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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

While I can't speak for the rest of the people on here, I was fine with y'alls conversation, thankfully, that stuff has no effect on me.
Also, Winter, that story about you and your friends was quite amusing.

Elias still isn't happy 😂 I know it had to hurt like a mother trucker. He's got a little goose egg on his lip amd his mom called me asking what happened a few hours ago 😂 of course I told her.

Oof, I hope he starts to feel better and isn't permanently scarred.

I could only imagine T's reaction after it happened, especially since you describe Elias as a 6'4 Viking! I'd be halfway to Mexico If I were in T's position. XD

Well T isn't smol he's a lil tubby but he's a linebacker so height wise Elias is taller but T is wider and it was a kinda even match. (But my money is on Elias 😉) Literally the smallest person weight wise would be Loga. He's like 115 pounds. I'm the shortest, at 5 feet tall and Elias is the tallest. T comes in at a solid 5' 10" and the rest fall in from there.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well T isn't smol he's a lil tubby but he's a linebacker so height wise Elias is taller but T is wider and it was a kinda even match. (But my money is on Elias 😉) Literally the smallest person weight wise would be Loga. He's like 115 pounds. I'm the shortest, at 5 feet tall and Elias is the tallest. T comes in at a solid 5' 10" and the rest fall in from there.

That's quite the group there!

Deleted user

Well T isn't smol he's a lil tubby but he's a linebacker so height wise Elias is taller but T is wider and it was a kinda even match. (But my money is on Elias 😉) Literally the smallest person weight wise would be Loga. He's like 115 pounds. I'm the shortest, at 5 feet tall and Elias is the tallest. T comes in at a solid 5' 10" and the rest fall in from there.

Wow! That's…wow.

My family is full of some pretty tall characters too, my shortest brother is 5'9 and the tallest is 6'4.
The rest of us mortals fall in the 5'5 and under. I don't know why I'm 5'5, and my twin is 6'3, but there ya go, life is weird.

Also, in answer to your question Sy, my day has been going neither great nor bad.

Deleted user

I just sat here trying to figure out what smells good for the past 30 minutes…. It's me. I forgot that I put cologne on earlier today. 😂

Gosh, that made me laugh and it's so relatable.
It's sort of like heading to the pond only to remember halfway there the only reason you left the house was to feed the horses, not to go fishing.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

The Flame (Future secret identity of Jason Flayme from Rising Flame): He has pyrokinetic abilities, can throw flames outward from his body, control/warp/shape fire into how he wants it.

Vortex (Oliver Jackson): He acts like a black hole, sucking anything and everything that gets in his way into his body.

Serpent: Has the ability to paralyze people with a single touch. By biting his opponent(s), he can deliver a neurotoxin that will slowly kill. By piercing skin with his nails, he delivers an acidic venom. He can move his body at ease like a serpent, hence the name.

Detox (Selena Levine): She wants to be good, but evil is all that she knows. She can take the natural poisons from a person's body, and turn them against the owner.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't want to be an asshole and deny that someone has trauma. But. Are you seriously calling a split lip trauma?

@tungsten fastfood

I don't want to be an asshole and deny that someone has trauma. But. Are you seriously calling a split lip trauma?

hmmmm??? where is that?

@Space group

I mean I had a experience when a broken Frisbee was thrown at me and cut my face open. Being that young and seeing that much blood can be traumatic ig

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't want to be an asshole and deny that someone has trauma. But. Are you seriously calling a split lip trauma?

hmmmm??? where is that?

Sy. 408.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Trauma is more along the lines of stab wounds, gun shot wounds, disfiguartion, loss of limbs, etc. But trauma is different for everyone.

Yeah I consider trauma to be long periods of severe mental unhealthiness or very scary experiences.