forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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All day? Sweetie I have a job im literally famous on instagram XD people love me. Im successful unlike you guys

Very funny, Dumont. Maybe I should keep you around just to make me laugh.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

All day? Sweetie I have a job im literally famous on instagram XD people love me. Im successful unlike you guys

Bruh I work for my money. I have my own business. I babysit. I go to school, and yet none of it gets to my head. I don't pose to please people. I do nothing to please other people, in order to make them like me. I am my own person. I'm successful, but not because I tear other people down. If you wish to be truly successful, you need other people in life to help you. To mentor you. To help you grow as a person. You're just too blind to see it, and that my friend will be your downfall. Beauty is temporary, but kindness and loving other people is forever. You need to learn that.


All day? Sweetie I have a job im literally famous on instagram XD people love me. Im successful unlike you guys

Bruh I work for my money. I have my own business. I babysit. I go to school, and yet none of it gets to my head. I don't pose to please people. I do nothing to please other people, in order to make them like me. I am my own person. I'm successful, but not because I tear other people down. If you wish to be truly successful, you need other people in life to help you. To mentor you. To help you grow as a person. You're just too blind to see it, and that my friend will be your downfall. Beauty is temporary, but kindness and loving other people is forever. You need to learn that.

Also, since when has being Instagram-famous counted as a job? I mean, it's not like you can put that on a resumé, is it? And you can't go to college for it, either. Not last I checked, anyway. 😂


Facts, right there. 😂
Also, anyone wanna know a really good recipe? It's kind of like salsa, but different. It's called shakshuka, and it's delicious.


Aight, this is it (stolen from James May's cooking show/cookbook, but who cares):
1 medium onion, diced (you can also use half of a large onion)
1 red bell pepper, deseeded and diced
1 teaspoon paprika
1 clove garlic, chopped finely
1/2 teaspoon cumin (the book says 1 teaspoon, but it can be a bit overpowering)
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder (or more if you want it to be spicy. I have 0 spice tolerance)
1 14-oz. can of tomatoes

Cook the onion and the red bell pepper in a medium frying pan with 1 tbsp (or thereabouts) of olive oil. Cook for about five minutes or so. Add the spices and tomatoes. Cook for a few more minutes. Then you can make a hole in the middle of the mixture and crack an egg right into it, allowing the egg to sort of fry (it's the traditional way, but I don't like eggs). You can then add a sprinkling of coriander leaves over the top.
It makes a good sharing dish. It's traditionally eaten with toast fingers or pita, but I have also found that tortilla chips work (it's kinda like salsa anyway).
Really good stuff. Oh and it serves 4 people. Or, if you're me and my fiancé, you can scoff the whole lot in under 10 minutes while watching a movie.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

All day? Sweetie I have a job im literally famous on instagram XD people love me. Im successful unlike you guys

If you're so Instagram famous than why are starting shit with irrelevant people, such as ourselves, for getting excited over an anime, Also if you're so famous then how come none of us heard of you.
If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all

@JustALostM book

Facts, right there. 😂
Also, anyone wanna know a really good recipe? It's kind of like salsa, but different. It's called shakshuka, and it's delicious.

I haven't heard that name in years


Facts, right there. 😂
Also, anyone wanna know a really good recipe? It's kind of like salsa, but different. It's called shakshuka, and it's delicious.

I haven't heard that name in years

What, shakshuka?

@JustALostM book

Facts, right there. 😂
Also, anyone wanna know a really good recipe? It's kind of like salsa, but different. It's called shakshuka, and it's delicious.

I haven't heard that name in years

What, shakshuka?



I have popped into existence again, and I shall not leave until the troll above decides to do us a favour and yeet out of here for the sake of finding themself. Or at least be nice. Thus goes the rules of Notebook.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh my gosh I love Rae. Even Ciel was never as cringe but boyyyy this new one is something.
Honestly I would really really love to make fun of Rae which would be easy and hilarious. But I’m gonna check myself bc we don’t need more negative energy in the world.
Just remember, kids, trolls can be defeated by The Power of Friendship Lol.


Who tf doesn't watch cartoons? Like there are cartoons for all ages of all genres, there's no reason not to watch cartoons. Gravity Falls? Slaps. Mystery, action, adventure. Amazing World of Gumball? Weird humor and creative multimedia. Anime (idk if anime is actually considered cartoons)? Lots of cultural significance and has made a huge impact and subculture in America. Hell, even kids shows? Comfort, nostalgia, and backround noise. Adult cartoons? New themes, problems, and humor in a familiar medium.
Saying cartoons are for kids is like ridiculing someone for reading a book just because you read a book once when you were little. Cartoons are a HUGE part of pop culture, and if you aren't watching you're missing out.


Fr, I've only heard good things about One Piece. One Piece as a whole is literally a record setter. This👏is👏history👏people👏


Amazing World of Gumball? Weird humor and creative multimedia.

WE STAN AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL. IT'S WHAT MY SIBLINGS AND I ALWAYS WATCH WHEN WE'RE ON VACATION. (Or when I'm bored and need something strange and wholesome to laugh at.)