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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

i cant they took away my phone. ill be fine my mom said she took it all back, but my head hurts from how hard my dad hit it and how it like hit the corner of the wall? so idk my ears are making noise.

Hopefully he didn't give you a concussion.
May I ask what lead up to this? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Just be assured that we're here for you if needed.

Deleted user

i just kinda brought up some school stuff because i was thinking that i could get into medical school or become a cosmetologist or something and then they got mad and said we didn't have the money and i flipped out and broke a flower vase and then shit happened basically.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

i just kinda brought up some school stuff because i was thinking that i could get into medical school or become a cosmetologist or something and then they got mad and said we didn't have the money and i flipped out and broke a flower vase and then shit happened basically.

That's one great massive oof on them not supporting you like they should.

Deleted user

In lighter news: my sister looks like she's about ready to burst and give birth to my niece; she's due in March!


Deleted user

also it was a vase that had flowers on it not a vase that held flowers idk why but that one detail is making me weird.

Deleted user

Awww, that's amazing, Sy! Congratulations!

Also, @prescription-made-painkillers, I can't even imagine what your going through, but I hope things get better. We're all here for you.

Deleted user

cool thanks youre pretty neat and ill try and show up for yall when youre all going thru some shit too.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I like that they got Jared's actual wife, Genevieve Padalecki (nee Cortese) [also a Supernatural alum] to play his on-screen wife. Tragically the driving force of the series is her death. 😥 Get to see her in flashbacks though!

[They actually met while working on *Supernatural!]

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book–banana-boats-mochi-hetalia.jpg

First who would give a mochi beer (ok Scotland, England, or Russia prbly)
Second how would he get angry, does he beat people hockey sticks, pour maple syrup on them
Third Is Florida really America's dick, because I don't know how to live with the fact that I've been living in America's balls my whole life

Nah it's probably Texas. And Louisana and Mississippi are the balls. I say Texas bc they seem to be like everything's bigger snd better here so why wouldn't they be bragging about that particular stat? Florida is the child who eats glue and sniffs gasoline.


So I was in a real panicked state right, we love anxiety, any way. I was doing real bad and I thought you know what I need, I need a book and guys.
I found a book series that I was obsessed with in elementry school and I decided to reread them, and they hold up. Like it's clearly aimed at a younger audience language wise but, it is so good. I remember very little about it but I do remember that the main bad guy freaked me out and that's really impressive, not because it was really creepy to me, but because it was creepy and I still read it. Little Relsey didn't read books that freaked her out, but she read this. Anyway, my mood went from -20 to a solid 65 real quick, we love good books.

@Space group

Guys I'm editing three 2 hour long videos, but ended up crying because how bad they were (my commentating is terrible, Idk what to talk about) I have no personality in the videos either.
I'm funny and talented irl but when I start recording all that shit decides to evaporate.
Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can talk about/ or comfort for me crying over the thought that I'll never make it?

@JustALostM book

Guys I'm editing three 2 hour long videos, but ended up crying because how bad they were (my commentating is terrible, Idk what to talk about) I have no personality in the videos either.
I'm funny and talented irl but when I start recording all that shit decides to evaporate.
Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can talk about/ or comfort for me crying over the thought that I'll never make it?

Dont worry.