forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I'm having similar issues, at the moment. I've been purposefully procrastinating doing my homework until we're supposed to have family time just to have an excuse to not spend more time with my family. I actually feel kinda bad about it. I feel justified at the same time though because every time my mother and I are within hearing range of one another we get into an argument and I really just don't want to deal with that. My mother is a micromanager and I very much do not want to be micromanaged, hence conflict.

@Anemone eco

But I'm not sure when Reed's going to be online if at all tomorrow, and I kinda don't wanna give it to them after their birthday… Though I don't want it to get buried if I just post it. Perhaps I should PM it to them.

@saor_illust school

ohno i've done it again. i not only forgot to make a birthday present, but i also forgot reed's birthday. someone just kill me now pls

on another note, i'm gonna post this here as well, since it isn't soley rp related. it's a half rant/vent. oh yea, and to give yall a lil insight into what happened like three hours ago to me, here's a quote I had. "If it keeps the thoughts away, it's worth the pain." ~Izzy // Anyways, without further ado, here's the thing I'm going to repost here.

I… am going to have to take a hiatus from Notebook, yet again. Well, obviously this means rps. But this one will be slightly different from the last one. It is going to be me taking a break from rps. With the toll that both quarantine and online school is taking on my mental health, I need to step back from them. As much as I absolutely love doing them, I am finding that my creativity and my mental health are at an all-time low. I'm dipping into depressive episodes much more frequently, and this- I just can't be stressed about replying to rps anymore. However, there is indeed one exception. One of the group rps I'm in, 'It's always raining in September,' I will be continuing, since there are so many people in it. But this will greatly lessen my workload on Notebook, seeing as it's only going to be one I'm working with. I apologise for any inconveniences, but it's for the better of my health, both physically and mentally.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just remembered that one time in 6th grade chorus when we were singing The Circle of Life
and they showed us the video and at the moment that Rafiki held Simba up
Everybody simultaneously screamed yeet
Even me and please note:
I was in a very bad mood that day and as a result not speaking
But it just came to me
I can't stop laughing

@Pickles group

And I though my siblings were petty…
I though I was pretty.

….. I'm wondering if you have siblings even remotely close to your age because you definitely should've done this by now. It's normal.

Deleted user

I don't have any siblings, just dogs.
Two dogs
I love them
my idiots

@saor_illust school

crashes in through the window

on another note, i has cat too
her name's curly, but i call her 'kitty' all the time lol

@Kie group

I've got two dogs, a cat, and a little sister (putting her in the same categories as my animals because she sucks).

@saor_illust school

frick im so sorry i just lost the window i have constantly open with all my rps that i still have to respond to at one point im so sorry yall i only remember a select few rps from the very long list