forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@faltering-through pets


that's right bitch

ah yes exactly what i needed today

don't start em

said nothing to even remotely begin anything

You aren't going to make me leave again.
If it weren't for some of the others– Especially Amber and @ApatheticLoser– I still wouldn't be here.
Hell, I wouldn't be here. At all.
So I'm just saying right off the bat.
Don't. Start.

I just want y'all to know, especially Blurry-
That no matter how you act, there is always a reason for it (though sometimes you may hurt others in the process). Some people may be going through some shit and if you can't understand that, or you know that you are making the situation worse by talking to them, then just don't bother talking to them, even if your intentions are well ment. Some people just need space and a break.
Some people don't know to express themselves and i get that because im like that too, and they may come off the wrong the wrong way, but we just really need help and we're trying to ask for help the only way we know how, or vent as much as we can so we can get our system back in control


Well… feck. Guess who's here to pay a visit to this bean right here? That's right, a n x i e t y. Fun. Which means, giant block of anxiety-induced text, here we come.

So I was just sitting here, folding origami flapping dragons as party favours for my birthday party this Sunday, right? And all of a sudden I start thinking about the Rudeness chat for no reason at all, and then that brings up like the one or two times I was ignored in any chat at all, not necessarily the Rudeness chat, (actually one was in the Venting chat) and then I started getting paranoid about getting ignored if I post anything at all and also as I write this I realize this sounds really dumb and maybe that was just a wave of anxiety?? Idk. I'll just keep this here, in case anxiety decides to come visit me again. Hopefully it won't, and I won't have to post this.

Well I guess that didn't work out. Guess who's back? Yup, you guessed it. This time, with a whole 'nother thing. Judgement. I hate feeling like I'm going to be judged, and that's why the only place I actually feel safe enough to vent to at all is Notebook… and realizing that makes me realize that maybe… it's time to take a break from Discord, only this time it's going to be announced. But… I really don't want to leave Discord, since I have a lot of friends on there who excusively use Discord for social media, which means I'll lose contact with them… Anyways back to judgement. I hate being judged, which is why I hate auditioning, and why I hate seatings. (If you don't do orchestras or stuff outside of school, you won't get it since I'm not going to explain it right now because anxiety). It's like, the people just sit there. And they judge me, while their eyes bore into my soul, and they're not even looking for what I do well, but rather if I do anything wrong. And I know that's really paranoid but like, anxiety, okay:? And then seatings, they sit there and judge me, and then there's all this pressure to get the best spot while I'm just like, I don't care how well I do outside of school. It's just orchestra, and I'm not that competitive anyways… but everyone else is like obsessing over it…

Ugh I guess this turned into more of a vent than anxiety but like, two cases of anxiety, though luckily they passed quite quickly… Idek if that was anxiety. *Heck, Jay was the one who first told me when I was having an anxiety attack. Yeah…

Y'know what, maybe I'll just sit here talking to a fecking computer because judgement issues and paranoia and stuff…
or I'l just edit this to put on a mask or something? (Edit: to clarify, I meant by pretending my anxiety or whatever that was wasn't as bad as I was thinking in that moment when I had it.) Idkkkkkk
but like I need to tell someone and this is really annoying meeeee

Okay. Deep breaths. Jay and Ella and everyone are nice. …right? Right. I just have to trust them… aghhhh stoopid anxiety or whatever it is… stop making me question like the nicest people on earth!!!! I can do this. …but without paranoia and feeling like I'm going to be judged? That's not going to happen anytime soon, so I guess I'll just post this, and then stay awake checking Notebook every three seconds until I get a response that proves my paranoia wrong. (Which is probably going to happen, since there's only about 0.00001% of people on here that are actually mean.){Another Edit: honestly, I have no idea what I meant by that. But uh- I'm only half-awake so…}

I go through the same exact thing almost every day and I'm so sorry you have to go through it too. In fact, I think know you are very strong, just because you were able to post this and keep it up. Do you know how many times I post a rant or a vent about my anxiety and self-doubt and self-consciousness only to either never post it or delete 5 seconds later? I'm actually very proud of you for posting this. I feel you so much on the judgment problems. I literally can't speak in front of people without my voice stuttering every 3 seconds, my words getting jumbled into incomprehensibility, and shaking like a chihuahua. The only advice I can give you on that is keep practicing. I practicing gettig up in front of people and talking sounds like the worse thing ever, but it's good to push yourself. I for some reason put myself in Dramatic Speech, which is literally just talking in front of people. The thing that helps me most is, these kids are also too worried about talking to judge you. In fact, they'll be relieved your talking and not them.
I would write more but I've got to go get ready for school. Love ya, Izzy!

