forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Soo, Uh,
Had a 5 hour conversation with my sister. She is the only one of us who has been able to go to therapy and, well that's how I found out about Narcissistic Parenting, and also that it's what my mother does. Also that it is the core of most of my life problems. Um, Also that like, all of my reactions to stuff and like some stuff is actually like Trauma. Was anyone going to tell me that it's not normal to start uncontrollably shaking when you talk about negative experiences, or like mention a persons name, or a situation or a subject. No one?

If you wanna chat with someone who understands… I might. And you are welcome.


So, I’m about to scream about my period, just a warning…

But I started yesterday and it hurt really bad (not surprising) but I didn’t sleep it hurt really bad and I felt really nauseous this morning that I couldn’t get out of bed and my dad just said I was being over dramatic and to go to school, so I did, but I had 2 minutes to get ready because my ride was already outside, so I had to sprint to get ready and I forgot to grab tampons on my way out the door and the nurse doesn’t show up until after 1st hour which is 2 hours long today and I’m off campus. So, I’m screwed and in pain. (And I cant ask my friends because they don’t carry feminine products with them)

@tungsten fastfood

Your friends seriously don’t carry feminine products with them? that’s really… not smart. You yourself have to start carrying them then. I always have/had pads in my backpack and you have no idea how many people that has benefited other than just me

@Space group

At my school, you can go to the office for pads, but you have to PAY for them.
Are you bleeding through your white leggings and in desperate need of a pad, but forgot your money? Sucks to be you!

Deleted user

my eye has been twitching for 2 days how do I make this stop

I know it's been a few hours, but I would still like to try and help. That ^^ happens to me for three main reasons.

  1. I'm stressed about things in my life and don't take time to care for myself.
  2. I don't get enough sleep.
  3. I've been looking at a computer screen way too long.

To get rid of stress, I just take time to be alone for a moment and just be nature's friend. Take a walk, listen to music while sitting outside, hell, even doing a small exercise and a nice shower/bath helps.

When I don't get enough sleep, it's usually because of problem "a." Stress.
Stay hydrated, try to take a nap, and go to bed early. When my eye's twitching because I'm sleep deprived, it takes a few days of getting on a better sleep schedule to make it stop.

Just try to stay away from electronics as long as possible. Get a habit of walking away from the screen every twenty minutes.
If eye strain is a common reassurance because of the screen, you could get those glasses that block the blue light and help reduce strain.
I know I need them, but usually, taking the twenty-minute break helps over time. As I said above, it won't go away the first, it usually takes me about two days to make it stop.

So, just do something that helps you relax. I'm not sure how much this will help, but I hope it does :D

@Space group

Seems like you're feeling a bit better Space.

Eh. The happiness comes and goes. I'm still not sure how to grow my channel in time. I don't even know how to get their attention to invite me in the first place. After all, thousands of other people are trying the same thing, so what makes me special. Why would they invite me?


"I emailed the teacher but haven't heard back" is the new "my dog ate my homework."

Me when the guidance counselor said she wanted to zoom with me after christmas break, and I ignored her email

@Space group

My guidance counselor is literal crap. She's very judgmental, rude, and accusatory. She also doesn't honor the privacy of the people who speak to her.