pictures with ur friends with a broccoli filter on snapchat

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Dude, you didn't have to post the same time multiple times…. (Though I acknowledge that it could be thanks to a system glitch. ) Also, it's not cool to ask for someone's real name; that be against online etiquette.