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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

My "fresh start" may not even happen, It hasn't been decided if I'm moving schools yet. And if I'm being honest the school I'll be moving too isn't at all something I'll enjoy

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

rocks are tasty

it was covered in mud cuz it was rainy and so i ate mud as well, and there was a tiny rock in there and it hurt my tooth >:( but also, i drank bong water that day. ~adventures~

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My "fresh start" may not even happen, It hasn't been decided if I'm moving schools yet. And if I'm being honest the school I'll be moving too isn't at all something I'll enjoy

I think it should happen. You'd possibly be in a safer environment.

@tungsten fastfood

I'm honestly not a Starbucks person, I had one bad experience with their cold hot chocolate and I'm traumatized lmao


it was hot chocolate but iced and frozen? it was weird as fuck and there wasn't any coffee in it but it tasted like some rat ate some beans and shat in the blender before they blended it

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Starbucks hot chocolate tastes way bitter and I despise it

What kind of starbucks are you guys getting your hot chocolate at? πŸ˜‚ the place I get it has a very wonderful woman who makes that mess like she was making it for her own child. That hot chocolate be bussin. Imma have to get that lady to come visit y'all.

@Mojack group

I have good memories with Starbucks, I forget the drinks I got there because it’s been so long but they tasted good + I met nice employees there

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of core life experiences like energy drinks, Toblerone and sunburns

You're not missing out on sunburns. Coffee, toblerone, and energy drinks however, are a yes. My favorite energy drink is the reign orange dreamsicle. And then it'll put me to sleep. 300mg of caffeine isn't enough to shock my system.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Caffeine has the reverse effect on me. It puts me to sleep. 300 mgs makes me feel sleepy. 400 mgs is a high dose for any human adult. I can however, double that and be completely fine. It takes over 800mgs for my body to start acknowledging that caffeine is supposed to pump me up. The only reason I know this is my mom took me to the doctor when I was a child and she was like yo when I give my kid allergy medicine and medicine that's supposed to help her sleep it wakes her up and she's a toddler with the might of a demigod and the doctor was like well have you tried caffeine normally it'll put kids liker her to sleep and my mom was like sure so give I just giver her some caffiene and see what happens and the doctor was like yeah pretty much. And it put me to sleep and my mom called the doctor to tell him her findings and she was like when she's older we need to see how much of caffeine it takes to actually have and adverse effects on her. And by the time I was 10 I could go up to 400mgs and now that I'm 18, it's doubled, so I cannot be really effected by caffiene anymore.