forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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You know, I'm just sitting in my room singing really quietly and I'm just cursing my siblings and this one guy I kinda sorta almost dated because they all told me to shhh every time I would sing and now because I listened to them I lost my upper vocal range and I'm going to have to work really hard to get it back. I worked on my vocal range for years and because I didn't use it for a solid year I'm back at the beginning and it's frustrating.

Deleted user



@saor_illust school

Well, this was on a Google Doc, (link shared) so I can ask her for her email, or if she emails me first (i gave her my personal email), I'll ask if I can share it with you guys in a PM or something

Deleted user

I just love crying in my corner of self doubt and depression while I question everything I’ve done and bully myself until I cry just so I can sleep.

Deleted user

My therapist told me to try and have fun. Yeah that’s TOTALLY working so far let me tell ya.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You know, I'm just sitting in my room singing really quietly and I'm just cursing my siblings and this one guy I kinda sorta almost dated because they all told me to shhh every time I would sing and now because I listened to them I lost my upper vocal range and I'm going to have to work really hard to get it back. I worked on my vocal range for years and because I didn't use it for a solid year I'm back at the beginning and it's frustrating.

Oh I know both feelings. I pity you.


I just love crying in my corner of self doubt and depression while I question everything I’ve done and bully myself until I cry just so I can sleep.

I hate to be blunt, but it gets boring trying to help you guys when it's the same things over and over again. We all deal with this stuff, but there comes a time when we need to just deal with what happens and move on. Don't dwell on your sadness because that's how you break yourself. "I'm already broken" - shut up. No you're not. You guys aren't insane and crying 24/7 and beating beaten to a pulp by your parent or guardian all the time. Holy shit. You get your mind twisted just because something minor happens all the time. I understand larger things happen, like getting into a fight with your parents, or you can't handle school or your siblings, but I don't go online and bitch, I suck it up and move on. Are you starving? Is your water clean? Do you have water at all or even a roof over your head? Yes you do (Hopefully). Do you get hung up on a tree and whipped every day? Do you have to hunt and scrounge scraps for food? Do you have to pound the pavement by working a shoddy salary job that you can't even make a living wage off of? No. Do you have schizophrenia? Are you LITERALLY insane? Are you hallucinating, are you on the brink of buying a shotgun and ending it all? Maybe. You say you do but I know none of you can. You don't have the gall. That's not a challenge, but it's true. Killing yourself is both the laziest and the hardest thing you can do. Don't do it because people love you, but don't sit there and say you want to die when really if you just toughen up you'll be okay for the time being. Obviously this is the venting chat and the place for venting, but seriously. MOVE. ON. It helps so much to put pain behind you. Don't just sit here and whine because crying doesn't do much to help you. I don't know how the fuck to help you, what do you want? Pity? I know, like me, that you're probably deprived of positive attention everywhere you go, but suck it up! Honestly! And I'm not talking to you specifically, Derpachu (nice name btw) but we all could spare the time to collect ourselves and talk a little more positively. Here's an example. "Hey I got my ass kicked at school and got called a Nig* and a Fag* but that's fine because the rest of my day was actually great" Instead of "I got called the worst things today so now my day is ruined and I'm going to make myself and everyone around me miserable just like I am and fish for pity because that'll definitely help me". I understand we all could use to vent once and a while, but for Satan's sake just fucking see the good in life for once. (If I was too serious, please let me know, I'm not trying to call anyone out or make anyone feel horrible.) Thank you. Good day.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Logan, that was not cool. You pretty much invalidated everything people had going on. This isn't your chat and it certainly isn't your place to tell people to shut up. People venting about their problems isn't "bitching" and in fact, it seems like you're the one bitching here. You don't what peoples' lives are like, so don't go acting as if you do. You said completely disregarded people feeling damaged and abused. You know words have consequences, right? What if you saying this made someone feel like no one actually cared about them or their problems anymore and that they had no reason to stay alive? Then what will you do? Will you say "I'm sorry" and move on with your life knowing that you ended someone else's? You don't know the miracles that people online can do. Being online saved my life, but no, you wouldn't know that. You said I should stop getting online. Okay, buddy. Sure.


I just love crying in my corner of self doubt and depression while I question everything I’ve done and bully myself until I cry just so I can sleep.

