forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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My guidance counselor is literal crap. She's very judgmental, rude, and accusatory. She also doesn't honor the privacy of the people who speak to her.

My guidence counselor is alright, but she's too into people's faces most times, she couldn't move me out of a class where I was failing because constantly made a scene (nobody did anything about that class, since it was over fill and problem kids.), and they overwork her.

But the school therapist is a dipshit, she only met up with me twice, and after that kept on reschedualing


That sucks.
I don't see why school staff always has to be corrupted in some way-

Because they don't give a shit that we're forced to be here
They just want the paycheck, and don't bother to do their job

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Seems like you're feeling a bit better Space.

Eh. The happiness comes and goes. I'm still not sure how to grow my channel in time. I don't even know how to get their attention to invite me in the first place. After all, thousands of other people are trying the same thing, so what makes me special. Why would they invite me?

Keep working at it Space. In time I'm positive that you'll go far in this endeavor!


Do y'all have any teachers that actually give a damn about their students!?

Mrs. Polling
and Mr. Allia are pretty cool

Yeah, I have two currently, one of them cancelled class because she noticed we turned in our assignments really late at night and we were all tired. The other one is constantly telling us not to do school he's like, Look i know it's important for you to do well in classes but honestly, don't study for your test tonight, eat some good food and go to bed early. and go outside or something.

@Space group

So um… In order to help boost my channel popularity and chances on the smp, I'm working on improving old talents and creating new ones. I totally didn't spend LOADS of money on piano lessons, guitar lessons, and a vocal coach.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

At my school, you can go to the office for pads, but you have to PAY for them.
Are you bleeding through your white leggings and in desperate need of a pad, but forgot your money? Sucks to be you!

Teachers: Compassion < Capitalism


At my school, you can go to the office for pads, but you have to PAY for them.
Are you bleeding through your white leggings and in desperate need of a pad, but forgot your money? Sucks to be you!

Teachers: Compassion < Capitalism

My Econ teacher doesn't believe in Capitalism corruption and today on a quiz he but like which of these is not a reason for inflation, the one he wanted us to pick was something along the lines of, Greedy Rich people hiking up prices because of their capitalist agenda.
I couldn't not put an answer because it's an online quiz but if it was on paper I wouldn't have put anything and written, If you think that inflation isn't effected by wealthy people with agenda's why are you teaching an econ class where the data proves otherwise.
Moral of the story: Capitalism sucks.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay so I finished my book on the Roman attempted conquest of Alba, (Scotland) and let me tell you. Hyperphantasia is not a good thing to have when reading a book based on war and love and death and grief. I swear. I felt the death of a blood brother, and shield brothers, the grief of a wife who lost her husband and now has to raise a son by herself, the horror and fear of a mom whose baby came three months early, and the the hope and utter devastation that she felt when the baby breathed, and then died. I felt the grief of a new father who just lost his fist born daughter, and who stripped himself of everything of value just to give the child the Royal burial it deserved. I felt the peace and calm of the parents and the emptiness of them both at the acceptance of the loss, and then the choice of leaving the land she was born amd raised in, in hopes of a new future. I felt the joy of a blessed long life full of children, and then I felt time running out and the end of an era. I watched my one and only die from a sickness and granted his final wish to die looking at me amd the sun and the sea. Only a few moments later, when I went back home, I asked to follow my love, and then I was flying through time and space, and there was a boat and my love was waiting on me to sail into the West… And I know that I'm going to dream these things, and I know it's only going to be worse because I feel pain and see everything from their point of view. I do not wish to sleep. The thing I am scared of is the final page. Where my spirit soars and tumbles freely until I see the boat. I'm scared that if I step into the boat I won't want to wake up. But that's the price I pay for feeling too much. I just am connected to the memories of the past, and I am the conduit of years and years of suppressed memories that have at last been realized. So I'm telling you guys this to let you know if I seem distant for a little bit, I'm okay. I'm just going to be in shock if you will call it that. I'm gonna be okay, and I'll share what I can… If you would be willing to listen later on. 🙃 Goodnight everyone, I'm off on a grand adventure.


I think minimum wage raises = necessary for prices to go up btw.

Ok, so this is a bit confusing, I get it if this doesn't make sense, It took a lot of crying to get to this point of understanding.

See it's closer to the other way around, Wages don't really go up as the price goes up, the price is going to go up regardless because of the Supply and demand curve, and increase in demand makes the price go up same with the increase in supply. Supply doesn't just shift when their is more stuff to sell. So the people who own companies want their products to sell and if they are selling well they want them to be more expensive, If their making a large enough profit then their going to make more of that product increasing the supply. This is kept in check by the Demand curve (This is all in graph terms because that's what supply and demand is it's a graph, well it's a real thing but you track it on a graph) As the price for an Item goes up, the less in demand it is, usually. That's not what happens with essential items like food. There is always a demand for food and it is always rising, so people who sell food want to hike up the prices so they can get more profit.
So when it comes to Inflation it comes into pay because your power in the economy comes from your ability to spend, the more money you have they more spending power you have. If you had a choice you would sell your product for the highest bid, so the people with money have the ability to push prices up and keep them there.
Inflation isn't bad, we can see with Supply and demand that inflation happens in a healthy economy. The issue isn't with the inflation it's with the wages.
Inflation happens every year, Minimum wage doesn't go up every year, peoples wages in general don't go up every year. If you get a 2% increase in your pay check, but the rate of inflation is 4% you're not earning more money, you're earning less money, 2% less money. That's what the issue is with Inflation and business owners, they aren't increasing wages with Inflation, so over time the cost of living goes up and peoples ability to afford that goes down.
Minimum wage In Idaho is 7 ish dollars an hour. So that means if a person works 8 hours a day 5 days a week for a month, that's around 1,120 a month. The average price of an apartment with 1 bedroom in Idaho, is 580 that is not covering utilities, over half your income spent on a few walls, lets be generous here and say that utilities are only adding on an extra 100, that's being very nice for one person. If you're keeping track, you're down to 440 of your 1,120, Now food one person , we'll say 40 that is very bare minimum and you are going to start having some vitamin deficiencies, I haven't even talked about taxes yet and we're down to 400 dollars. Let's say you have medicare for health insurance, State taxes, federal taxes, and Social security, which by the way isn't optional. That's going to put you back about 215 more, you're down to 185 dollars, Let's say you take public transport, well, the month pass is another 90 dollars, you could walk every where but we all know that's not really an option depending on what part of town you're in and where your work is which lets be honest, probably isn't within walking distance if your apartment is as cheep as yours is. Toiletries, well, if your frugal with your soap and tooth paste, you can get away with 25, a month. 70 dollars, do you need to pay for laundry every week because lets be real at a bare minimum 1 bedroom apartment you're not going to have a washing machine. That's going to be 2 dollars a load on average. you probably don't have a large wardrobe and you need to wash your work clothes so, you're back another 5 or so. 65, see what I'm getting at here, heaven forbid you be a woman and need to spend an additional ten dollars a month on feminine products. I don't need to keep including the cost of living to get my point across.
It wouldn't hurt a lot of business owners to pay the workers more, not when your pay check is getting you in a million or more every year, that's the problem , they can afford to pay their people more and it wouldn't make a dent in their earnings, they would still be set for life. but they don't. Just raising minimum wage doesn't help either. But that is another can of worms and I'm in the middle of watching a show so. For now here you go.


We had this survey last semester about the teachers and if they're doing what they should be doing. Stuff like, letting us do retakes, being flexible with deadlines, etc. and I had to answer strongly disagree for most of them.