forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Guys I'm editing three 2 hour long videos, but ended up crying because how bad they were (my commentating is terrible, Idk what to talk about) I have no personality in the videos either.
I'm funny and talented irl but when I start recording all that shit decides to evaporate.
Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can talk about/ or comfort for me crying over the thought that I'll never make it?

First, everyone who begins recording on camera for the first time goes through what you're going through. It's normal, so don't beat yourself up for it. You'll get through the first hurdle. We have faith in you!

Second, if you sound weird or awkward on camera, it's probably because you're nervous (also, completely normal).
Practice filming yourself in short videos that you have no intentions to post online. Practice makes perfect, and it's probably the best way to get yourself to be yourself when shooting a video.

Find something that gets you excited and your blood pumping. I read somewhere that when you get your blood pumping, it makes your brain more alive and helps you get quicker wit?? Also, it helps reclaim your natural look since nervousness tends to make one pale.

You want to make yourself familiar with the topic you're doing. Jot down the main points so that you don't get lost. Make a map of some sort to get you back on track if you get distracted.
Try and imagine the camera is your friend and you're just talking to him/her/them.
Finally, just try to relax. You're your own worst enemy. Find something that helps you relax before filming. Drink tea, go for a small walk, even light yoga if that's something you do.

I know it's not comfort, but I hope it helps. You got this!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So I was in a real panicked state right, we love anxiety, any way. I was doing real bad and I thought you know what I need, I need a book and guys.
I found a book series that I was obsessed with in elementry school and I decided to reread them, and they hold up. Like it's clearly aimed at a younger audience language wise but, it is so good. I remember very little about it but I do remember that the main bad guy freaked me out and that's really impressive, not because it was really creepy to me, but because it was creepy and I still read it. Little Relsey didn't read books that freaked her out, but she read this. Anyway, my mood went from -20 to a solid 65 real quick, we love good books.

What’s it called?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

But it stars Jared Padalecki, who played Sam on Supernatural, soooooo…. 😁

love supernatural, but I don’t think I’ll watch walker ghfjkdls

it doesn’t look that great to me

It's actually okay so far. Like any other new show I'm giving it a chance…. Just waiting for The Boys (another great show with Kripke behind it) to come back since Jensen will be in season 3!


i went to basketball practice today just to find out i didn’t have a physical and my mom is taking so long to come pick me up and everyone’s giving me weird looks. i’ve wasted more than an hour i’m gonna cry


So I was in a real panicked state right, we love anxiety, any way. I was doing real bad and I thought you know what I need, I need a book and guys.
I found a book series that I was obsessed with in elementry school and I decided to reread them, and they hold up. Like it's clearly aimed at a younger audience language wise but, it is so good. I remember very little about it but I do remember that the main bad guy freaked me out and that's really impressive, not because it was really creepy to me, but because it was creepy and I still read it. Little Relsey didn't read books that freaked her out, but she read this. Anyway, my mood went from -20 to a solid 65 real quick, we love good books.

What’s it called?

The Secret Zoo,
It's very clearly aimed at 4rth graders but it's a solid read.


Incorrect my friend, Boramir was born in 2978 making him 40 when the fellowship left Rivendell in 3018, would be a hilarious notion, but nope. Your welcome for this knowledge. Did I spend the time fact checking just to procrastinate doing my physics homework, yes, yes I did.

Image is from Appendix B of Return of the King


I also elect to think he is 40 and not 41 because if his birthday happened while they were traveling and no one celebrated it, it would make me sad.