forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Dude, college is crazy expensive and lands most people in debt; I'm not saying this to dissuade you. I recommend trying to land a "decent paying job" ASAP and saving up. You can even apply for financial aid and scholarships. Just something to keep in mind. Wishing you the best!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It hasn't been that long since y'all were middle schoolers yourselves. Give the kid a break. Besides, with how the world is their innocence will eventually wind up being corrupted anyway. It's unfortunately tragic, but also an inevitable truth.


So we should just be silent bystanders of pedophilia because "they're going to be corrupted at some point anyway"?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Um…. Just going to clarify here and now that that is not what I meant. Obviously pedophilia is absolutely disgusting, and I feel that anyone that is guilty of that should be shot.

What my point was is that the world has ways of teaching the more innocent (and sadly naive) people. Pretty much everywhere we go we are bombarded by swear words, wholly inappropriate language, violence, immodesty…. The list can literally go on and on.

Now I'm going to be moving on from this topic.


I agree with Sy leave the damn kid alone.
Most of the people on this site are middle schoolers. And its messed up y'all are saying "iM mIddLeschOOlErpHoBIc" Thats not even a fucking thing and you're extremely rude to hate people based on their stage of life. It's not like they can pick or skip a part of their life for you just because you're slightly inconvenienced. Emu if you had a problem with the conversation and us trying to help a kid then leave the chat. You have thousands of others to read and talk in. It's easily ignored and left alone.
We all were young like that before.
You're being mean to someone based on something they have no control over.


Let's keep in mind I'm talking about the present not "a few pages back"
If you refuse to acknowledge that there's obviously a problem


Ya don't have to attack someone for their age. Maturity and experience out ranks that and unless you know them personality you can't judge that


And it's sad you feel the need to attack every person that says they're under 14. I mean, you're not even that old but you're trying to hold your age above them and claim it makes you better. No it doesn't

Deleted user

I agree with Rae
I was once 14 many moons ago and bullied by those older, I think we can all agree that's a little immature

@tungsten fastfood

I'm attacking them because they used slurs that's are against groups that my friends are part of. I genuinely don't like them, their age isn't even in play when it comes to my dislike. I just use that as a joke.
Please stop. It's embarrassing. It's also terrible coming from you because you want to act like you're all above me while you insulted me and called me fat, which you never apologized for, so why should I take advice from you? Just drop it, seriously.

Deleted user

Okay so they used slurs which you could've easily held against them, but instead you lower yourself by making fun of them for their age and thinking it's a joke?
And I'm reading back and all Rea said was "Live and let live" nothing there suggested she's above everything they're just trying to stick up for a kid.

@tungsten fastfood

????? Who the hell are you? Also none of you unless you follow the rudeness chat know the full extent of the situation. I'm dropping it. I don't care.

@tungsten fastfood

If they used slurs you should've pointed that out and not made it all about their age. Report them.

Wow that's so cool I didn't thank about that thanks so much for the sage advice 😀

Deleted user

????? Who the hell are you? Also none of you unless you follow the rudeness chat know the full extent of the situation. I'm dropping it. I don't care.

Jesus I didn't know I needed to be someone in order to talk and voice an opinion. Again, I'll say this: Instead of making fun of them for age call them out for the slurs. ??

@Space group

Everyone. Shut up.
Rae apologize for calling Emi fat. Who the hell are you to make fun of someone's body?
Emi, next time mention the slurs because I was completely unaware of this. If I had known I would've been on here backing you up. That's bullshit.
Run, I think we have it under control.
Now everyone drop it. Im done