forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I feel like you guys are gigantic cowards and can't handle harsh language or anything negative in this world. Honestly please grow up. I didn't say anything bad towards anyone or invalidate what others are going through. I just went on a rant.
But why would my opinions matter lol

Deleted user

You went on a rant directly pinned to someone else’s rant, and started it with “ I hate to be blunt, but it gets boring trying to help you guys when it's the same things over and over again.“


Holy shit classic me making everyone around me fucking miserable. Fuck you guys, grow a damn pair once in a while.

"Grow a pair" is used for confidence and courage, of which I certainly have enough to have given you a response of that magnitude. And seeing how you didn't respond to it leads me to believe that you may have to be the one to "grow a pair" here–to own up to your actions and the consequences they bring.

Not only that, but you did say to tell you if you made anyone feel horrible, of which the current census reveals that yes, you did. And instead of hearing them out with an open mind, invalidated them again by repeating "fuck you guys".

Also, you are not the one to judge if you invalidated someone or not. That is up to the individual, not to you. If the individual feels invalidated, then that is what they feel, and you cannot argue with them on something only they can know in this interaction.

Deleted user

Then when someone points you out for it, you attack them and yourself for no reason. We’re not trying to antagonize you, we’re trying to protect the people on this chat.


Well sorry for having an opinion? Is my opinion not good enough for you guys? Sorry I wasn't raised to be a fucking baby

Deleted user

It’s not an opinion if it’s a fucking insult. How about you just fuck off and let people have their own problems rather than one upping them to your own?

Is that what you’d prefer? Me not explain what you did wrong in an outside perspective and just swear? Because you were talking to Kylee. I should be more pissed off. She’s my best friend, I brought her onto this site, and not for her to be used as your fucking cumrag.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I'm sorry Spork.. but I have to agree with literally everyone else here. Yes it may have been a rant that meant something to you, but for me and probably many others that entire post was HORRIBLE to read. I actually wanna cry right now because of it. I'm not sure what I can say to explain how much that hurt. But I can say this.
You don't know what I'm going through. Therefore you have zero say in what I vent about and when, and where. Maybe that one kid in my class calling me names is really hurting because I'm trying to deal with the death of a pet or family member. YOU CAN'T KNOW FOR SURE Therefore you have absolutely no right to tell me or anyone else to "suck it up" Maybe that one little vent about a bad day is trying to get some positive feedback to look on the bright side when you feel like you physically can't.
Bottom line. You have no right to tell people to "suck it up" or "get over it." That's wrong, and just plain mean.


I feel like you guys are gigantic cowards and can't handle harsh language or anything negative in this world.

Says the one who is failing to handle the backlash of something you said. If we were the cowards, then explain why we are speaking up to you and your actions? Furthermore, why do you want us to be cowards? You want people to be scared of you? To listen only to you? To not let you know when you crossed the line? To let you do whatever you damn well please because you're the only one that matters here and not everyone else too?

Honestly please grow up.

Suprise: I'm an adult. And if you want, more adults can get involved if one speaking sense just isn't enough for you.

I didn't say anything bad towards anyone or invalidate what others are going through. I just went on a rant.

Falsehood. You had an entire negative rant about people "whining" on this site, in this chat, directly quoting someone who was just using this chat for its intended purpose.

Not to mention the fact that your entire rant was about all of the other people in this chat, including the moderator. If I'm remembering correctly, this directly violates a rule from the chat, and could end up getting you banned (or in Ella's case: politely asking that you leave).

But why would my opinions matter lol

And that's gaslighting. Just thought I'd let you know, since you seem a bit distraught and may not have caught your error.

@Pickles group

Holy shit classic me making everyone around me fucking miserable. Fuck you guys, grow a damn pair once in a while.

Still wanna talk about how you aren't playing the victim?


I'm sorry for telling you guys to suck it up. That's all I grew up with so it's normal to me. It's very difficult for me to share compassion with others because I was just raised to be alone and not care about anyone basically. Sorry for telling you to grow up. I did not mean age, and I sure know many adults that need to grow up. Not you though. You're fine, Red. Emi, sorry for throwing you into my rage. I suppose I shouldn't come back? All I do is bring negativity, or at least that's what people say, including my "parents," so should I leave? Nobody besides maybe Ella and Pookie even care for my opinion in the slightest. I'm NOT ASKING FOR ATTENTION OR PITY. I AM NOT PLAYING THE VICTIM. I just want to let it be known (I mean it already is) that I don't really serve a purpose besides, I don't know, helping a few people out of suicide and other things.

I'm very sorry, and I'm going to take a bit of a break from here for a little since I know you all deserve it… <3 peace

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Just gonna say Sporks, that honestly, just because your parents raised you to be one way, doesn't mean they're right, or that you have to stay that way. Your parents don't choose who you are so don't blame them.


Moderator here-
No one’s getting banned, nor will they be politely asked to leave.
Yes, that comment violated multiple rules, and I’m not gonna pretend it didn’t-
But I don’t think it’s ban-worthy.
I want this to be a place that’s open to anyone if they ever need it.
People have problems, and sometimes they need support for them. I’m not gonna refuse to help them simply because of things they’ve done in the past-
That would be super fricking hypocritical of me, as someone who’s been banned from multiple chats for being a complete and total a-hat towards my own friends.
So yeah, while I definitely don’t approve of that comment, I’m not gonna hate them for it, nor will I ban them.
Everyone is allowed to be here.
And yes, that includes Death Man.


Thank you for taking a step back and genuinely apologizing. It takes guts to admit when you're wrong.

A word from the wise: be kind to yourself. I know it may seem odd or out-of-place, but as you go on your break, please keep it in mind. I may not know exactly what you're going through, but I do know that it's hard and affecting you harshly. When the people in your life, specifically your parents, seem against you, be kind to yourself. You may not know your full purpose yet, and that's okay. I still don't completely know mine either.

Take care of yourself. Fare thee well.

Deleted user

You know what? It takes a strong person to state there opinion, it takes an even stronger person to take a step back. I use the venting chat personally to get stuff of my chest, posting stuff here lightings the weight of my chest. I know how it is to be irrational in the moment which you were justified with past experiences by the way most of the time when I’m pissy I am not. I respect someone who can apologize.