Deleted user

I talked with my therapist last night and I’m being signed up (hopefully) for Brooklane’s PHP program.

Deleted user

I’m gonna come clean that every time someone has had an argument that involves the usual suspects, I have ranted about it to my manager just because he listens.
Everything starting with a certain furry RPer that we don’t like, to the events of last week with someone having a break down and leaving. Just letting you know.
If there has been an argument in either the Venting Chat or the Rudeness Chat, my manager knows about it, and boy does he find it funny 😂 (usually because he likes seeing me so stressed)

There's a FURRY on here????? EWWWWWWWWW who is it?

@saor_illust school

ummm yes. you should be studying wolfheart. and if you aren't taking honors math (in which case the threshold for doing below a failing grade is higher) try to keep your grades up! it's okay if you can't at this point, I currently have C in English aha

@saor_illust school

I go through the same exact thing almost every day and I'm so sorry you have to go through it too. In fact, I think know you are very strong, just because you were able to post this and keep it up. Do you know how many times I post a rant or a vent about my anxiety and self-doubt and self-consciousness only to either never post it or delete 5 seconds later? I'm actually very proud of you for posting this. I feel you so much on the judgment problems. I literally can't speak in front of people without my voice stuttering every 3 seconds, my words getting jumbled into incomprehensibility, and shaking like a chihuahua. The only advice I can give you on that is keep practicing. I practicing gettig up in front of people and talking sounds like the worse thing ever, but it's good to push yourself. I for some reason put myself in Dramatic Speech, which is literally just talking in front of people. The thing that helps me most is, these kids are also too worried about talking to judge you. In fact, they'll be relieved your talking and not them.
I would write more but I've got to go get ready for school. Love ya, Izzy!

thank you jay, that helped a lot.

Deleted user

there is nothing wrong with furries in my opinion, even though I’m not a furry.


there is nothing wrong with furries in my opinion, even though I’m not a furry.

they're mostly harmless but a very very large part of them have really disgusting views on things that are directly tied to the whole furry thing itself
also a lot of it descends into borderline bestiality


there is nothing wrong with furries in my opinion, even though I’m not a furry.

they're mostly harmless but a very very large part of them have really disgusting views on things that are directly tied to the whole furry thing itself
also a lot of it descends into borderline bestiality

it's actually not the majority that's like that, but ok boomer

Deleted user

there is nothing wrong with furries in my opinion, even though I’m not a furry.

they're mostly harmless but a very very large part of them have really disgusting views on things that are directly tied to the whole furry thing itself
also a lot of it descends into borderline bestiality

Actually, I’ve met some very kind, non sexual furries. Just like most communities, it’s seen by the bad people lingering in the fandom.

Deleted user

ummm yes. you should be studying wolfheart. and if you aren't taking honors math (in which case the threshold for doing below a failing grade is higher) try to keep your grades up! it's okay if you can't at this point, I currently have C in English aha

Dang, you do honors?


it's actually not the majority that's like that, but ok boomer


Actually, I’ve met some very kind, non sexual furries. Just like most communities, it’s seen by the bad people lingering in the fandom.

yeah i've met some good ones too

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

ummm yes. you should be studying wolfheart. and if you aren't taking honors math (in which case the threshold for doing below a failing grade is higher) try to keep your grades up! it's okay if you can't at this point, I currently have C in English aha

Yes I should probably study, do I care at this point? No. This is partly my mom and guidance councilor's fault, who said I didnt need the brigde course from Grade 9 applied, and grade 10 academic, but here we are!
(I probably won't fail… maybe…)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

ummm yes. you should be studying wolfheart. and if you aren't taking honors math (in which case the threshold for doing below a failing grade is higher) try to keep your grades up! it's okay if you can't at this point, I currently have C in English aha

Dang, you do honors?

Academic. But I had applied last year. (Top of the class)
But I also didn't take the bridge course because the adults said I didn't need it.