forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


Guys I saw this girl I like crying in spanish class and she said now three guys have cheated on her, but she is actually like the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I wrote her a letter and gave her my number in case she needs to talk it through or anything. Later, I saw her sitting on a bench outside of Target (a store, in case you don't know) and I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't control my nerves or my dangerously high heart rate, so I didn't, then she got up and left. I then proceeded to cry because of my missed opportunity. I now hate myself because of it. She hasn't texted back, what should I do?


I think you should give her some time. Try to talk to her more often in Spanish class, and don't cry just because you missed one opportunity to talk to her outside of a fricking Target (I'm in MI so I know what those are). Nerves suck, man. I know. You don't need to beat yourself up over it though. The fact that you did help her out first is really cool and she probably thinks you're a cool person too. Take it one step at a time, my friend.

@Pickles group

I lost my precalc folder that has all my notes (and a bunch of bad drawings on them) plus all my music and I have a flute lesson tonight so I don't know what I'm gonna do
I can make a copy of one of my pieces but the rest are for concert band and I don't have anything I can copy them from
I really hope no one finds it cause if they do they're gonna see my name and a bunch of bad doodles


I think you should give her some time. Try to talk to her more often in Spanish class, and don't cry just because you missed one opportunity to talk to her outside of a fricking Target (I'm in MI so I know what those are). Nerves suck, man. I know. You don't need to beat yourself up over it though. The fact that you did help her out first is really cool and she probably thinks you're a cool person too. Take it one step at a time, my friend.

Thanks fren

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I lost my precalc folder that has all my notes (and a bunch of bad drawings on them) plus all my music and I have a flute lesson tonight so I don't know what I'm gonna do
I can make a copy of one of my pieces but the rest are for concert band and I don't have anything I can copy them from
I really hope no one finds it cause if they do they're gonna see my name and a bunch of bad doodles

Good luck, Pickles.


ok so, first two nights attempting to sleep without my pills? i went to bed later than usual and ALMOST didn't get up for school but i could do it
the third night going to bed without my pills?
terrible, i couldn't sleep for a long time 'nd i in fact slept in today
and i now have a headache too so i'm disappoint @ myself AND grumpy and in pain

Deleted user

Apparently my heart problems a lie. Bruh wtf. According to my sister and brother in law I’m faking it for attention.
Has a diagnosis from a doctor who specializes in hearts


This is only the second day I’ve had my plants for my science fair project and I’ve already dropped a plant twice wHY DO I KEEP DOING THISSSSSSSSS
And my sister’s asleep so I can’t do anything about it right now!
plus I still have no idea what I’m doing for the writing contest

Deleted user

bro I wish I was confident enough to hug my crush. Anytime I wanna do anything I just don’t do it and most likely have a mental breakdown because I didn’t. I can’t do anything right.

Deleted user

I wouldn’t say my vents are important, most of them are me being pissy about being a pussy and not doing anything because my anxiety hates me. Or I want to die, yeah that’s a thing I talk about. I really need a lot more help, my therapist helps to a certain degree, and the only time that I’m happy is around Emi or my crush. Either then that, I just sit there and try to fake a smile or laugh.

Deleted user

When someone {irl} calls you out big time and you're just laying there sick like pLEASE STOP

Deleted user

Hi can I be petty about my art for like, two seconds?

Ok. so how did I manage to do ANYTHING without shading it afterwards???

I was looking at early stages of a piece I did a few weeks ago and I made my fluffy man look like a Demon incarnate without that shading



how did I actually and honestly do anything, look at it when it was done without shading, and decide, yeah, I like that!!


@saor_illust school

this isn't me venting, but well, uh, I have a message from Jay. You may or may not know her, but her tag is @Jay-Marae-is-in-an-emotional-maze and uh, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but here's the message. -deep breath in preparation to copy paste this-

Hey, I don’t know when you’re going to see this, but I just wanted to let you know that I won’t be on Notebook anymore unfortunately. My mom found out, went through all my messages and a couple of chats including the Rudeness Chat, and saw some swearing and stuff. She yelled at me and told me some random bs about how I don’t know these people and they’re swearing and there could be a predator or some crap, and now I’m banned. Don’t you love it when you’re parents give you no privacy or freedom and go through personal stuff with some personal feelings because you don’t like people looking over your shoulder at your screen so they feel the very rude need to look through your entire laptop, making you trust them even less because you don’t trust them with your feelings anyways? Fun. Anyways, if anyone asks tell them I miss them and I really hope one day I can come back on. Love ya’ll. ~Jay