forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

When your friend can't go to an event with you and suddenly you get big time lonely and your depression goes up by 2000000%


I want to eat more ramen, but my fit brawny side is like, ''Nay, you must not, you already had two servings in that other fucking pack with one billion grams of salt"

and my fat side is like,

"heheee tasteee"

the fat side is winning

Eat the ramen

I found cheese puffs but i still want the ramen

oh big mood

@saor_illust school

hhhhh i just came back from an orchestra rehearsal and we had seatings today and it was the big stressful
(note: seatings is basically where you have to leave rehearsal and play parts of the pieces you're playing and depending on how well you do, you get your final spot (like where you sit). and the lower number your seat is the better you did essentially)
hhhh i messed up so bad on the vivaldi we're doing but then i did fine on the tchaikovsky and the other song

Deleted user

Do you ever see a photo of food that looks so good you physically moan or am I just dumb


I haven’t with food pictures but there have been multiple occasions where I’m scrolling through Instagram and see artwork so stunningly amazing and perfect that I make an awkward screaming noise and then stare in disbelief for 10 straight minutes to see if I can magically absorb the artist’s powers

I was about to say “yeah except it wasn’t exactly food” but then I realized how hecking weird that sounds without context-

Deleted user

I was about to say “yeah except it wasn’t exactly food” but then I realized how hecking weird that sounds without context-


Deleted user

Someone bring me a Starbucks iced black coffee

I'm waiting