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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Pizzaz11 group

For some reason today I'm only imagining sad depressing shit, like couples breaking apart and stuff


Stop it. Get some help.

So. Go distract yourself with fun and cute etc.

I'm just watching baking videos and drawing- I'm feeling better- slightly-

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Listen honestly, I had the dreams I mentioned I would have I think last page or the page before, but I am not gonna talk about them yet because I am still confused and so emotionally tied up in it. I will say that last night the ship dream and sailing into the West felt so surreal. And the fact that I woke up with a tear stained face and bruises make me think I'm missing something. So I'm gonna see what happens tonight. I don't know what to expect but all I know is that it was a rollercoaster and I know it's going to continue to be until I figure out what I need too. I'm flustrated.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I've been thinking about using the name of one of my characters (Levi Darker) as a pseudonym for my writer/author name. Is this a good idea or should I use my first and middle initials with my last name?

Deleted user

I've been thinking about using the name of one of my characters (Levi Darker) as a pseudonym for my writer/author name. Is this a good idea or should I use my first and middle initials with my last name?

If it's first person and he's the protagonist… Then sure!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I've been thinking about using the name of one of my characters (Levi Darker) as a pseudonym for my writer/author name. Is this a good idea or should I use my first and middle initials with my last name?

If it's first person and he's the protagonist… Then sure!

The story he's in is third-person, omniscient; it's set in 2031 of an au earth.

Deleted user

fuck fuck i hate this get me out of here my mom just threatened to kill me and my dad hit me so hard i think i have a fucking concussion someone help im going to die tonight either by my hand or theirs there's bleach in the bathroom and im so fucking done i just think ending it all would probably be my best option so if you dont hear from me or i delete my account just assume im dead okay

Deleted user

okay nvm she said she took it back so im probably okay, but i still feel like shit.

Deleted user

i cant they took away my phone. ill be fine my mom said she took it all back, but my head hurts from how hard my dad hit it and how it like hit the corner of the wall? so idk my ears are making noise.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

okay nvm she said she took it back so im probably okay, but i still feel like shit.

I'm glad that she "took it back," whatever the hell that means. Sadly the pain of hearing that from someone you love, your own mother even, is still there. Words hurt. Please reach out if you feel you need to.