I hate to be blunt, but it gets boring trying to help you guys when it's the same things over and over again. We all deal with this stuff, but there comes a time when we need to just deal with what happens and move on. Don't dwell on your sadness because that's how you break yourself. "I'm already broken" - shut up. No you're not. You guys aren't insane and crying 24/7 and beating beaten to a pulp by your parent or guardian all the time. Holy shit. You get your mind twisted just because something minor happens all the time. I understand larger things happen, like getting into a fight with your parents, or you can't handle school or your siblings, but I don't go online and bitch, I suck it up and move on. Are you starving? Is your water clean? Do you have water at all or even a roof over your head? Yes you do (Hopefully). Do you get hung up on a tree and whipped every day? Do you have to hunt and scrounge scraps for food? Do you have to pound the pavement by working a shoddy salary job that you can't even make a living wage off of? No. Do you have schizophrenia? Are you LITERALLY insane? Are you hallucinating, are you on the brink of buying a shotgun and ending it all? Maybe. You say you do but I know none of you can. You don't have the gall. That's not a challenge, but it's true. Killing yourself is both the laziest and the hardest thing you can do. Don't do it because people love you, but don't sit there and say you want to die when really if you just toughen up you'll be okay for the time being. Obviously this is the venting chat and the place for venting, but seriously. MOVE. ON. It helps so much to put pain behind you. Don't just sit here and whine because crying doesn't do much to help you. I don't know how the fuck to help you, what do you want? Pity? I know, like me, that you're probably deprived of positive attention everywhere you go, but suck it up! Honestly! And I'm not talking to you specifically, Derpachu (nice name btw) but we all could spare the time to collect ourselves and talk a little more positively. Here's an example. "Hey I got my ass kicked at school and got called a Nig* and a Fag* but that's fine because the rest of my day was actually great" Instead of "I got called the worst things today so now my day is ruined and I'm going to make myself and everyone around me miserable just like I am and fish for pity because that'll definitely help me". I understand we all could use to vent once and a while, but for Satan's sake just fucking see the good in life for once. (If I was too serious, please let me know, I'm not trying to call anyone out or make anyone feel horrible.) Thank you. Good day.

Wow Sporks, that was absolutely terrible.

This is a good example of what you're not supposed to do, not only in this chat but also generally in life too. Let me explain.

First off, the "advice" you give is the complete opposite of what any good therapist will tell you (I would know, I've had two). Riddle me this: if a random person online says to do the opposite of a trained professional specifically suited for that one subject, who are you going to believe? That's a rhetorical question. Of course you're going to believe the professional, because it is their job and they have recieved all the education and specialized training they need in order to help their clients as much as possible.

Secondly, not only are you giving out wrong "advice" but you are also belittling and invalidating literally everyone who has ever had a problem. Whatever you suggest is always something along the lines of repression, which never works, by the way. You can only get so far with that kind of mentality before everything comes back all at once in explosions, like what you just did right then. Everyone needs to vent, to let out there emotions. To feel and acknowledge their negative sides, and to then accept them, validate them, and continue on while feeling better. Everyone deals with situations differently because everyone is different. Some may not be able to take all that much, while others try to take every little thing. But that little release they get from venting makes a world of difference to them. And that is what matters.

Besides, this is the Venting Chat, what did you expect would happen? That everything was going to somehow be big and momentous? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but life doesn't work like that.

It doesn't matter what they're ranting about, whether it be big or small or more under the surface, just so long as they are free to rant about it in a safe, friendly environment, of which you just ruined. So congrats on making everyone feel horrible for having and expressing negative emotions, even though you just did the exact same thing you shamed others for doing.


Lastly, everything you stated seemed very much like regurgitated statements. Specifically, statements parents tell their children when the adults don't know how to handle children who are different from them, even though that's how children usually are (different from their parents). Hearing stuff like that definitely has the potential to trigger the people on here, because it seems to be a generational thing–believing that repression is always the answer (news flash: it's not). But more importantly, this leads me to believe that you haven't been hearing anything other than that from adults, whom you may respect and look up to, but really don't know what they're talking about.

If you're living in a household like this, with a mindset like this, I'm not suprised the only way you could explode is online and at others, specifically others who seem to be doing the exact opposite of what you were told to do your entire life.

This is complete speculation, of course. I don't know you or your home life or your situation in general. I'm just trying to understand what would lead a person to give such an uneducated, invalidating, and all-around demeaning post of everyone who thinks and acts differently.


Logan, that was not cool. You pretty much invalidated everything people had going on. This isn't your chat and it certainly isn't your place to tell people to shut up. People venting about their problems isn't "bitching" and in fact, it seems like you're the one bitching here. You don't what peoples' lives are like, so don't go acting as if you do. You said completely disregarded people feeling damaged and abused. You know words have consequences, right? What if you saying this made someone feel like no one actually cared about them or their problems anymore and that they had no reason to stay alive? Then what will you do? Will you say "I'm sorry" and move on with your life knowing that you ended someone else's? You don't know the miracles that people online can do. Being online saved my life, but no, you wouldn't know that. You said I should stop getting online. Okay, buddy. Sure.

Having people online saved me too, and I never said you should stop getting online, "Buddy"


Nothing I ever say makes anyone care about anything at all. I might as well stop fucking talking. Fuck you guys! Maybe my rant meant something, I wasn't "invalidating" your feelings, jesus fucking christ

@Pickles group

No, it literally told us you're sick of us being sad. And I hate to be "that person" but jyn was right. You do sound like Onision. Stop playing the victim here.