forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I don’t wanna sleep. I don’t wanna. You can’t make me. I’m gonna blast music in my ears and go to school without sleep >:3

Deleted user

the curse hath struck we thrice today. It is a sign.

haha it is no longer my burden to bear, Eris

keep that in mind

this was a threat

Deleted user

the curse hath struck we thrice today. It is a sign.

haha it is no longer my burden to bear, Eris

keep that in mind

this was a threat

what the hell

Deleted user


ohh boy

what the hell

christ I can't be amused about a stew conversation?

Deleted user

EMI– take it back.
I will wipe this curse on your adorbs face

Deleted user

What is the absolute worst music to sleep to? I sleep to music with a google home, and I need to know what not to sleep to.

Deleted user

What is the absolute worst music to sleep to? I sleep to music with a google home, and I need to know what not to sleep to.

Despacito. You’ll want to die.

Deleted user

A song with a lot of bass at a high volume.

Well darn, Savage Ga$p's entire discography is off the list now.


What is the absolute worst music to sleep to? I sleep to music with a google home, and I need to know what not to sleep to.

BRACE FOR FRICKING IMPACT by Camellia isn't very good for sleeping
but other than that i dunno
haven't tried listening to any others

Deleted user

What is the absolute worst music to sleep to? I sleep to music with a google home, and I need to know what not to sleep to.

Deleted user

I first saw this video in middle school and I thought it had been deleted

i am so glad to be proven wrong today

I can confidently say to my past self that things get better, now

Deleted user

What is the absolute worst music to sleep to? I sleep to music with a google home, and I need to know what not to sleep to.

That my jam. I thought it was deleted. Thank you.

Deleted user

What is the absolute worst music to sleep to? I sleep to music with a google home, and I need to know what not to sleep to.

That my jam. I thought it was deleted. Thank you.

I come to serve.