forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Space group

Hey guys… kinda have a question. I'm fixing my mental health and I honestly feel great now… and its mostly because of a certain person. He's a youtuber with around 3 million subscribers… And I know, you're probably thinking im some 10 year old fangirl… but no this is different. He made me feel better about myself, smile for the first time in months, understand and know myself. I've found myself.. falling in love with him. I think this is the first time truly being in love. it's not some stupid crush. The love doesn't include lust AT ALL. I want to protect him.. he seems broken and people are bullying him to the point he's deleted some of his content. I want nothing more than to make him happy, I haven't felt this strongly about anyone. I'd go to the ends of the earth just to see him smile, and that's my goal. How likely would a relationship be with him, in your opinion…?
There's an age gap though… (I'd be 21 and he'd be 28) I'm working to become a famous youtuber and maybe do collabs with him… but I have to wait a few years.. idk if I can do it. I'm willing to give anything to save and help him. I just want him to be happy… it physically hurts to see him depressed… so what do u guys think…?

@furetakunai ac_unit

There are a lot of factors that decide the likelihood of the relationship. His own feelings about you, if he knows you exist, distance, if he's okay with the age gap, etc, etc. But I'm not going to draw out my answer to include all of those things. I'll just flat out give you my opinion. It's unlikely. I'm not trying to hurt you when I say this, as it is just my.. I guess you could call it opinion. I understand the want to see someone happy and feelings of love and all of that. Those are all perfectly fine. And having unrequited love is okay too, it's all natural and nobody's fault. I'm sure that even if you can't be in a relationship with him, you can still support him and be a good person to him during his struggles.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Mhm, but hey, there are a lot of things in this world seen as unlikely but still happen. Take my words with a grain of salt. There's hope in every unlikely scenario.

@Space group

Thanks for trying not to hurt me. I know how I just said my mental health was doing better but my mom just kinda ruined it…. She started screaming at me and told me she wasnt going to do anything for me said I had to earn stuff, which by itself is fine, but the thing I have to "earn" is for her to be a good mother.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Hurting people has never really been a goal of mine, so no problem. But maybe consider reporting your mother or talking to a responsible adult about her. That doesn't sound like a safe environment.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hey guys… kinda have a question. I'm fixing my mental health and I honestly feel great now… and its mostly because of a certain person. He's a youtuber with around 3 million subscribers… And I know, you're probably thinking im some 10 year old fangirl… but no this is different. He made me feel better about myself, smile for the first time in months, understand and know myself. I've found myself.. falling in love with him. I think this is the first time truly being in love. it's not some stupid crush. The love doesn't include lust AT ALL. I want to protect him.. he seems broken and people are bullying him to the point he's deleted some of his content. I want nothing more than to make him happy, I haven't felt this strongly about anyone. I'd go to the ends of the earth just to see him smile, and that's my goal. How likely would a relationship be with him, in your opinion…?
There's an age gap though… (I'd be 21 and he'd be 28) I'm working to become a famous youtuber and maybe do collabs with him… but I have to wait a few years.. idk if I can do it. I'm willing to give anything to save and help him. I just want him to be happy… it physically hurts to see him depressed… so what do u guys think…?

Which Youtuber is it? Me personally, I think it's highly unlikely, but sometimes we're given the dice amd we roll a solid 20 instead of a 1. It's all up to fate and what God has planned. (Idk if you're religious or not, but I am and that is what I'm going to hope happens. I hope you roll a 20 instead of a 1, and get all you desire for your rough beginnings 🙃)


So, just as a disclaimer, I am also female and this talks about monthlies

So, my mother and sister don't like hearing about my monthlies, so I shut up about them, because I don't really talk about them or like talking about them either. But they think it is okay to just yell about their periods and use words they know I hate. And I get that this is a special time and they need someone to lean on and vent to. But both of them are always in the house at the same time and I don't want to hear it. I know I sound like a bitch and like a jerk for not caring, but my family knows I hate certain words and the way they describe stuff, but they just do it and I don't have the guts to say stop.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now listen here. Speak up. There will be no respect earned or lessons leared by other people if you don't say what words bother you. But don't be whiney about it. Be mature and poised. You want to be as regal as a reincarnated queen bent on world domination and do not stoop lower than that at all. Wear that crown and speak your mind. If they ask, say Winter told ya so. I'm here rooting for you, and I shall be your Viking mom as well. Come on into the weirdo internet family. 🙃

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just want to share all of my stupid music but I also, don't want to share all my stupid music because my brain is like, "Sthap you attention seeking terrible person, It's trash and they just be being nice."

Do it and I will listen to it! I'm bored and I need some new inspiration for characters and for meeeeee

Here is the most recent one.

Your voice is pretty. And the high pitched vibrato thing was interesting.


I just want to share all of my stupid music but I also, don't want to share all my stupid music because my brain is like, "Sthap you attention seeking terrible person, It's trash and they just be being nice."

Do it and I will listen to it! I'm bored and I need some new inspiration for characters and for meeeeee

Here is the most recent one.

Your voice is pretty. And the high pitched vibrato thing was interesting.

Thank you, I am not a soprano which I am sure you can tell so it's a bit out of my comfort zone.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I just want to share all of my stupid music but I also, don't want to share all my stupid music because my brain is like, "Sthap you attention seeking terrible person, It's trash and they just be being nice."

Do it and I will listen to it! I'm bored and I need some new inspiration for characters and for meeeeee

Here is the most recent one.

Your voice is pretty. And the high pitched vibrato thing was interesting.

Thank you, I am not a soprano which I am sure you can tell so it's a bit out of my comfort zone.

It's still beautiful!

Deleted user

I have an L.A. project overdue by two weeks and a Social Studies project overdue by one week and I still have yet to find the motivation to get them done so yay.


I did just now, thank you. I do listen to a lot of folk music so I'm not surprised that came through.
I don't know if that would hold up if I explained the lyrics but I suppose after it's penned and in the world it's up to the listeners interpretation.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

“When one born from two races, and another born of royalty meet, their bond shall become as bone. Both shall take claim on the darkness within, and a kingdom, now unknown, shall rise from the ashes like a phoenix.”

Any guesses on what this prophecy is about?


I cant figure out rhymes made for 2 yearolds right now so I doubt I can figure any of that out but I'll give it a go. Normally I'm reading Dante's Inferno but nope not at the moment.
So, Two people meet, and form some sort of relationship, they're from very different words, but this bond is very strong, it is not clear what kind of bond, popular interpretation may take it as romantic or friendship but I personally don't see why it couldn't be rivals or pure hatred and loathing. They're going to somehow overcome or control some sort of forgotten art from a forgotten age and bring it forward, the kingdom might be metaphorical? I get the feeling it's more of a way of thinking or living rather than actual people and buildings. That's as much brain power as I can spare on this right now.